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The following morning, Emma was driving until she had to pull over and vomited. Killian wakes up hearing his swan throwing up. He went over and held her hair. "Thank you."

"You are welcome, love." He gave her a water bottle. She took a sip of her water, still feeling bad. He hugged his wife. "I am going to drive the rest of the way." They entered the yellow bug. Killian drove the yellow bug.

"Can we stop at a gas stop? I really need to use the bathroom."

"Aye, we can go to a gas stop to refill the gas tank too."

Emma used google maps to find the nearest rest stop. As soon as Killian parked the car, Emma went to find the bathroom. She forgot her bladder changes during pregnancy.

Henry wakes up. "Lad, we are at a rest stop."

"Can I get snacks?"

"Yes. Can you find gingerale for your Mom?"

"That I can do." He leaves the car. Killian fills up the tank of the yellow bug.

Emma returns to the car and checks on Hope who wakes up."Hi, baby duckling." She changed Hope's diaper. Killian throws out the soiled diaper. Hope fusses. "Are you hungry?" She takes her out of her car seat and breastfeeds Hope. She kisses her daughter on the head.

Henry returns with snacks, gingerale for his Mom, and coffee for his Dad. "Dad, I thought you needed this."
"Thank you, son." He sips his coffee.

"Are we almost there?'

"Aye, we are in upstate New York. We have few more hours of a drive." After Emma was finished breastfeeding Hope, Henry returned in the back. He read Hope stories from his book. Emma fell back to sleep as soon as Killian began driving again.

On the highway, Killian noticed his swan was shivering. "Love, are you cold?"

"A little. I am fine. I am just nauseous."

"Lad, can you keep an eye out for the next rest stop."

"Yes, Dad."

"No, we just stopped. We have a little way to New York. I am good just need a blanket and my hoodie."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Henry gives his Mom a blanket. "Thank you, Henry."

"You are welcome, Mom."


After a long car ride, of many stops of diaper changes, and Emma's morning sickness, the Jones family is finally in New York. "Hopey, we are in New York, baby sis." Hope babbles.
Emma wakes up. "We are here?"

"Yes, love. Our new apartment awaits us."

"Let's go to sign the lease and get the keys."

"Mom, I am going to take Hope outside."

"Just do not go too far."

"We won't." Hope babbles as her big brother unbuckles his sister's carseat belt. "We are going exploring." He takes his sister out of the car and helped her walk around the sidewalk.

Killian opens the door for his swan and held her hand. "We are finally here."

"Aye, it was a long car ride." He rubs his wife's abdominal. "How is the little one?"

She smiles. "He or she is giving me some nausea, which means our baby is healthy." She placed her hand over her husband's, over her abdominal. "We are having a baby."

"Yes, we are, love. A little pirate." She leaned her head onto his chest. He kissed her blonde head.

The couple went inside and filled out forms and got the keys to the apartment. They took the elevator to their new apartment. Emma opens the apartment, it was a bigger version of their old apartment, but with an extra room. Emma sees the bedrooms, two on one side of the apartment e the other room on the opposite side. He checks the cabinets. "Clean cabinets. I still want to clean them."

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