Captain Swan Movie

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Emma and Killian bought their house. The for-sale sign went off the ground and the realtor gave Emma and Killian the keys to their new home. Killian hugged his swan. "Killian, we are officially house owners.""Yes, we are love." They kiss. Emma carries Hope in her carrier and looks down at her daughter. "Hope, this is your home, where you are going to grow up in." Killian smiles knowing his family always has a home here. The dwarves helped move their furniture in from the moving van. They hear a crash, the dwarves drop Hope's crib. Emma gives Hope to Killian and goes right to Hope's room to see the damaged crib and Grumpy and Bashful in the room. Emma was furious, and Killian chose the crib for their daughter. "HOW CAN YOU TWO BREAK A CRIB?!!" Hope was wailing in Killian's arms as his wife was yelling at the dwarves. Emma came back downstairs. "Emma... we can get Hope a new crib. I can go into town to get one from Gepetto's store.""I am so mad. We bought that crib for Hope when we were in New York.""I know, love." He hugs his wife with their daughter in the middle. "Hope can sleep with us until we get her a new crib." Killian, Henry, and Emma carrying Hope in the carrier as they emptied boxes. Grumpy and Bashful left once the furniture was all put into the house."Mom, can I read to Hope from my storybook?""Yes, you can." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hopey, Henry is going to read to you." She takes Hope from her carrier and hands Hope to her son.Hope smiles as Henry holds her. "Yes, little sis, you are with me. We are going to have storytime in the living room." Henry takes Hope to the living room and read to her on the couch. He shows Hope the book. Hope babbles. "Yes, this is where all of our family stories are in." He opens the book. "Once upon a time..." Hope grips the book. "You can hold the book as I read to you." Emma and Killian were organizing the kitchen, with plates and cleaning up the counter, and refilling the fridge. "Emma, do you want me to cook tonight?""Yes! I miss your cooking."Killian smiles seeing Emma's excitement and wraps his arms around his swan. "I have an idea of what I can cook for our first night in our house.""I can't wait, captain." They kiss. "Can I help you cook?""Yes, Emma. I can teach you." Emma chuckles."Mom, before Hope moves in her room. I want to paint her walls, to paint pictures.""You can paint her room kid. Most of her furniture is still to be fixed again. Also, the crib broke by the dwarves.""Swan, I can fix Hope's furniture when Henry is done painting her room." "That is a great idea.""Dad, I need paints for Hope's room.""Lad, I have new paint set for you, it is in your room.""Dad you are the best!" He hugs his Dad and goes upstairs. "Henry, make sure Hope's room floor is covered.""Love, I have the canvas covering Hope's room, so Henry can paint."Emma knows her husband is the best Dad to both of thier chidlren. "You are the best, you know that?" She hugs him."Aye, our artist wants to make sure Hope's room is painted just right.""Yes." They emptied the final box. "Swan, that is our last box.""Really? It looks so empty here still."Killian hugs his wife."Love, we are going to add more furniture soon. Remember we ordered furniture?"Yes, I forgot. I love you remind me."She kisses him on the cheek. Hope fusses. "Hopey, you want to play in the living room?""Love, I will set her playmat." Killian sets Hope's playmat as Emma takes Hope out of her carrier and set her daughter on her tummy and sat next to Hope. She placed a few of Hope's toys by the mat. Hope babbled happily. "You are happy that we are moved into our home, right Hope?" Hope babbles. "Yes, you helped daddy and Henry chose the house and surprised Mommy." Hope chews on her toys. "Hopey..." Hope tries to hold her head up. "You are getting so close holding your head up." Killian goes upstairs to check on Henry. "Lad, how is it going here?""So far, so good. I have a plan..""What is it lad?""This wall on the right is going to be you and Mom beanstalk, with the storybook...the second wall in the center is going to be the Jolly Roger, the next wall be Gramps and Grandma's castle in the Enchanted Forest, the next wall will be the town.""Lad, you have it all planned out. Do you need help?""The walls are yellow already. I can paint the murals by myself." "Alright, lad." Killian goes