Best Chance

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A few days later, Emma and Killian were snuggling in bed. Emma cannot stand seeing her parents' separated, one fast asleep and one awake. Killian knows his swan was very sad her parents are being miserable. He hugged his wife "Love, Regina will find a way to break the Evil Queen's curse."

"I hope so too." Emma's iPhone rings, it was Belle. "Hello."

"Emma, this is Belle. Rumple put a gold bracelet on me that can track me wherever I go, in every realm."

"Where are you?"

"With the fairies."

"We are on the way." She ends her conversation.


"Gold got a magic tracker on a bracelet on Belle. She cannot run away to escape him."

"Aye the crocodile is treating her and her son on the way like one of his possessions." The couple quickly got ready. Killian puts Hope in the back of the yellow bug. Emma drove her family to house of the fairies.

Belle explains to everyone about Rumple trapping her here, going to use shears of destiny on their son. Killian was holding Hope. "Belle, we will help you." Emma held her hand.

Emma and Killian went on patrol with Killian around town. Henry texts her updates it Regina found a spell to break the Evil Queen's curse. Killian would read her text for her since she was the one driving. Henry was helping his other Mom out with the potion. She stopped her yellow bug. "Belle calling me." She swiped her iPhone. "Hi, Belle."

"Emma, I found a book that can help me."

"Where are you?"

"At the library."

"We will meet you there." She hangs up. "Belle found something to help her and her son."

"Aye, I hope to works."


Killian faces back to his daughter. "Little pirate." Emma drove her family Belle at the library. He carried Hope inside the library. "Belle, what have you found?"

"I found this book. As I read this in my dream, my son tells about his Dad will use the shears of destiny as soon as he is born."She gives Emma the book.

"We will stop him, Belle."

"Aye, the crocodile is not going to use the Shears of Destiny on your son."

"We are going to check if Gold has the shears of destiny or dagger to use on you."

"You can use squid ink on him. It is in the back of his shop."

"I will find it."
"Aye to the crocodile shop we go."

After Emma changes Hope's diaper in the bathroom, they went back into town. "Killian, I do not want Hope to be with us while we snoop around Gold's shop."

"Aye, it can be dangerous." Killian texts his son to meet them at Granny's. "I told him to meet us at Granny's."

"Good." Hope babbles. Emma kisses her daughter on the cheek.

They went to Granny's and waited for their son to arrive. Hope was walking back and forth to her parents. Hope hugs her Mommy's legs. Emma scooped her daughter in her arms and spun her around. Hope laughs. His swan was glowing with happiness. Killian captured his two loves both smiling at the same time on his iPhone.

Henry arrives. "Hi, Mom. Hi, Hope."


He takes his Mom from his sister and hugs her. "How is Belle?"

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