Returning to Storybrooke

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Emma and Killian took turns driving up to Maine. They made many stops, to tend to Hope. Hope was not letting Henry bottle feed her. Emma gets off the highway and gets in the back with her children and takes Hope out of her car seat to nurse. Hope was stretching. "You just wanted to move around, baby girl. You do not like staying in your car seat for too long. Hope wanted to nurse and Emma nurses her daughter.

"Mom, how long of our drive do we have left?"

"We still have a while to go, kid." She burps Hope and Hope finds her favorite spot. Emma smiles.

"Swan, Hope loves lying on her favorite spot."

Emma smiles. "Yes, she just wants to snuggle and be out of her car seat." Hope babbles. "Hopey, after we get out of the car we can snuggle all you want." She gave Hope kisses on the head and rubbed Hope's back until she fell asleep. Emma puts Hope back in her carseat and returns to the driver's seat. Henry was fast asleep.

"Emma, I can drive."

"Okay, I do need a break." Killian and Emma switched seats and he drove the yellow. "It is funny how a year ago today, I was driving us to New York...the way you were cheering up Henry making him about his year, I am driving back to Maine with my husband, my true love, my son and 4-month old daughter. Hope giving me a second chance of being a Mom from the very beginning...I get to raise Henry full time... both of my children together with my we are returning to Storybrooke to possibly a curse. "

"I know how the lad was feeling. He was my son before I adopted him, Emma."

"That is why I let you come with us..." Emma sighs. "I knew you were going to be there for him.."She looks back at her two sleeping kids. "I did not know that we were going to be parents from the very beginning together and falling in love."

"I got your trust."

"You stayed and kept your promises."

"Aye, I will never leave you, Emma, or our family. You made me the happiest man in all the realms when you said yes to my wedding proposal and made my dream of having a family of my own come true when you told me you were pregnant with our little lass."

Emma smiles."It felt like a dream the whole year, a good dream."

"Aye, getting married and having our amazing dream but it is not a dream."

"It really happened and we still have our memories."

"Aye, that is a good thing, swan because I would be heartbroken not to remember our wedding day, adopting Henry and birth of our little lass."

"Hope did make our wedding very memorable."

Killian chuckles. "Aye, Hope has your personality, Emma."

Emma smiles. "She is my mini-me but she is a little pirate like her daddy."

"Aye, I always know you had a pirate you."

Emma smiles. "You mean our daughter? Yes."

"No, you are a pirate, like me. Which is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you."

"Now, I am returning to Mian with my beautiful wife and our children. We are going to fight this new villain together, over."

Emma loves him so much. She kisses him on his scruffy cheek. They switched spots to drive so she can drive rest of the way. She got quiet when she drove closer to the town line. He held her free hand. "Everything is going to be okay, Emma. I am right here with you."

"I have you and our children, which make me calm and happy."

"Aye, we are going to be together."

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