One Year Later

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Emma was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes watching Hope doing tummy time on her boppy pillow propping her up with Henry letting her chew on her teething ring and getting her head up.
"Mom! Hope is holding her head up." Emma sees Henry using Hope's teething toy helping her head up. "Pretty creative, kid. We need to have Hope having her head up on her own. Right Hopey?" Hope turns around hearing her Mommys' face. "Hi, sweetie."
"Mom, Hope knows your voice."
"Yes, she does. She also knows your voice and Dad's voice." Hope was chewing on her toy. "Kid, Hope can do tummy time trying to reach for the toy." Hope began to cry.
"Mom, Hope wants to play with you." Emma gets Hope from her boppy pillow and holds her in her arms. "Little sis, I will play with you later after I finish my homework." He kisses Hope on the cheek and heads into his room. "Hope, it is just you and me, baby girl." She goes to their room and sits on her bed with Hope sitting against her upper thighs. Hope makes a loud sound making Emma smile. "Are you happy to be with Mommy?" Hope smiles. She gave nose to nose to her daughter Hope grabbed her hair making her Mommy smile. "You are my sunshine My only sunshine,You make me happy, When sky's are grey, You'll never know, dear, How much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek, making Hope laugh. Emma loves Hope's laugh. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope babbles and grips her Mommy's fingers. "You are my second chance of being a Mommy. I did not have a Mommy or a Daddy." Hope looks directly at her Mommy with her ocean blue eyes, telling her Mommy she wants to know more. "I will tell you a story."She held Hope in her arms. "I was put into foster homes, to the point, I ran away because they were bad. I met Henry's Dad and he took advantage of me. I had Henry in prison where I did not belong, his Dad framed me." Hope babbles. "Yes, that is very bad. I gave Henry up for adoption. Two years ago, he came and found me in Boston, another city. He brought me to Storybrooke,to break the dark curse. I did not know that my parents were fairytale characters until Henry ate a poison apple tart to show me that magic was real. He went into a sleeping curse, then is when I opened his storybook and believed all of the magic and my family just came flooding through my head." Hope babbles. "Mommy has magic because I am a product of true love." Hope smiles. "I met Dada when I met in the Enchanted Forest. We went on our beanstalk adventure to get a magic compass. Dada helped me when Henry was kidnapped. I got Dada's trust because he was there for me even on our first adventure. When Dada came to New York with Henry and Mommy, I got to trust him more. I know Dada will never leave me or our family." Hope babbles. "Dada is the best." She lifts Hope and faces her daughter. "When we came to New York, I found out that you were growing in my belly." Hope smiles "Yes, you are my second chance of being a Mommy from the very beginning." Hope babbles. "You think I am doing a great job?" Hope smiles. "I am!" She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "I love being your Mommy." Hope chews on her Mommy's nose, Emma was enjoying her one on one time with her daughter, something she always wanted as a child but now able to have with her baby girl.
Killian returns home from work, hearing Hope crying in her carrier being carried by Emma in the kitchen. "Hi, love."
"Hi..." Emma was a little stressed. "Hope wants to be held and got very upset when I began cooking."
"Swan, Hope wants her Daddy." He takes Hope from his swan. Hope cried louder. "Whoa, little love. I know you want your Mommy. Swan, I can cook."
"Thank you." Emma gets her daughter back from her husband and places her back in her carrier. "Sweetie, you are with Mommy. You have my full attention." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope stopped crying. "You just wanted to be with Mommy." Hope babbles. She kisses Hope on the head. Killian smiles."She just wanted her Mommy's full attention."
"Yes, she just wanted me." Emma gets a phone call which was in her room Hope began crying. Killian takes Hope from Emma. "Mommy is okay, little love." He got Hope calmed down.
"I missed my boss's call." She scrolled down her iPhone and accidentally called Granny's. Granny picked up..." Emma's eyes popped open.
"Check this out." She puts Granny's on speaker.
"This is Granny's. Can I take your order? Hello?" Emma and Killian both had their eyes and jaws wide open.
Henry hears what is going on. "Mom...does this mean...Mom, are we going back?" Emma was in shock.
"I...I..." She went into her room and sat on her bed with so many questions going through her mind. "Is it true? Is Storybrooke really back?! I am going to be the savior am I going to protect both of my children from villains and curses?!"
"Dad? Storybrooke is back."
"It seems like it. I am going to talk to your Mom." Henry takes Hope from their Dad. Killian enters his room, seeing Swan on their bed knowing she was stressed out. "Emma, I am right here. I know you are scared. You have so many questions going through your head..." Emma hugs her husband. "Everything is going to be okay."
