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Killian on her next case when she was called in by her boss. His first case was early evening. He shadowed her during her case, watching for the person to, lock the tires, to arresting the person. Emma deep down was happy that he was there with her for company, interested in her job and there for her when she needs protection for her and their baby on the way. He would remind her to drink water and buy her snacks when she craved for them during the stakeout. "Emma, get some rest. I can look out for the man we are looking for.""Are you sure?""Swan, you been having bad morning sickness, and you are creating our little love." He kisses Emma's baby bump, she is 12 weeks pregnant and already showing. "Little love you are giving your Mommy morning sickness. You are getting bigger every single day inside your Mommy's tummy." Emma smiles, seeing Killian talking to her baby bump and being there for both of them. "Killian, you know what the guy we are looking for looks like right?"He wraps his arm around his love."Aye, Swan. I will wake you up when I see him." Emma leans her head against his chest and falls asleep to Kilian rubbing his hook against her baby bump which she loves a caring Daddy and a caring man on her side. Emma wakes up being nudged by Killian. "Emma, he is here." "How long was I sleeping?""Two hours.""I got some sleep. Can you put the lock on his front tire for me.""Aye, I can do that swan. Anything else?""That is all for now." Emma puts her jean jacket to cover her baby bump. They kiss. She goes into the restaurant and found the man that she is searching for, "Robert?""Yes, Emma?""Yes, that is me." She sits down. "Emma, tell me about yourself.""I love the color red and I love the city. How about you?""I work in a business in a CEO of a company...""Let me guess, you are a CEO of Apple and getting out of debt and you are hiding from the FBI." "Shit..." Robert ran. Emma calmly walks to where Robert was running to his car and trying to escape in his car. "Why won't you move..""Oh, Robert. You do not need your car anymore." Emma calls the police. Robert was mad grabbed Emma's wrist, which made Emma's heart dropped. "Let go of me..." Killian saw what was happening to his swan and ran to help her. Killian grabbed Robert's shoulder leaned at the man's ear. "Let go of the lass now. Or you will the wrath of me." Robert let go of Emma, Killian held onto Robert until the cops came to arrest Robert, so the bad man won't hurt his swan. Emma hugs Killian. "Are you two alright love?" "Yes, I..we are." She placed her hand on her baby bump. " He only held my wrist, which hurt. He did not touch my baby bump. The baby is safe." He rubs her baby bump. "Thank you for coming. I was afraid...I was always alone...""You are not alone love, not anymore. I will always be there for you when you need me. You two and Henry are my world. Now let's get back home." He drove his swan home who was fast asleep. He bridal carried her back to their apartment and laid her in their bed and took her shoes off and take her dress off and puts an oversized shirt. He kisses her baby bump. "Daddy loves you, little love. Daddy and Mommy will always protect you." Henry knocks the door. "Hi, Henry. What are you doing up?""I cannot sleep.""What is wrong Henry?""Can we talk?""Sure, lad." They go to Henry's room. "You can talk to me about anything, Henry.""Is Mom alright?""Henry your Mom is pregnant her body is changing so she is tired more." Henry was sad. "Are you jealous about your Mom having a baby that she gets to keep?""Yes and no. I know she could not keep me. I am happy for her, it is just that Mom being pregnant is making me nervous.""How is she making you nervous?""On her job..what if she gets hurt? Or the baby gets hurt?""Do you know why I went with your Mom to her work tonight?""To learn her job?""Yes, when she gets on maternity relief, I can do her job for her. Also, to protect your Mom and the baby." "You really would protect them?""Aye, I will always protect my family." "You really care for Mom and the baby.""I also protect you my son. I care for my whole family." Henry hugs his Dad. "You are my Dad.""Aye, I will always for all of my family.""I am a little jealous though...""Your mom loves you so much, Henry. She is not going to treat you and the baby unequally or love you less.""I know...Were you always this protective of your family, Dad?""Aye...not always.""Really?""Aye, I had a rough childhood lad, like your Mom. When I was only 7 years father sold my brother Liam and me into slavery for him to escape the next port because he was a wanted criminal there...""Your Dad did that to you and your brother?""Aye, he was a coward. He left us after promising me, he will always