He Is Back

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Emma returns home from searching for the Wicked Witch at the farmhouse, while her family slept in. She did not want her children anywhere near the villain. She returns back to the inn finding Killian building Hope's walker in the living room. "Morning."

"Morning, swan." They kiss. "Any luck on finding the Wicked Witch?"

"No sign of her, which I have to tell everyone at the meeting at Granny's. You are up early?"

"Aye, I wanted to build Hope's walker, I want our little lass to begin to move her legs."

Emma smiles. "Hope needs to move her legs since she was in the carrier most of the day yesterday."

"Hope was very happy to be with us while we were snooping around."

"She takes after both of us."

He holds his wife's hand. "Emma, I know you are nervous about today...." He gives her a hug, she feels safe in his arms. "Everything is going to be okay."

"After the meeting at Granny's, I do not want the kids to be on the witch hunt with us like yesterday putting them at risk of magic danger."

" I can stay here with Henry and Hope. I promised the lad that we get boy time. I want to spend time with both of my children. I know their Mommy needs to be the savior."

"I just want to be with both of our children not fighting a villain but I know that I need to get this witch so they can be safe."

"Aye, I know you can do it, Emma. When you come home, both of our children will be very happy to see you."

They got ready for the day, Emma got Hope ready for the day, dressing her daughter up even when Hope was fast asleep.

Killian woke Henry up. "Lad, we need to be at the meeting soon at Granny's." Henry wakes up and gets ready. Killian knew something was on his son's mind. "Henry, I know you are surprised that the crocodile is back to life..."

"No, it is not that..."

"What is it son?" He sits next to his son. "You can tell me anything." "Will you still be my Dad? If my bio dad is found?" Henry began to cry. "You are my dad not him."

"Henry." He hugs his son. "You are my son, Henry. Our family is not going to change, you are my son, Henry, that does not ever going to change. I am officially your Dad, remember. I adopted you." Henry continued to cry, Killian knew Henry was afraid of what was going on and possibly seeing his father's side of the family. "Today, I was thinking, you, Hope and I can work on our operation mouse."

"We are?"

"Yes, lad. Your Mom wants you and Hope out of the case."

"We are doing our operation?"

"Yes, lad." Henry stopped crying and got excited. "We have to leave soon for granny's."

Killian sees Emma in the living room snuggling with Hope."Killian, is Henry okay?"

"Henry is afraid that when Bae returns...he is afraid that our father and son relationship will change, he told me that I am his Dad and he got upset. I told him that our relationship is not going to change."

"Killian, you are Henry's Dad. He told me that he does not want to see him..." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope, you and Henry have the same, Dada." She faces her husband. "I think if he sees his bio-Dad again and afraid of him being rejected by him again...if he returns...You are nothing like him. He wants to have someone in his life..."

"My father abandoned me and replaced me. I am not leaving him, Hope or you, love."

"I know. You are the only one in my life who never left me or abandoned me." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, you want your Dada?" She places Hope in her Killian's arms.

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