Bed Rest

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Emma was now six months pregnant with Hope who was getting bigger every single day. She hates being on bed rest and cannot walk too much. She only went out to her doctor appointments to check on her daughter to be. Emma has been ordering baby clothes on Buy Buy Baby online and other baby needs that Hope will need like blankets, bibs, changing table, diaper genie, a carrier, and a diaper bag. Killian was at work most of the time, so Henry has been taking good care of her and spending a lot of one on one time with his Mom. Even though Killian is at work, he is still worried about his wife so he texts to calls her often to check up on her or he will text his son on updates on his wife. Henry tended to his Mom's needs, what food or drink his Mom wanted, when she needed to help her to walk around when his Dad was at work or just make her comfortable. Emma was in bed relaxing with her feet propped up and her legs are becoming swollen and she felt uncomfortable. She admired the crib that Killian and Henry built over the last few weeks and they are slowly preparing for Hope's arrival. "Hope, how is it going in there? Are you comfy and warm inside of my belly?" She placed her hand where her daughter was moving inside of her, "I know you are moving around in my tummy and I can feel your feet by my rib. You are going to be a little kicker like me a little fighter. Daddy and Henry set up your crib for you to sleep in when you come but I know that you will want to sleep with me." Hope moves again. Emma smiles. "You know my voice, baby girl. Mommy loves you, Hope." She kisses her hand and places on her baby bump. "You are getting a bigger everyday baby girl. I know once you arrive, I will hold you and not let you go." She began to cry. "You have your Mommy, Daddy, and Henry who love you so much baby girl. I was alone as a child but you are never going to be alone." Henry enters the room. "Mom? Are you okay?""Just ordering online for what your sister needs like blankets, clothes, burp towels, diapers...She is going to need a lot of..." Henry hugs his Mom knowing she was getting overwhelmed. "Why are you crying?""You know me and my hormones.." "Mom, Hope needs a lot of baby supplies. She is going to be spoiled with love from you, Dad and I. Dad and I will make room for Hope. Even if Hope needs to put in my room I do not mind." Emma hugs her son. "Hope is lucky to have you as a Mom.""I never held a baby before or know how to care for one...""I know once Hope is born you will hold her and will know what to do. Like when I found you and brought you home to Maine. You knew instantly that I needed love and be protected that what a mother does. You are a great Mom to me and I know you will be a great Mom to Hope." Emma was in tears, "Thanks, kid.""You are my Mom and Hope's Mom."Emma smiles and felt her daughter move. "Henry, Hope knows that you are here. She can recognize your voice." She placed her son's hand onto her baby bump Hope was kicking. Henry smiles. "Mom, she knows me. Hi, hope. I am with our Mom and you. We love you."Emma smiles. "She moves especially for her big brother."Henry was in awe. "Little sis, do you want the story of our Mommy? I do not have my storybook here in New York. I had to leave it in Maine when Pan's curse was coming but I know the whole book by heart. Once upon a time..." Emma was smiling at her son talking to his unborn sister already knowing they will have a close sibling bond. Henry told his sister's stories as his Mom rested. "Hope, when you come strong and healthy you are lucky to have our parents all the time. We moved here and Mom found out she was pregnant with you when the rest of our family and my other Mom moved back to the Enchanted Forest. Our Mom decided to stay with me and Dad wanted to come with us. Our Mom did not have a family growing up but she does now. She is looking forward to being a Mommy from the very beginning. She could not keep me but I found her and she is raising me now. I know she will be a great Mommy to you from the very beginning, little sis." "Henry?""Yes, Mom?""Can you get me water?""Coming right up." Henry leaves the room. Emma smiles. "Hope you have a great big brother already. He loves you so much. I heard his story to you. I love you and your Daddy loves you." Henry gives his Mom a water bottle. "Thanks, kid. How about we watch a movie on Netflix?""I can make popcorn with melted milk duds.""Sounds great." Henry helps his Mom stand up and make sure she seated comfortably with her legs propped up. Henry made the popcorn while Emma chose a movie on Netflix, which was "The Princess Bride." Emma placed the bowl of popcorn on her baby bump. "Little sis, Mommy is using her belly as a table." Emma giggled. They shared popcorn and watched the movie. Halfway through the movie, Emma suddenly for up and waddled to the bathroom and vomited. She sat down and placed her hand on her baby bump, "Hope you do not like popcorn, baby girl?" She rubbed her baby bump. She flushes the toilet. Henry got ginger ale for his Mom and brought it to the bathroom seeing his Mom sitting on the bathroom floor. "Mom...""Your sister does not like popcorn, kid." He hands his Mom the ginger ale and a towel. "Thanks, kid.""Your welcome, Mom." He helps his Mom stand up. "Hope, you do not like popcorn? I know when you can have popcorn you will like it." Emma smiles. They went