be there for me. Liam and I were slaves for a very long time abused, sold and beaten and starved. Liam entered him and me in the King's navy to get out of slavery. We were assigned to find poison on Neverland for the King, my brother died from the poison. That is when I became a pirate, against the King because it was his fault that my brother died. When I met the Evil Queen, she had an assignment to defeat a man, who turns out to be my father...""Your father was alive...""Aye, he was in the sleeping curse for one hundred years and he fell in love with a nurse that kept him alive. He asked me to get him and his other son out of the town. I promised him to help him to escape, I saw my little brother...he promised my little brother that he will always be there for him...the same promise that he made me...I killed him."Henry's jaw dropped. "Why would you do that?""He promised my younger brother Liam....""Wait, he named your younger brother Liam? The same name...""Aye, I was very mad. I regret what I did this day. My Dad never came back for my older brother Liam and I. I do not want to be a father like that to you and the baby, to be a coward." " are nothing like him. I know mom won't treat me and the baby any different.""Aye, your Mom been through hell and back in that bloody awful foster system, she is going to give you and your baby sister or brother equal amount of love and attention, that she never had.""You chose to come with me and Mom to New York, you take care of us and there for us...""I protected your Mom tonight.""What happened?""The man she caught was mad and grabbed her wrist. I saw your Mom was in danger and I went to stop the man who was about to hurt your Mom. I stopped the man and threatened him. I stayed with them until the cops came for scumbag." Henry hugs Killian."You are nothing like your Dad. You protected Mom and the baby. A real father does that. I never had a father until I met you.""I promise you, Henry, that I am never going to leave you, your Mom and the baby.""I know. You are still here and protecting our family.""I am doing my job right.""Yes, you are." Emma wakes up in bed and wondered how she got there, she remembered Killian driving her home and Killian was not next to her. She found Killian sleeping with Henry. "My two boys." She let them sleep in, and rubs her baby bump. "Little one, your Daddy and big brother are close. I know they are going to love you as much I love you. Your Daddy, brother and Mommy will protect you, spoil you and love you when you arrive." She rubs her baby bump and looks at her two boys. She went on her laptop and researched where to buy maternity clothes, baby needs, like a diaper genie, crib, pack and play, a lot of clothes and diapers..." She rubs her temples, realizing they had no room for the baby items. "Baby, you are going to need a lot of stuff. Even though you need a lot of stuff, Mommy loves you." Killian wakes up hearing his swan in the living room and knowing she was stressed. He pours her a cup of ginger ale and a plate of dry toast and sits next to her on the couch kisses her on the head. "Love, are you alright?" She leans into Killian. "I am doing research on how much a baby needs, like diapers, a lot of clothes, and is a lot...we have only two rooms...""Love, we can save up for a bigger apartment.""Maybe a house?"Killian smiles. "Aye, a house of our own. I like the sound of that.""Me too, so the baby, Henry and the two of us have our own rooms. For now, we have to save money but..." He rubbed her shoulders. "The cost of the baby needs, like a crib, clothes, diapers...we do not have space for it all ...""Love, we will make space for the little love needs. The baby can be in our room.""I know I will be cuddling and holding the baby a lot especially I am going to be breastfeeding him or her. We are going to have a lot of sleepless nights when the baby comes.""I know you are going to be a great Mommy to our little love, I see it every day how you are with Henry. I am going to be right here helping you with the baby.""Thank you, captain." They kiss. "Love, I have been thinking, I applied for a job down at the docks. I want to help support the baby. It is my responsibility too, to pay for the baby supplies.""That will help me pay the rent and pay stuff for the baby." She looks sad."Love, I am sorry, I did not ask you for permission?""You do not need my permission to get a job, Killian. I am happy that you got a job. I do need help paying for everything.""Aye, I am glad to help. Love what is wrong?" "If you are working at the docks...are you going to work with me? Or when I am on maternity relief?""Aye, I am going to schedule my jobs so I can work both of them. I will be there for my two loves when you both need me." They