"No, it is not okay. If Granny's is means Storybrooke is back! Another curse and villain is in town. I mean, I have to be the savior again! I love just being a mother to Henry and Hope. Living here in New York with you and our kids...a normal life with my family. Not fighting a villain or saving the town from a curse."
"Emma, I love living here in New York with you and our children. Knowing that Granny's and the town are back meaning the rest of our family is in danger, your parents. Even when we return, we are still going to be husband and wife and raising our family. It is just going to be different jobs for both of us."
"What if something happens? To our children? Henry was kidnapped to another realm the last time we were in Storybrooke. Hope...I want to raise her in a normal life....not in a town full of danger."
"Hope knows that her parents are from fairy tales characters. Henry tells her our family story all the time. We are going to protect our children in Storybrooke, love. We are going to raise our family together. If Storybrooke is not back, we can always return here, swan. We will not be homeless."
She hugs her husband. "You really mean it?"
"Yes, Emma. I know you hate worrying about having a roof over our heads. Just in case we can keep the apartment so we can always come back here."
"We have a good life here."
"Aye, yes, swan. No matter where we are, our family is our home. I will always be on your side fighting villains and raising our family together because we are team Jones."
"Yes, that is what we are team Jones." They kiss. Henry carried Hope inside to their parents' room.
"Mom, Dad does this mean we are going back?"
"Yes, we are going back together."
"Hopey, we are going to Maine, little sis." He spun his sister around. Hope was smiling.
Killian held his wife's hand. "Swan, we are raising our family together."
"With you on my side, we can do anything."
"Team Jones?"
"Team Jones." They kiss.
"Henry we need to start packing. Killian, we need to get Hope's hospital history papers before we leave. We need moving boxes and to rent a moving haul because we have a lot of stuff that won't fit in our yellow bug."
"Love, I will get Hope's medical history right now and rent a moving haul and get boxes."
"Thank you." They kiss. Killian leaves the house. Hope began to cry. "Hopey." Emma holds her daughter. "You are coming with us when we move, baby girl. You are not going to be left behind." Hope cries more. "Are you hungry?" Emma sits on her bed and nurses Hope. Henry joined them on the bed.
"I know you are nervous, Mom."
"I am but I know what you were going to say that we need to rescue our family."
"You will, Mom. You have Dad, Hope, and me on your side. I know Dad will be there with you protecting us and the town."
"Are you going to miss New York?"
"Life here in New York is pretty good."
Emma smiles."It was better than good. We have our family."
"You know what this means?"
"Operation Cobra is back on." Hope fusses. Emma switched Hope to the other boob. "Hope, you can be part of operation cobra baby sis."
"Yes...I am just afraid whoever is taking over Storybrooke, I don't want you or Hope to be in any danger."
"I know when you and Dad are fighting off bad guys, I can watch Hope."
"Thanks, kid. I only trust you and your Dad with your sister."
"I know." Emma burps Hope. "Baby sis, you are going to meet the rest of our family."
"They are going to be surprised..."
"They are going to love her, Mom."
"Yes, a lot has happened this past year."
"For the better right Mom?"
"Yes!" She lifts Hope up and down making Hope smile.
"Mom, it won't change, in Maine our family?"
"You are staying with me and your dad and Hope. That is not going to change. Your Dad and my job are going to be chasing after villains..." Henry hugs his Mom and sister. "I promise, the Jones family is going to be together." She was enjoying the hug with both of her children and the normal life with them while she can knowing when she goes back to Stoyrbrooke it will be protecting them from villains. When Killian returned home with boxes and Hope's medical forms, Henry was getting ready to pack while Emma was playing with Hope on their bed giving Hope kissing and tickling her making Hope laugh. "Do you think going back to Storybrooke is right Hope?" Hope smiles. "You think Mommy can be sheriff and savior again?" Hope babbles "Yes? You believe in me?" Hope smiles. "Of course, my job as your mommy to you and Henry will always be first." Hope grabbed her Mommy's face. Emma smiles, Killian capturing the mother-daughter moment. "Hi, my two loves."
"Hi, honey." They kiss.
"I have Hope's health history from the hospital and I have a moving haul and boxes."
"Thank you." Hope began to cry. "Hopey." Emma scoops Hope into her arms. "Baby, you are going to stay with Dada and Mommy and Henry when we move tomorrow. You can be my little sheriff at work."
"Love, I know Hope will be your little sheriff." He takes Hope from his wife. "Little love, you are with Dada." Hope stops crying. "Dada is home. He kisses Hope on the head.
"She misses you when you are not home with us."