back downstairs. He sees Emma playing with Hope, she was lying on the carpet lifting Hope up and down and giving Hope kisses. This is what he always wanted, his swan to be happy and playing with their daughter in their own home. He builds Hope's walker. "Hope, Dada is building your walker.""Aye, Hope has room to walk around in her walker.""Yes, she has so much room now to play." She lifts Hope up and down. The doorbell rings, Killian answers, it was Charming. "Hi, Charming.""Hi, Killian. I thought I would come by to see how you both moved in.""Aye, come in." He showed Chamrng a little tour of the house and showed him the living room seeing Emma playing with Hope. "Swan, we have a visitor."Emma looks up seeing her Dad. "Hi, Dad." She scooped Hope into her arms. "Hopey, gramps is here." Hope fusses. "We are going to play more in a few minutes baby girl." Hope gripped a lock of Emma's blonde hair. "Little love, Dada is finished with your walker." Emma puts Hope in her walker. Hope smiles. "You are happy to be playing in your walker again?" Hope babbles. "Are you saying thank you to Dada for building your walker? So you can walk around by yourself?" Hope smiles. Killian kneels down to his little lass. "You are very welcome, little love." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Emma plays with Hope showing the toys on her walker, Hope babbling away and gripping the toys.Killian and Charming were both smiling at Emma playing with Hope. "You have so much room to walk around, the whole house, except for the stairs, baby." Hope moved her legs and the walker moved around. Killian chases Hope around the living room. "Killian, watch Hope. I do not want her to get hurt.""Aye, love. I will make sure Hope's walker does not bump into anything."Emma kisses him on the cheek. "So Dad, you are just visiting?""Yes, I wanted to see how my daughter is, at her new home.""Killian and I are officially homeowners. It is...everything I always wanted." She remembers her life in the foster system as thirteen years old, in a group home of a young girl getting picked up from her new family and a place to call home, which never happened to her until now. "Where is Henry?""He is upstairs painting Hope's room.""Painting?""Yes, when we were in New York, Henry discovered his talent for art, he can draw figure drawings and can paint murals. He is so talented. He wants to paint Hope's bedroom to make it special for her." She showed him a few of Henry's art work on her iPhone.Charming was impressed. "Wow, he is very talented.""Yes, he is. Killian and I support him in his talents. Are you finally going to tell me the name of my little brother? Or I should just keep calling him hey there?"Back in the Enchanted forest, the tradition is when a new royal was born, there would be a name announcement in a coronation ceremony.""You are not gonna hold him out in front of the clocktower and present him like the lion king are you?"Charming chuckles. "No of course not. I came by to tell you about the potluck for your brother's cornation ceremony is tomorrow. He is two weeks old already.""So no clocktower?""No." They both laughed.Henry comes downstairs. "Hi, Gramps.""Hi, Henry. Your Mom told me about your painting talent.""I found my talent in school, in art class. Mom, where is the dish soap? I need to clean out some of my paintbrushes?""They are in the kitchen on the sink.""Thank you."Emma wrapped her arm around her son. "I think your grandparents cannot decide what to name your uncle, and they are using a fairytale tradition to try to buy themselves some time." Henry chuckles. Hope walks in her walker towards them. "Hopey." Emma kneels down to face her daughter. "Are you having fun?" Hope babbles and reaches out for her Mommy. Emma scooped Hope into her arms and kissed her on the cheek."Little sis, are you having fun walking around here in your walker?" Hope smiles. "I am painting your bedroom just for you." Hope babbles."Mom, Hope loves the house.""You are right, kid. You and Hope chose a great house." Henry hugs his Mom."Swan what about me?" He gives his swan a pouty lip.Emma chuckles. "How can I forget you, captain? My husband." They kiss. Charming smiles seeing his daughter happy with her family in their new home.The next day, Emma was ordering more furniture for their house on her laptop in the kitchen as Killian was snuggling with Hope right next to her. "Swan, are you okay?""I am fine. Why?""I know today is going to be rough for you, you have not seen your mother or brother since the hospital. You have been avoiding them.""Killian, I am not avoiding them. I have been busy, with the move and buying everything that we need for our new home. We literally just finished unpacking our boxes yesterday.""Swan? I know you by now.I saw the hurt of being replaced on your face at the hospital..." "Yes, you are right. I was hurt, I am replaced again." Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "I am still mad at Mary-Margaret for all the pain she has caused our family." Hope babbles. She scooped hope into her arms. "I am not mad at you, baby girl. I love you so much." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek and hugs her daughter. "My brother is going to get everything that I did not have as a child...""You are not replaced in this family, love." Hope babbles. "You agree with me, Hope. Yes, you have the best Mommy in all the realms." He gave Hope kisses on the cheek. Emma smiles. As Emma was getting Hope dressed, Killian checks on Henry who has been painting Hope's room most of the day. "Lad, you need to wash up. We are going to granny's soon.""I am about finished for today." Henry finished the final touches for the first wall. "What do you think?"Killian smiles. "Is that your Mom and me on the beanstalk?""Yes." He hugs his Dad. "I want to show Hope your love story with Mom and to show her where our family comes from.""She will learn from all of us, your painting will always show your sister where her family comes from." Henry smiles. "I will take a shower and get ready." Henry goes to take a shower. Killian returns to his and Emma's room, seeing Emma nursing Hope. He joined them on the bed. "Henry is taking a shower love.""I passed by Hope's room earlier and saw his painting on the wall, it is so beautiful.""Our son is very talented.""Yes, he is so talented." She looks down at Hope. "Hope, your bedroom is going to be the prettiest room in the whole house once, Henry is finished painting your bedroom. For now, you are sleeping with dada and Mommy in our room.""I do love our snuggles with Hope at night.""Me too. I love spending this time with Hope. I also worry when she gets sick again. I do not want her to be back in the hospital.""I get worried to love, but now Hope is healthy.""I am so grateful for that." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope fusses. "I got our little lass." He burps Hope who pukes over his shoulder. Hope began crying. "You are not in trouble little love. Dada is not mad.""I will get you a new shirt.""Thank you, love." Emma gets Killian a clean shirt as Killian calms down Hope who was crying more. Emma gives Killian a clean shirt and gets Hope from him. "Hopey, what is the matter? Why are you upset? Dada is not mad at you." Hope spits up more. She ignores the puke and rubs Hope's back until her gas is all out of her. "Mommy is not mad, Dada is not mad. You are just full. That is all." Hope's crying lessens. Henry enters the room knowing Hope is upset. "Mom, I think Hope wants some H& H time before we leave."Emma smiles. "Thanks, kid. We need to change our shirts. We will be leaving ina few minutes."Henry takes Hope from their Mom. "Hopey, we are going to read from my book." He takes his room and read from his storybook which calmed her down. Emma changed into a gray turtle neck and into her maroon jacket as Killian packed Hope's diaper bag. "Swan, your diaper bag is packed.""Thank you.""Are you ready to go?" Emma gets sad. Killian hugs his swan. "We do not need to be there for the whole party.""I need to be there for some of the party, he is my brother.""I know. I am just saying if you are not comfortable or too much for you, just tell me and we will leave.""Thanks, Killian for being here for me.""You are very welcome, love. I love you.""I love you." They kiss. Henry brings in Hope. "Hope, they are kissing."Hope babbles. "Yes, eww." Emma chuckles and hugs Henry and Hope. "We need to get going." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope, you can be with me, baby girl." Emma holds Hope. the family walked into town to granny's. