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Emma was 8 months pregnant. Her boss gave her maternity relief with pay. She and Killian were at her sonogram. Hope was with them, Killian was holding Hope keeping her out of mischief as Dr.Peirce was examining Emma. "No, Henry today?"

"Not today. He has his middle school graduation this afternoon. He is a little nervous."

"I understand."


"Hope is still very clingy."

"From what happened to her lately, she will be very clingy for a while." She finished examining Emma. "Let's get a good look at your baby on the way." She sets up the sonogram as Killian sets Hope next to her Mama.


Emma pulls up her shirt. "Hopey, we are going to see baby Ian!"

Hope smiles big. The sonogram began, they heard the heartbeat. "Ian!!"

"That is Ian's heartbeat, sweetie." Hope hugged her Mama.

The lights went off and Dr.Peirce starts the sonogram. They see baby boy Jones. "Ian!"

"Yes, Ian is getting so big." He rubs his wife's hand.

Emma was crying. "Ian, you are almost here."

Hope hugged her Mama's baby belly. "Little love, Dr.Peirce has to see baby brother."

"Sit next to me, baby duckling." Killian sets Hope next to Emma so she won't be in the way of the sonogram.

"He is weighing to be around 8 pounds."

"8 pounds?"

"He might be bigger when he is born." Emma's jaw dropped imaging delivering the big baby. Killian was proud his son was growing strong inside of his wife.

"Baby Ian!"

A few hours later, Killian drove his family to Henry's middle school. Henry went inside to meet with rest of his class. Emma and Killian were entering the gym, where the ceremony was going to be placed. He found a spot for his swan to sit, directed in front of the stage. All of the families and faculty and teachers were ready for the graduates. Emma was taking photos of Henry entering with his graduating class. Henry waved his Mom smiling.

Emma was wearing a floral maternity dress. Hope was wearing a similar dress sitting on her Daddy's lap. Killian was wearing dress pants, and shirt with a tie. Henry was in sitting in a crowd of teenagers in the center of the gymnasium in a yellow cap and gown. A guest speaker was speaking."He-wy."

"He is sitting with his classmates, little love."

"We are going to see Henry soon, sweetie."


She rubs her daughter's hand. "Henry is with his friends. He is graduating middle school." Ian moved around and she rubs her free hand on her 8th month baby belly. She cannot believe it is already June and she is going to give birth at the end of next month.

The graduates were waiting on the line for their diplomas in the very long line."Henry Daniel Jones!!" Henry went on stage and went to the principal and received his middle school diploma Emma was standing up. "Yes!! Henry!!! Whoo!!" Killian was cheering on his son and taking video as his son was walking across the stage. "GO my son!!!"

Henry smiles at his parents who were cheering him on. Hope was clapping along with her parents. When all of the graduates were all lined up with their diplomas,"I give you the class of 2015!!! Congratulations!!" The whole room of parents and family members cheered.

Killian was holding Hope and helped his wife stand up. They both cheered for their son. Emma was crying tears of joy, not missing her son's graduation. "He-wy!!"

"Yes, Henry is officially graduated middle school! He is going to high school!!"

"Let's go find the graduate." They went to find their son.Killian was holding Hope in the huge crowd.

"Mom!" Henry went to his Mom.

Emma hugged her son right away. "Congratulations Henry!!"

"Thank you, Mom. You are hugging me tight."

She chuckles."I am sorry. I am so happy to be here on your graduation ceremony."

"I am happy you and Ian are here Mom. Thanks to Dr.Peirce letting you come."

"You did not have a graduation when I brought you home to Storybrooke."

"That is true. I think the curses prevented graduation ceremony from happening." He rubs her baby belly. "Ian, did you hear all the people today? I graduated middle school, baby bro."

"By the time you start high school, you will have a baby brother."

"Congratulations Henry!"

"Thank you Dad."


Henry takes his sister from their Dad and spins her around. Hope gripped her big brother. "You are with me, baby sis." Hope babbles. "No one is going to take you away from me."


Emma rubs Hope's back. "I am right, her baby duckling."


"Dada is right here, little love."

"Dada." He takes his daughter from his son. Emma hugged her son.

Mr. Bob finds the family. "Congratulations Henry!"

"Thank you, Mr.Bob."

"Hi, Hope."



The family went out to eat in an Italian restaurant to celebrate Henry's graduation.

Killian drove his family in the yellow bug to Dumbo, Brooklyn. Henry was playing with Hope by the ocean. Killian was holding Hope who was happy getting her feet wet. Emma was resting sitting down in the shade, she was feeling uncomfortable and hot all at once. She is enjoying seeing her children happily playing in the ocean. Her baby is going to be a high schooler. She will be there for him, Hope, and Ian after she defeats the final battle. For now, her oldest son is on summer vacation. Emma will take advantage of having fun with her two kids before the baby arrives.

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