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Over the few days, Killian was back and forth being with his wife and son in the NICU. He has not left the hospital. He was holding his swan's hand waiting for her to wake up. "Emma, I am right here, love. You are not alone. Our newborn Ian is alive. He is waiting to meet his Mama. Our children need you, our newborn son needs you, I need you." 

Allison helped Hope and Henry by taking them home and bringing them back in the morning. She would bring him coffee and clean clothes to wear. Hope was mostly with Killian in Emma's hospital room. She did not want to leave her Mama who was in wires on monitors blood transfusion, blood pressure machine, and on oxygen. 

Henry was helping his Dad by being with his baby brother in the NICU whenever he was with his Mom. He was holding his baby brother and talking to him. 

 Emma wakes up confused in different wires, and oxygen and sees Hope hugging her. "Hope..."

"Mama!!!!!" She hugged her Mama.

Emma smiles. "Hi, baby girl."

Killian wakes up instantly seeing his swan awake being hugged by their daughter. "Emma!!"


He hugged his wife. "You are finally awake. You have been sleeping for two days."

"Two days! The baby..."

"Henwy wif Ian!!"

"Yes, Emma. Ian is alive. He is in the NICU getting the oxygen he needs. He is 9 pounds."

"Nine pounds. I need to see him." She tried to move with so much pain. "Ow!!"

"You are in recovery, love. Your uterine wall got a hole, causing Ian to have fluids while you were in labor. He was not breathing when he was born."

"Is he okay?"

"Yes, he is in the NICU getting the help he needs. Henry and Allison are with him."

Emma began crying. "I need to see my baby boy."

"You will see him once Dr.Peirce gives you the okay too." Killian facetimes Allison.


"Hi, Allison.."

"Mom is awake!!"

"Hi, kid. How is Ian?"

"He is with me."

Allison faced Ian. "Killian Jr your Mama is finally awake."

Emma began crying, seeing her newborn son who was dark brown hair and blue eyes. "He looks just like his Daddy."

"He looks like me and Dad." Emma smiles. "He is doing great."

"I pulled some strings to let Henry stay in here as long as Killian or I am in here with him and Ian."

"I already am telling Ian all about Marvel and DC. I also told our family story."

Emma smiles at her two sons bonding. "I am going to hold you soon, Ian." Ian tries to smile. She was in awe her newborn son knows her voice. "Yes, you know my voice. I am your Mama." Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. She was in tears.

"Lad, I will be down to the NICU soon so I can hold Ian and you can see your Mom."

"Dada, Ian too."

"You want to see Ian."


"Ian, wave bye to our Mommy." He waved his baby brother's hand.

"I will hold you soon, baby boy." The Facetime called ended.

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