hug. "I am always going to be there for you, love if you need me." Emam felt safe in his arms knowing everything he said it is a promise that he would keep."You were up all night?""Aye, after I drove us home, the lad and I had a long talk until 5:00 am.""Really? What were you two talking about?""You and the baby."Emma smiles. "Really?""Aye, he was telling me how he was worried about you working being pregnant and for the baby if you both get hurt. He also told me that he is going to be jealous. I told him about my father abandoning my older brother Liam and me and sold us into servitude. He left us to escape from not being arrested at the next port. I found him many years later, found out he had a son with a nurse he fell in love with who helped him during the sleeping curse...he asked me to help escape...let's just say I found out his son was named Liam..." Emma was surprised and held Killian's hook. "I killed my father after seeing him making the same promise he said to me before abandoning me to slavery...I told Henry last night, I am not a coward as my father was..." Emma was crying. "Emma..."Emma got mad hearing about his horrible past which he did not deserve, he is a survivor like her. "Listen to me Killian, you are nothing like your father. Nothing! You volunteered to come You are here for me, Henry and our baby, supporting us! You are a kind caring man! You are nothing like him nothing!!" Killian hugs his Emma. "You did not deserve that horrible past. You were treated awful.." Emma was crying into him, he could not tell if it was her hormones from the baby making her emotions go up and down or it is her showing how much she cared for him. "I am so sorry you were treated that way, Killian you do not deserve that horrible life." Henry woke up when he heard his Mom screaming and crying.Killian spoke softly to his swan, who was showing how much she cared for him. "Aye, after all, I went through I survived now I am here you, Henry and our little one. I am very excited about our next chapter in our life together, to be a daddy to our little love." He rubs her baby bump. "Daddy loves you, little love." He kisses Emma's baby bump. "Speaking of the baby, I have my sonogram appointment today and I am going to do the blood test which tells us the gender of the baby.""Aye, I am looking forward to knowing if we are going to have a lad or lass.""I know the big brother to want to know the gender of the baby too!""Yes, Mom!" Emma giggles. Henry comes into the living room. "Mom, can I come! I want to see my baby sister or brother on the sonogram." Emma hugs her son. "You are coming with us, Henry. We are all going to see the baby." "Yes! I think it is a baby sister.""I think I know the gender..""Really love?"Emma smiles"It is called mother's intuition but I may be wrong. We will see when we get there." They kiss and get ready for Emma's appointment. As they were waiting in the waiting room, Henry was talking so much to Emma, Killian was holding Emma's hand. "Henry, there is one part of the exam, I do not want you to see. Your Dad will get you once the part is done.""Which part is that?"Emma whispered into Henry's ear, "When the doctor looks into my vagina." Henry made a disgusted face. "Yea, Dad. Can you bring me in when it is time for the sonogram?"Killian smiles. "Aye, I will get you when we get to see the baby." Emma named was called, Killian walked with Emma to the exam room, the doctor examined Emma. "My son is waiting outside, he wants to be here for the sonogram.""Do you want to do the blood test first?""Yes, please." While Emma gets her blood taken out, Killian held her hand. "This hurts.""It will be worth it love." "You always know what to say." She kisses him on the cheek. As they were waiting for the results, Henry enters the room. "Henry.""Mom, your doctor told me that I can come in.""I took a blood test, telling us the gender of the baby." Dr. Peirce returns to the room, "Now that the big brother is here. I can start with the sonogram." Dr. Peirce began to set up the machine as Emma lies down and pulled her shirt up showing her baby bump. Killian holds her hand and Henry on her other hand. "Kid, are you ready to see your baby sister or brother?""Yes, Mom. Boy or girl, I will be very happy.""Me too, Henry.""Love, as long as the lass or lad is healthy which is important.""That is right, Killian." They kiss. Dr.Pierce puts cool jelly on Emma's baby bump and use the doppler to find the baby's heartbeat. "There is your baby's heartbeat Emma, 158, which is very strong Emma."Killian whispered into Emma's ear. "Just likes it's Mommy." Emma smiled. Dr. Pierce moved the doppler around, "Here is your baby, Emma." She pointed it where it was on the screen. Emma was in tears and in awe, "The baby looks