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves as Henry walked on the other side of his parents holding his book. "Are you happy to have your book back?""Yes, Mom. I promised Hope that I can read to her more of the stories at the party.""Hope will love stories read by you, kid." The family entered granny's seeing decorations for the newborn prince, balloons, and many gifts for Emma's brother. Most of the town was there to welcome the newborn prince. Emma hugs her daughter close to her. "Mom, you have Hope and me." Henry hugs his Mom. Emma kisses Henry on the head. They walk to Snow White and Charming at their booth with Red who moved to sit with Snow White. The family slide in. "Hi, Emma.""Hi, Mary-Margaret. Hi, Dad."Charming faces Hope. "Hi, Hope. I can tell you are happy with your Mommy." Hope babbles. "Hope is saying hi too." Hope gripped her Mommy. "You are staying with me, baby girl." "Swan, are you thirsty?""Yes. Can you get me a glass of water?""A glass of water for my swan." They kiss. Killian goes to the bar area to get a beer for himself and water for his wife. Red,"Emma, Hope has gotten so big.""Hope is getting bigger every single day.""I heard that she takes more after you."Emma smiles. "She proved to Killian and I that she is a little hero. She has light magic just like me.""How was moving into your house? I know you two moved out of the inn, once you defeated Zelena. ""We are mostly moved in but we need to order more furniture to fill in the read of the house.""Mom, I can read to Hope and our little uncle." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope. I am the best storyteller of the family." He kisses Hope on the head."Henry, you can read them our story.""Got it, gramps." He puts the book on the table and read to Hope and their new uncle. Charming was smiling. Killian returns with their drinks. "Thank you, honey. Really, Dad? I cannot hear the kid's name yet but I have to hear this story again?""Well, my son should know where he comes from." Henry stops reading and looks at his sister, trying to make her laugh."Are you sure you want the first thing he knows to be that his parents fell in love during an armed robbery?"Snow White looked up at her daughter. "I was not armed."Red,"Except with a rock." "I still have the scar, Snow.""Which healed." Snow White looks down at her son. "That is how we met. It is not how we fell in love. " She rubs her son's little hand.Charming,"Yeah. That is a bit more complicated." He opens turns to the next page, of black knights and Charming saving Snow White. "See there are black knights when I saved your mother's life." Snow White turns to the next page. "Oh. The attack on the troll bridge, where I saved your life." Killian and Emma can tell competition between Emma's parents. Charming turn the pages until he found what he was looking for."But it was not until I saw my mother's ring on her finger that I knew in my heart there was no other woman I would ever love." Emma smiles. Snow white looks up at her husband."I wish you told me then. We would save so much time.""Well, how could I had to get to my wedding."Killian was confused."Sorry." He looks at his wife. "Have I missed something? You were previously betrothed, mate?" Robinhood and Regina joined them listening to Charming and Snow White story.Red looks at Kathryn talking to Granny."To Kathryn."Snow White,"Though she was princess Abigail back then.""King Midas's daughter? The man who can turn anything into gold?" Charming nods his head to his son-in-law. "Why would you leave that opportunity?" Emma hits her husband's arm. Snow White, "Hey!"Charming,"Well, what can I say? My heart was destined for another."Red looks at Emma who was rubbing Hope's back who fell asleep, "You just had to find her first." Charming laughs. "She ran away and was living on a farm." Snow White, "Oh, it sounded like such a peaceful life at that time... Leave everyone and everything behind.""Like mother, like daughter." He takes a sip of his beer."Killian.""What is Dad talking about Mom?""Nothing, kid.""Mom?"Emma had to lie in front of her parents not wanting to admit where home was and mix of jealously. "I think of New York is our home.""We just moved into our house...Mom, this is our home." Emma was stressed out."No, it is not." She gives Hope to Killian and leaves the diner. Henry goes to his Dad to talk to him, not in front of the rest of the family. "Dad?""Henry,I will talk to your Mom. She knows this is her home but does not want to admit it yet or in front of everyone here.""I know she is having a rough day.""Exactly son. She is always on the run until now.""I get it."Kilian gives Hope to Henry and leaves the diaper bag next