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Summer ended, and now it is the fall season. Henry started the 8th grade. In the mornings, Emma would walk with Henry to the bus stop pushing Hope in the stroller with Killian. She and Killian took turns calming down Hope when Henry's school bus leaves. Emma and ope were spending time at the library while Killian was on patrol. She and Hope were in the children's section. Belle smiles seeing Emma carrying a pile of books to the circulation desk. "Is this all your borrowing?"

"Yes." Hope babbles. "Hope, we have 10 books for us to read, baby duckling."

Belle scanned the books. "Hope loves books just like her big brother."

"Yes, she does." She takes the books from Belle and places in the books in the tricycle stroller. "Hope, time to go bye-bye." Hope waves at Belle.

"Bye, Hope."

"Let's go on your bike." She helps Hope onto her tricycle stroller. Belle holds the door open for Emam and Hope. "Thank you, Belle."

"You are welcome, Emma."

The mother and daughter left the library. She pushed Hope in a tricycle stroller home. Hope babbles. "Yes, we are passing by the bread shop." She enjoyed hearing her daughter talk. After lunch, she puts her daughter down for her afternoon nap. "Sweet dreams, Hope. You had a very fun morning at the library."

Killian returned home when Emma was going down the steps. "Hello, love."

"Hi, honey." They kiss.

"How was the library?"

"Hope chose 10 books to borrow. I read her The Ugly Duckling before her nap. Even though, I borrowed10 books.." He laughs. "Hope is napping. Henry is not home, we have the house to ourselves..."

He smiles. "Aye, I know where this is going." He lifted his swan and carried her to the couch.

They began making out on their brown couch. She stops kissing and giggles. "What about Henry?"

"He is with Regina in his office. He is not coming home anytime soon."


"Napping in her bedroom upstairs. She won't be hearing us all the way upstairs."

She chuckles. They kiss. Emma falls on her back on the couch. She giggles. "What about my parents?"

He leans closer to her, "Trust me, they do not want to see this." He kisses her.

"I need to take my jacket off." She tries to shrug her red leather jacket off.

"It is fine."

She smiles, "Really?"

"I like your red leather jacket, love." Emma laughs.

They continue to make out, she was reaching over him until they felt a big rumble, shaking the house. Killian sees the glass on the coffee table shaking.

Emma stops kissing him and looks too. "What the heck?"

"We got to find out." They got up from the couch. Killian rushes upstairs to get Hope from her crib.

The family went out to see a hot air blimp floating above their house. They followed it to a field, where a crowd was gathering including Regina, Snow White, the Charmings, Robinhood, and Henry who were all there. A very pale man with dark brown hair in a suite was facing the crown."People of Storybrooke, I am Hyde. I own this town now."

Regina, "This is not your town."

"Oh yes, it is. Rumplestiltskin gave me the town. Now, I own this town." Everyone in the crowd was mad or scared. Emma was gripping her daughter in her arms. Killian was mad knowing it was the crocodile's plan. "I am not the only one new in town. I brought many people with unfinished stories which are going to play here." Emma and Killian realized that is why Rumplestiltskin had been so quiet since they prevented his plan from happening. He was plotting a plan ever since.

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