New Normal

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Emma began her job as bail bondswoman again in New York a few days after they came to New York. She would come home late tired and exhausted after catching the perpetrator and arresting the perp. Killian has dinner set up dinner for the both of them in the kitchen. Ever since, her first case, he waited for Emma to eat with her and mostly make sure she comes home in one piece and safe. After her first night back at work, she comes home with Killian awake waiting for her. "Hi, Killian. You are still up?"
"Hi, Swan. I am waiting to have dinner with you. Henry is asleep fed and his homework done."
"How is he?"
"He is fine, love."
"You waited to eat with me?"
"Yes, I do not want you to eat alone. I made steak, spinach, and roasted potatoes."
"It smells delicious."
"I am a good cook." They ate together.
"This is really delicious, Killian. You waited for me to come home before you ate?"
"Aye, as I said before it is rude for you to come home to eat alone. I know you are alone most of your life and I do not want you to be alone ever again."
"Aye, no one deserves to be alone." Emma saw it in his face that he meant everything he said. "Are you okay love?"
"Yes. I am just tired."
"Aye, you can tell me about your night tomorrow. You need to get sleep. I will clean up."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, swan." Emma kisses Killian on his scruffy cheek.
"Thank you." Emma goes to change out of her work clothes into pajamas and check on her son. She next to her son and put her fingers through his hair for a while and kisses Henry on the head. "I love you, Henry." She turns around and sees Killian.
"Sorry, swan. I did not mean to linger."
"It is alright...I was checking up on him that is all. I missed him all night when I was working. I get nervous..."
"That is your job as his mom..."
Emma began to cry. "I know, he is with you which makes me less nervous. I am still new at that I am his only parent..." Killian hugs her and pulls back.
"Sorry, love. I just thought you needed..."
Emma hugs him back. "Please do not let me go." He hugs her back as she rests her head on his chest.
"I am right here. I am not going to let you go." She felt safe in his arms which she never felt in Neal's arms ever.
"Are you sure?"
"Can we hug in my room?"
"Are you sure? I am not going to push you into anything."
"Yes, I know. I trust you." They go to Emma's room and Emma fell asleep in Killian's arms, for the first time ever she felt safe in someone's arms that cares for her and wanting to be there for her. Killian stayed awake watching Emma sleep breathing softly and evenly and loving looking at her blonde locks through the moonlight. He always wants to be with Emma and protect her. The next morning, Henry woke up finding his Mom and Killian sleeping together. He knows if Killian was in bed with his Mom meaning that she loves him and trusts him. As their new routine, Emma would come home late and Killian would wait up for her and have dinner with her. They would sleep together in her room and in the morning, Emma would walk Henry to school. In between cases, Emma and Killian would get Starbucks and go on long walks in Manhattan talking and holding hand and hook. When it was very cold, they would stay home and snuggle all day by the fireplace. "Killian."
"Yes, love?"
"I feel safe in your arms."
"Yes, of all the people I had dated in the past and all the families I have been with your arms, making me feel safe."
"My job is to protect you and Henry, and make you happy."
"You definitely make me happy and feel safe all the time."
"Aye, I will always make you feel safe and never abandon you as everyone else did in the past."
"It takes time for me to trust people, you never lied to me, hurt me, you just care for me and support me whenever I needed it."
"I will always be on your side, Emma. One of my jobs is to protect your heart.I am a survivor, love. I am not ever going to leave you."
"You protect me and I protect you. " She kisses him on the lips and he kisses her back and they make out on the couch. One Saturday Emma took Henry to Central Park. "Mom, you seem happy."
"I do? How do you know?"
"Well, you smile a lot more. Killian sleeps with you in your room every night since you had your first case over a month ago and you seem happier."
"Is it okay with you if Killian and I start.."
"Dating? Yes, Mom." Henry smiles. "He makes you very happy and he is a good man."
Emma smiles. "I really like him, Henry. I hope you are not..."
"Mom, I do not know much about my Dad only that he hurt you and left you in prison. Killian cares for me and helps me with my homework and cooks for us. He cares about you, Mom. You deserve to be loved by him and me."
Emma hugs her son. "Thanks, kid."
"You are welcome. I like him too. I know my Dad had caused you pain, you can tell me when you are ready." She sits down on a bench.
"What do you want to know about your Dad?"
"What did he do to you to cause you pain?"
"Wow...okay...I am going to tell you the whole story, Henry. I want to raise you in an honest and trustworthy home."
"Mom, you are always honest with me, only lied to me once...sorry."
"I am going to tell you why, I lied. First off, I was sixteen years old and homeless, a runaway from the foster system. I was sent to another group home and I could not take it anymore of the abuse from workers and other foster kids so I run away. I stole the yellow bug and ended up meeting your Dad in the car who stole the car before me...I was young and wanted someone to love me so bad..." Henry held his Mom's hand. "I was not thinking straight when we began dating...then the watches...he framed me for stealing them, left the country and that is how I ended up in prison...and found out I was pregnant with you...I was abandoned again by someone I trusted and..." Emma began crying and Henry hugs his Mom.
"Mom, I am right here with you. I am not going anywhere. You gave me my best chance which you did and now you are parenting me. You have me and Killian, we both will never leave you."
"We have our own little family."
"Yes, Mom. We do." Henry hugs his Mom.
"How about we go to the Nintendo store and buy you an Xbox?"
"Really mom?
"Yes, Henry. You deserved it, you are doing great in your new school."
"Do you think Killian will want to play Xbox games with me?"
"Yes, you have to teach him first."
"I will." They walk to Rockefeller Center.