like a tiny baby." "Emma, your 12 weeks every day the baby will get bigger and form into a little human.""Mom, that is my baby sister or brother.""Yes, Henry." Dr. Peirce continued toe sonogram. A nurse comes in with the test results. "Emma, are you ready to know the gender of your baby?""Yes." Killian holds Emma's hand and Henry too."You are having a baby girl, Emma. Congratulations!" Emma was crying into Killian. Dr. Peirce left them alone for privacy and to print out the pictures. "We are going to have a daughter." "Aye, a little lass who is going to be a pirate princess." He kisses Emma's baby bump. "Little love, we just found out that you are a little lass. You are so loved already by your Mommy Daddy and big brother." "Yes! I am going to have a baby sister!" "Kid come here" Henry hugs his Mom. "I was right.""You knew?""Mother instincts also, this pregnancy is very different from when I was carrying you." She hugs her son. "Are you happy that we are having a baby girl?""Yes!" He kisses his Mom's baby bump. "Little sis, this is your big brother Henry. I love you so much. You have me your awesome big brother to protect you, I can teach you everything. You are very lucky that you have our Mommy and Daddy as your parents, they went through a lot but they are always going to be there for you and love you from the very beginning. You will always have your family." Killian wrapped his arm around his Emma, she was crying tears of joy for she was not alone this time and having a baby from the very beginning with her true love and son her side. After the appointment, Emma needed to go maternity cloth shopping, every clothes she was looking at Killian and Henry would hold, especially Killian, he did not want Emma to carry anything. Emma hugs her son. "You want to go to the baby store after this to see what we can get for your sister?""Yes, can I choose a few baby clothes?""Yes, after that we can get ice cream?""Awesome.""I heard ice cream after shopping for the little lass?" He rubs her baby bump with his hook hand. "Yes, your daughter and I want ice cream. It is May and getting close to summer.""Aye, whatever the lass wants, I will get it for you both.""Thank you." They kiss. They went to the baby store, Emma found a few pink onesies with matching hats and swan onesies for the baby, and she looked around for cribs and rocking chair. Killian was at her side. "Love, we can get a rocking chair for the lass."Emma began to cry. "We...""We are both working love. We can afford what our little lass needs. I can make room in the apartment for the little love needs. I am not going to do any heavy lifting." Emma hugs Killian and kisses him on the cheek. "You really care for me and us.""Aye, I will always care for my family. Now, let's see what we can buy for our little lass."Henry found his parents, "Mom, look what I found!" He shows the Cat Woman onesie and BB8 onesie. "Henry.." she hugs her son. "Are you going to get your sister into superheroes and Star Wars?""Yes, Mom! I am her big brother. I want to teach her young."Emma giggles. "You can show her any movie as long it is not horror movies. You can show her Disney movies.""Mom, of course, Disney movies. I am going to teach her about our family history. She is going to know all about our family tree even some of it is messed up.""I know you are going to help your Dad and me to teach your sister everything. She is going to know where she comes from." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma rushes to the bathroom to vomit. Henry hugs his Dad. "Dad, are you happy that Mom is having a baby lass.""Aye, your sister is going to be so lucky to have your Mom from the very beginning.""She also has you and I Dad.""That is right, son." He hugs Henry. "Can you keep a secret?""Yes. I need to ask you something..."Emma returns, "Boys, what are you up to?""Henry and I are discussing what to teach the lass sailing or sword fighting?" Emma smiles."I have a feeling our baby girl, will be part pirate and part me..""You mean savior and princess.""Maybe. I know you two are to something...""Mom, we are not up to anything." Emma gives Henry a look. "Okay..." "Love, let's look at cribs." Killian guides his swan to the crib area. Emma wanted to make sure the crib affordable and able to fit in their room in the apartment. "Love, what do you think?" "I like it and it is in our price range." They ordered the crib, Emma got girly bedding for the baby's crib and bought onesies, and bibs for their little girl. They got ice cream afterward, Emma bought her own container of Ben and Jerry's on the way home. She ate the whole container and runs to the bathroom. "Damn it." Henry got the ginger ale as Killian goes to comfort Emma. She was crying, "I was craving ice cream and you