back to the living room, he set his Mom back on the couch and he cleaned up the mess. "Henry, I am sorry about the mess. I have no control of my body." "Mom, I know it was not your fault. Hope doesn't like popcorn." "I really do appreciate you helping me. I know my best rest has not been easy and your summer is not fun.""Mom, you need me. You are always there for me. I am there for you." Henry hugs his son. Besides, I am an only child for the next three months anyway. When Hope arrives we are going to be very busy." "If you need to talk...""Mom, I am not jealous of Hope, I am excited to be a big brother. "I just want to make sure that you are not jealous.""Mom, I want to spoil Hope. I always wanted a sibling which you are giving me." Emma smiles knowing how excited her son is to be a big brother. "I know Dad is going to hold Hope when you need a break and that is when I will talk to you or keep you company.""How did you know that Killian will be holding your sister?""Well, you sent me out looking for him, I found Dad at the nursery looking at the newborns and he told me how much he cannot wait to hold Hope." Emma was in tears. "He really excited to be a Dad." Emma hugs her son. "We are all excited to meet Hope." "I can babysit.""I have a feeling you will be Hope's favorite babysitter." Henry hugs his Mom and her baby bump and falls asleep. Killian returned home from a long day at work, finding his family sleeping on the couch, Emma sleeping with Henry on the side wrapped his arms around his wife's baby bump. Killian smiles and takes a photo of his family sleeping together knowing Hope will be in there snuggling together in a few months and their family complete. He kneels to kiss his wife's baby bump, "Hi, little love. Dada is home from work. Did you have a good day hearing Mommy and Henry talk all day? I know that your big brother is hugging you." He kisses his wife' baby bump. "You are growing bigger every day, Hope. We love you." He rubs his wife's baby bump. He looks up at his beautiful wife sleeping, every time he looks at her, he falls in love with her all over again. He kisses Emma on the head. Emma wakes up. "Hi, honey. Oh, Henry.""Hello, love. I will...""Don't wake him up, not yet. I like sleeping with him. I did not have anything like this with him. I am treasuring my moments as his Mom as I can...I missed..." Killian hugs wife. "You are raising Henry now, love. Pretty soon, you will be a mommy of two." He wiped his wife's tears away with his hook. Emma smiles and changes her face into a surprised look, "Oh man...""What is it love?""I peed...Hope moved around and hit my bladder.""Aye, the lad.." He gently shook Henry to wake up. "Henry, wake up lad.""Hi, Dad." "Lad, your Mom needs to get up." Henry moves off the couch as Killian helped his wife up"Your sister kicked or punched my bladder and I peed on the couch.""Hope is really controlling your body.""Oh yes but I love her." Emma went to her room to change. Killian cleaned the couch. Henry helped his Dad. "How was your Mom today?""We watched movies, Hope did not like popcorn.""How did you know?""Halfway through the movie, Mom got sick, vomiting.""Aye, that what you meant earlier.""Yes.""Killian?" Killian went to their room. "Yes, love?""Can you massage my feet?""Of course love." Killian sits down and massages his wife's feet. "You are amazing with your hands.""Aye, I have strong hands.""How was your day at work?""It was busy but good. How was your day with Henry?""It was good, I laid in bed a lot, I spoke to Hope who starting to respond in her little movements. Henry told Hope stories and we watched Netflix. I cannot wait for Hope to be here with us, to see Henry and her brother-sister bond.""Aye, I cannot wait to see you as her Mommy." Emma smiles. "I cannot wait to see you as her Daddy." Killian cuddles with his wife. "I ordered a lot of more baby needs on Buy Buy Baby today online.""Aye, what did you order?""A baby carrier, I just have a feeling that Hope wants to be held all the time.""Aye, I can imagine that Hope is going to be loved being held by you love.""You can wear the carrier too, you know?""Oh really?""Yes, I read it in the baby book.""Aye, I know our little lass will want her Mommy." He rubs his wife's baby bump and kisses it, "Dada and Mommy love you, Hope. I can tell already that you are a little pirate which you take after your dada." Emma smiles. "Killian, I think Hope wants her Daddy sing to her?" Killian smiles. "I will sing to our little love." He sang to Hope songs, which made Emma very happy because he loves their daughter as much as she does. They cannot wait for Hope to arrive and be new parents together. After Killian sings to Hope he kisses Emma's baby bump and snuggles with his wife who was fast asleep. "Emma, you are the strongest lass I know. I know you are frustrated that you cannot work but you are nurturing and growing our little daughter who is getting bigger every day. Very soon, Hope will come. I will be on your side parenting and raising Hope on your side. I am never going to leave my family." He kisses Emma on the head and hugs her and falls asleep. Emma smiles in her sleep knowing that she was safe in her husband's arms. She is very grateful for having Killian on her side,a caring man who loves her and her son who is with her. She cannot wait for Hope to arrive to have their whole family together.

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