The Other Savior

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The day after Emma's birthday,Killian wakes up from a shell call from Belle crying out for help He quickly gets dressed. Emma wakes up seeing her husband rushing out. "What is going on?"

"I gave Belle, a mermaid shell to contact me if she is in danger on the Jolly Roger. She is." Emma gets out of bed. "You can stay here. I do not want you or the kids to be in danger."

"Be careful."

"I will." Killian rushes out of the house.

Emma hears Hope in her bedroom. She goes to her daughter who was crying. "Hope." She holds her daughter. "Did Dada shut the door loudly and woke you up?" Hope cries more. "Yeah." She smooths Hope's blonde head. "How about we snuggle in Mommy and Dada's bed." Hope hugs her Mommy. She takes Hope to her and Killian's bedroom and lies down with Hope.

Killian arrived finding Belle in danger with Jekyll. Hyde and the Crocodile were on the deck. Belle was trying to escape but her husband used his magic to prevent her from leaving. He pushes Jekyll away from her and lands in a harpoon that stabbed him. Jekyll began bleeding. Hyde began bleeding on shore.

Emma, Henry, and Hope were eating breakfast in the kitchen. She gets a phone call from her Dad. "Hi, Dad."

"Killian said to come to the docks. Hyde and Jekyll are both dead."

"I will meet you there." She ends her phone conversation with her Dad.


"I am needed..."

"Is it Dad?"

"My Dad called. Your Dad helped Belle. Somehow, Jekyll and Hyde both died." She faces her one-year-old daughter. "Mama will be back soon. You are going to have fun here with Henry." She kisses her daughter on the cheek.
"Hope and I will have H & H time." Hope babbles. She hugs her son and leaves the house. Emma arrived at the docks, seeing the two dead bodies covered up, seeing Belle and the dark one have a conversation. Her Dad was looking at the covered-up bodies. She rushes to her husband, "Killian."

"Emma." They hug. "I am okay."

"What happened?"

"The crocodile trapped Belle on my ship, knowing Hyde escaped the pyshcward. He was working with the Evil Queen. He was going after Belle. Somehow, Jekyll got onto the Jolly Roger. Belle knew she needed help. I fought with Jekyll and pushed him into the harpoons. He bled and Hyde bled. Both died at the same time. "

She held her husband's hook. "Are you okay?"

"I am okay. Knowing one of the villains in this town is dead, the town is safer for our children." They hug.

"You are not hurt."

"I am not injured, love."

"I have a session with Archie. He is the only one who knows..."

"He is the only one you told outside of our family."


"I am going to walk town."

"You look like you need to be with our kids."

"Are you sure?"

David approaches them. "I am heading to town."

"I have an appointment with Archie. I can fill out the paperwork later."

"I will leave them on your desk."

Emma gripped her husband's hook. "I am okay, love. The ship is clean from the mess. I want to be with our kids."

"I will see you later." They kiss. Killian headed home as Emma walked with her Dad into town.

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