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It was a Friday morning, Emma was sitting on the subway with Hope who was standing on the shared seat, looking out the window on the 7 train. The mother and daughter were heading to Queens to the New York Hall of Science Museum. She found online that toddlers are free admission at certain times on Fridays and Saturdays. Henry was at school.

Killian was hesitant with his pregnant swan traveling on the subway with their little love, he just returned from a bike ride with Hope. "Swan, are you sure? Stroller and Hope?"

"Hope and I will be fine."

"Okay, call me if you need anything even though we will be a borough apart."

"Aww, my hero." They kiss. Killian leaves for work.

The train was going on the bridge to Queens, "Mama!"

Emma faces her daughter, "What do you see out there?" She shifts to the window to get a better look of the ocean over the bridge to Queens. "Yes, there is the ocean!"


"That is right water. We are over a bridge." Hope pats the window. Emma chuckles.

When the train into a tunnel, Hope hugged her Mommy. "Yes, we are under a tunnel."


"Yes, baby Ian."

"Ian!" She hugged her daughter.

Emma sets Hope in her stroller, when it is there stopped and pushed her daughter out of the subway train. "Hopey, we are at our stop." A man helped carry the stroller ahead as Emma held the back. "There is an elevator for the rest of the way."

"Thank you so much for your help."

"You are welcome."

Emma waddled and pushed the stroller to the elevator and pressed the ground-level button. The elevator went up. "We are going up."


"Yes, we are going up." She pushed her daughter outside to street level and waddled to the New York Hall of Science Museum. "We are at a museum. Hope babbles. "Yes, we are going to have fun."

The mother and daughter went around to different exhibits with light, heat, and static electricity. Between bathroom breaks for herself and changing diapers, Emma was tired and had to sit to rest. She and Hope ate snacks she brought from home. When Hope was napping, she waddle to different exhibits, which she was very interested in and they were all interactive, the Human Plus exhibit, for strength and the Design Lab. She was able to see children of all ages enjoying having fun in science.

When Hope was awake, they went to other interactive exhibits age appropriate for her daughter. They went to the Connected Worlds and the Happiness Experiment. At each exhibit, Emma would read the information to her daughter. She enjoyed seeing her daughter having fun exploring different experiments and learning at the same time.

At the Preschool Experiment exhibit, Emma exhausted, watches Hope running around. around at each exhibit. She felt her son kick inside of her. "You will play with sister at the fun exhibits soon."

"Mama!" Hope tugs her Mama's hand.

"What do you want to show me?" Hope babbles and leads her Mama to a ball put. "Oh, you are showing me toys."

Hope takes a ball out of the ball pit. "Mama."

"We can play in the ball pit." Hope babbles. "Yes, you can sit in the ball pit." She helped her daughter climb in and sit in the ball pit. Hope screams in joy.

"Yay!" She clapped her hands. Emma takes a photo of her daughter on her iPhone and texts it to Killian.

Meanwhile, Killian had a very busy day at the docks. Even though he was very busy, he still had his iPhone not on silent for his swan. During his break, he enjoyed seeing the photos that his wife sent him of herself and Hope in the museum exhibits and mother & daughter selfies. His two lasses are having a fun mother-and-daughter day.

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