"Aye, Hope is my littlest pirate. I love being her Dada." Hope grabs his hook. "My little pirate princess." Hope smiles. Emma hugs her husband and they both look at their daughter. "Hope knows that her Dada will always be there for her."
"Aye, I will always be there for your family." They kiss. Emma, Killian and, Henry packed their clothes into boxes overnight. Hope was sleeping on her parents' bed in her dock a tot while Killian and Emma took Hope's crib apart. Emma was sad. Killian held his wife's hand. "Emma, we are going to place Hope's crib in Maine."
"I know...I just hate moving...I have been moving my whole life."
"Now we are moving together." Hope woke up crying.
Emma gets Hope. "Hopey." Emma changes Hope's diaper. She scoops Hope into her arms.
"Little love, are you excited to go on an adventure with Dada Mommy and Henry?" Hope makes a sound. Emma continues to pack as Killian holding Hope knowing it will one of the last few times of quiet moments wit their children when itis jus the family of four. After Killian placed Hope back into her dock a tot, he helped pack their kitchen into boxes. "Swan, I can finish up in here."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. You need to sleep."
"Thank you." They hug. "Are you sure about returning?"
"Aye, I do love living in New York with our family. I know Storybrooke needs my wife, wherever my swan is needed I will be on your side." She hugs her husband and kisses him on the cheek.
He hugs her back. "My swan needs to rest."
"Only if you sleep with me."
"Aye, I will sleep with you." Killian leaves the house. They go into bed, Killian snuggles with his wife next to their daughter. "Night, Killian.
"Night Emma." They kiss.
The next morning, Killian woke up seeing his little lass sleeping on his swan. He kisses Hope on the head and gets ready for the day and began loading the Uhaul with Hope's baby furniture, toys letting his family sleep in especially Emma knowing she will be driving most of the way. When Killian returned to the apartment, Henry was awake. 'Morning Dad."
"Morning, son." They hug. "Can I help you load the Uhaul?"
"Aye, yes you can."
"Great. Mom told me to make a backpack with clothes just in case we do not unload the Uhaul right away."
"Aye, I understand that." he sees Emma emptying other their room, Hope was crying. "Little love.' He scoops Hope into his arms. "You are already dressed for the day in a cute duckling onesie." Hope babbles.
"Dad, can I hold Hope?"
"Aren't you packing?"
"Yes, I need a break."
"You can hold Hope later."
He kisses Hope on the head. He knows Emma was getting overwhelmed."Lad, take Hope to the living room."
"Okay. Come to Henry baby sis. We are going to have H&H time before our long drive." Henry takes Hope to the living room.
"It has been a year since we left Storybrooke...I did not expect to be moving back there...Storybrooke was supposed to be gone forever...."
"I know, Emma. Our year in New York has been...
"Yes, amazing. I had never been so happy in my life until I met you."
"You mean we dated, found out we were going to be parents from the very beginning and raising our family in a normal life."
Killian smiles. "Aye, it was the best year of my life."
"Me too, my first year out in the real world happy and with our family."
"Aye, I just know that our Jones family new chapter is about, to begin with, an adventure." Emma smiles. They kiss. Killian leaves the house.
Henry enters the room with crying Hope. "Mom, Hope wants you." Emma nurses Hope and puts the carrier on and puts her daughter in her carrier. "Hopey, you are staying with me. You can help me move our stuff to the Uhaul truck." Killian gave Emma lightboxes to carry. They all carried boxes to the Uhaul truck and back until their apartment was empty. Killian changes Hope as they were finishing up checking their apartment. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife as they looked at their empty apartment. "We had an amazing year here. We started our family here."
Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. "Aye, now the Jones family is on the next chapter of our lives."
"Yes, back to Maine together." They hug and left the keys on the counter.
They went downstairs, the Uhaul was connected to the yellow bug. "Mom, we have everything?"
"Yes, we do, kid." She takes Hope out of her carrier. "Hope, we are going for a long drive. Are you going to be a good girl?" Hope smiles. She puts Hope in her carseat. "Mom, I can bottle feed Hope when we are on the road."
"Thank you, Henry. With Hope, I have a feeling we are going to make a lot of stops either way." Henry sat next to his sister as their parents were sitting in the front with Emma behind the wheel. "Swan onto our next adventure."
"Yes, with you on my side we can do anything."
"Aye, I will always be on your side. Team Jones?"
Emma smiles. "Team Jones." They kiss.
"Hopey, we are going bye-bye. Wave bye-bye to New York, little sis." Henry waved Hope's little hand, with Emma and Killian smiling. Emma drove her family out of New York facing the unknown in Storybrooke.

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