do not want it, baby girl?" She rubs her baby bump. "Then you decide after I ate the whole ice cream you wanted me to puke it out. Why?" Killian smiles seeing his love talking to their little lass. "Swan.""She wanted the ice cream and decides after I ate all of it that she did not want it.""She is like her mother, stubborn.""She takes after me already." She pats her baby bump. "Baby girl, Mommy is going to make sure that you have everything you need. I may not have everything when I was a baby but you will." Killian hugs his swan. She felt guilty and cried. "Love...""Our baby won't have a room to her own.""Emma, she is not going to need her room until she gets bigger. For the first few months, she is going to be fed by you, and need both of us all night. She needs to be in our room." Emma runs to their room and slams the door. "Dad, what is going on?""Lad, I am not sure. She is very hormonal.""The baby is making her hormonal.""Aye, yes lad.""I can tell. I got a baby book from the library, the book says we need to be careful about what we say around her."Killian smiles. "Thanks, lad. I will read the book later and know it will come in handy soon.""Your welcome.""I have to talk to your Mom.""If you need any help, I am right next door. I have to work on my science homework. Can we play video games later?""Yes, lad. I need to talk to your Mom." Henry goes to his room. Killian knocks on the door. "Emma, it is me, love. I know you are very upset. Please talk to me. I hate seeing you upset. Can I come in? You do not have to talk? I do not want you to be alone, you have me to hug you and talk." He opened the door seeing Emma was hugging a pillow crying. He sits next to her. "Love, please I want to know why you are upset. Is it something that I said? I want to know love, so I won't get upset again for the next time." he hugs his Emma and a long time it was quiet. He waited for her but she just continued to cry. "I am right here, Emma. Whenever you are ready I am all ears to listen. I am not going anywhere." Emma realizing she has a man in her life and the first person in her life that put her first before anyone else and cares for me. "Please stay.""I am not leaving you ever. Even if you get upset." She turns to face Killian, "I am right here Emma. I am not going anywhere. I just want to know why you are so upset." "I do not know how to be a Mom to a baby. I had a family until I was three and they gave me up because they had a baby of their own and tossed me out like I was trash. I never had a stable home until now. I always promised myself whenever I have a family my children will have their own room. I want our baby girl to have her own room and in a house that we own. I always dreamt about that...I feel guilty that I am not giving her everything.""Emma, we may live in a two bedroom apartment, it is better than a one bedroom apartment. Our little love will just want to be held by you all the time, I can see it already. She wants to be with you because she loves you so much. Our little lass will not care if she has her own room until she is older because she knows that we are going to take care of her all the time especially when she gives us no sleep at night. We are going to get a house, not sure when but I have this good feeling love that we will own a house in our name and our children will have their own room each and have room for their toys and having us as their parents. For now, we have to start small. When the little lass gets bigger we will move to a house of our own. You are not failing our baby, she knows that you are carrying her, nurturing her, and going to spoil her with love and attention when she arrives. She is very lucky little love because she has you as her Mommy caring for her and protecting her."Emma smiles. "You always know what to say, Killian. You always make me feel better." She hugs him. "I will always be there for you and our family." They kiss. Emma puts her hand on her baby bump. "Baby girl, we love you so much." "Aye, your Mommy is right little love. We are planning to spoil you already." Emma smiles. "Your big brother has already planned what to teach you." "You will always have us, baby girl, a mommy, daddy and a big brother who loves you and will be there for you, your family." They kiss and continued to talk to their little girl. Emma knows that Killian will never leave her and their family, she is very grateful for having him in her life. Henry sees his Dad calming down his Mom and both of them talking to his sister. He knows that they are all going to love her and spoil her. He cannot wait to see his parents be parents from the very beginning and helping them with his sister. Their happy beginning together.

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