Killian's Birthday

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New York City was having a snowstorm. After it lessen, Killian took Henry and Hope to Central Park sledding. Killian was riding on the sled with Hope in the front. He was having fun with his little love. Henry was sledding on his own. Hope did not like the snow who was crying. "Dada."

Killian holds his daughter. "You do not like the snow?" Hope babbles. "Aye, it is cold outside."


"We are going home to Mama." He kissed his daughter on the head.

Henry returns from the hill. "Is Hope okay?"

"Hope does not like the snow."

"I can meet you at home."

"Aye, you have your iPhone?"

"Yes, Dad. I have my keys."

"See you at home, son."

Killian carried Hope home. Emma was baking cookies in the kitchen when she heard the door opened seeing Killian holding Hope and a sled. He sets Hope down who walks over fast as she can to her Mama. "Mama!"

"Hi, baby girl." She scooped her daughter in her arms. "Did you have fun sledding in the snow?"


"Hope did not like the snow or cold weather. She did have fun sledding down the hill in Central Park with me. She was smiling every time we went fown the hills. Right little love?" Hope smiles making her Daddy smile. He kissed his daughter on the head.

"I am sure she had fun when she went sledding with her Dada." Hope hugged her Mama. "You just want your Mama."


Emma smiled at her daughter and kissed her on the head. "I love you so much, my baby duckling."

"I smell cookies."

"I am baking cookies. Ever since, I stopped morning sickness I am getting my hunger back."

He rubbed his wife's 13-week baby bump. "Our little one stopped giving you morning sickness."


Killian kneeled down and kissed his wife's baby bump. "Little love, this is your Daddy. I love you so much. I cannot wait to meet you. Lad or lass, you are a baby pirate."

Emma smiles, her husband loves talking to the baby. Hope gripped her hair. "Hopey, you can try my cookies when they are out of the oven." Hope smiles. She takes Hope's coat off and rest of her winter gear. Killian changed out of his winter gear and placed his and Hope's wet clothes into the dryer.


Killian enters the living room seeing Hope dressed in a pink pajama onesie holding her duckling doll. "There is my baby pirate princes." She gripped her Daddy's hook. He sits down next to Hope. "Quack!" Emma smiles hearing Hope's new word from the kitchen.

"Aye, the duck goes quack quack!" He tickles Hope with her duckling doll.

She grabs her doll and hugs her doll. "Quack!"

"Your duckling doll's name is Quack?" Hope babbles.

"Emma, Hope's duckling doll's name is Quack."

She goes to the living room. "Hopey is Quack your duckling's name?"

"Yes." Hope goes to her Mommy and sits on her lap She kisses her daughter on the head. "I love my baby girl so much." Hope hugged her Mommy. Killian takes a photo of his two loves Mommy daughter moment on his iPhone.

Killian was at work and Henry was at school. Emma played with Hope at home, tickling her, and talking to her. She is enjoying no more morning sickness. "Hopey, we are going shopping to shop for Dada's birthday gift."

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