"What do you two do when I am at work at night?"
"We watch television, cook, go to the park, he teaches me how to sword fight and he helps me with my math homework."
"How are you adjusting to school here?"
"I like it. I am making more friends here than in Maine."
"Do you miss Regina?"
"Yes, I miss her she is my other mom. I know we cannot be with her but we have a good life here."
"I like it here too Henry. A life just the three of us." Emma bought Henry an Xbox and a few video games to play. When they arrived back, "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Henry. How was Central Park?"
"It was nice out even though it is cold here for the winter. Mom got me an Xbox and video games."
"That is great, lad. Can you show me how to play?"
"Yes, I know this is going to be so much fun."
"You can set up the Xbox while I make you both cinnamon hot cocoa." Henry goes to the living room. "He seems happy."
Emma hugs Killian. "Yes. I told him about us."
Killian smiles big. "Swan, you did?"
Emma smiles. "Yes, I did. He approves us dating."
"Does that mean that I can call you my girlfriend?"
"Yes, captain. I can you call you my boyfriend?"
"Aye, yes, swan. You make me the happiest captain in all the realms." They kiss.
"Since we are dating we do need to go on a first date to make it official."
"Aye, leave that me, swan." They kiss. Henry taught Killian how to use the game controllers and how to play each game. Emma was happy that the two important boys in her life get along, her son and her boyfriend. Emma watched them playing video games and ordered in pizza. "Mom, you want to play?"
"Yes." Emma played a few rounds of videogames with her son.
"Mom, you are really good."
"Thanks, kid. I played Nintendo games growing up while....I had a few experiences."
"You are really good at them, Mom."
"How about after this round. We can watch Netflix?"
"Swan, what is Netflix again?"
She leans against Killian's shoulder. "It is an app where we can choose a movie or television show to watch."
"Aye. We can watch anything."
"Can we watch Harry Potter, Mom?"
"Yes, we can, kid."
"Great. I borrowed Harry Potter books at the closest library." After a few rounds of video games, they watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone on Netflix together. Henry hugged his Mom while watching the movie as Killian wrapped his arm around his love. Emma felt the luckiest woman in the world having her caring boyfriend with her and her son together, which all that matters to her. Killian planned their first date a few days later on a Saturday night. He knows what Emma loves to eat, Italian food. "Love, are you working tonight?"
"Nope. I am off tonight."
"Aye, tonight wear a nice dress. We are going out on a date."
"What about Henry?"
"Mom, Dad has a neighbor Mrs.B going to keep an eye on me. You and Killian have fun tonight."
Emma dressed in a light pink dress, light makeup and high ponytail up. "Henry."
"Yes, Mom."
"What do you think?"
"You are beautiful Mom."
"Thanks, Henry."
"Have fun tonight." Killian knocks on the door. She opens the door, Killian was dressed nicely in a dark navy sweater underneath his leather jacket with dark blue jeans with a rose in his hand. "Hello, love. This is for you."
"Aye, yes it is."
She takes the rose from Killian."Thank you. It is beautiful."
"Anything for my love." He lets her hold his hook.
"Henry, listen to Mrs.B and don't go to bed too late."
"Mom, have fun tonight. Enjoy your night off." Killian and Emma took the subway, they took the D train to Times Square.
"Killian, where are we going?"
"It is a surprise, love." He leads his love through the crowd of tourist of the city to Carmine's in Times Square. "We are having Italian food tonight?"
"Yes, love. I know how much you love any Italian food when I cook at home."
"You know me so well by now."
"Aye, I will always be there for you and make you happy every day, if you let me."
"Yes, I will pirate you make me happy, I make you happy." They kiss. Killian escorts Emma inside, "Table under Jones."
"Right this way." The hostess leads them to a nice view of Times Square. Killian pulls out the chair for his love. "You are such a gentleman."
"I am always a gentleman to my love." Emma smiles and blushes. They ordered their meals with wine. Emma held holds Killian's hook the whole dinner and rubs his hook. "Swan, you do not want your wine?"
"The smell of the wine is making me feel sick."
"I can drink it. Are you okay with water?"
"Yes. Besides the wine the food is delicious. Good choice by the way."
"Aye, I had a feeling you will like this place, swan." She smiles at him. They ordered dessert and paid for their meal. They walked back to their apartment, Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "You always make me feel safe in your arms and happy."
"Aye, I know how to make my swan happy."
"You make me happy all the time. I am just so grateful to have you and Henry in my life. He really has a great role model."
"He thinks of me as a role model?"
"Yes. Neal was never there for him..."
Killian rubs her hands. "I am honored to be his father figure."
"Good, we both think of you as a family member."
"You are my family without even telling me."
"We are on the same page then."
"Yes, we are swan." They kiss and walked back to their apartment.
"This is my first date ever without having to chase perp and in a real restaurant. I never had a date really...until now with you.
"I have a feeling that we will more dates in the future." Emma smiles and hugs Killian's waist.
"I like the sound of that." Killian kept his love warm as they walked back to their apartment. Henry was sound asleep on the couch. "Love, I got the lad." Killian scoops Henry into his arms and puts him to bed in his bedroom and tucks him in. "Good night, lad."
"Sweet dreams, Henry." She kisses Henry on the head. She hugs Killian. "I had so much fun tonight."
"Me too, love. We need to have another date."
"Yes, we had a very successful first date."
"Aye, we did love. We are now an official couple."
"Yes, we are Killian." They kiss. Killian scoops up Emma into his arms and carries her back into their room and continue making out. This is everything what Emma always wanted a good man, a home and being a Mom to her son.

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