to his son. "I will talk to your, Mom." "Wait...Dad." He gives the book to him. "Take this. It might help her remember where she belongs. Hope is going to be here with me." Killian leaves the diner, Charming rubbed Henry's back. "It is going to be alright. She is just stubborn like her..." Snow White gave Charming a look. "Uh, all of our family." Regina goes next to Henry. "Hook will find Emma, Henry.""You are right, besides me, Mom talks to him." Henry looks at the sky and sees something dark magic shooting out of the sky. "Grandpa? What is that? Look." Charming, Snow White, Robinhood, Regina and Red all looked. The doorbell jingles, Rumpelstiltskin, and Belle enter. "That is a problem. That light is from Zelena's time-traveling spell. It is open." Charming and Regina rush to the sheriff's station, seeing the cell was empty. "Zelena's escaped." Rumpelstiltskin, Belle, and Robinhood entered the room. Regina,"No, she was here when I left her."Belle, "Well she escaped that explains the time portal opening.""Impossible. Without her pendant she is powerless. How could she escape? Let alone open a time portal without magic?" She looks at Rumplestiltskin. "Unless you did something to her." Everyone stared at him in anger knowing Regina was most likely right. "Well, I am sorry to disappoint you, but no." Regina did not believe him at all, she shook her head. "Well, even if I wanted to, Belle has my dagger. She would certainly curb any homicidal tendencies."Belle, "It is true."Charming, "Well, let's see if she escaped. Let's find out how." He goes to the television for the security camera. Rumpelstiltskin saw the camera, "Wonderful." Charming rewind the VHS tape and plays the tape, they see Zelena. Rumpelstiltskin used his magic to block the camera, Regina, "What? What just happened?"Charming,"Yeah. We need an upgrade." The video returns, "Here we go." Rumpelstiltskin used his magic to change him stabbing Zelena into Zelena turning herself into glass. Regina, "The magic in her pendant has no tether. It was set free. Her last wish was fulfilled."Robinhood,"How do we unfull it?"Rumplestiltskin, "Excellent question." Everyone looks at him. "But until we figure out, no one should go near it. A trip to the past can cause catastrophic repercussions." Charming calls Emma. Killian had a feeling where his swan was. He found her sitting on a bench across from swan lake pond. Emma's iPhone was ringing, she ignored it. "You are making a mistake.""I do not want to talk to you about this.""Emma, I am your husband. You can always talk to me about anything you know that." He sits next to her on the bench and shows her the book. "If you do not want to listen to me. Listen to our son. This is where you come from." He points at her picture in the storybook. "Our home is here. I know you are scared, you d not want to admit that you have a home here. Being a lost boy myself, I know what is like to live on the run not having a place to call home. We have a home, here, Emma with our children.""Killian.." She held his hook. "You are right. I have always been alone on the run...I always ran because every place I been to, I did not miss it. I did not miss Storybrook. I ran away until Henry found me and brought me here. When we left, I felt so at home in New York with you, Henry and Hope. We started our family there. That is why I think New York is our home.""Aye, I think New York is our home too, love. It is where we became a couple and started our family. We got married in the big apple."Emma smiles, loves turning her husband into a 21st-century man. "I learned something a long time ago, Killian. Home is a place when you leave you just miss it.""New York is our second home, love. Our new home is here. We are raising Henry and Hope here with their family nearby and we have a new house, love.""You are right. Our home is here. I just did not want to admit it in front of my parents. I already was getting jealous of the baby getting everything, I did not have as a child with the ceremony for the name, the party and everything. I had none of that. My Dad put me in a wardrobe to escape the curse and Pinnochio and I was found on the side of the road. He left me as a baby, I was alone in the foster system."Killian hugs his wife. "You are nothing like your awful foster parents. You are an amazing mother to our children, love. They love you so much. You are giving them a white picket fence life right now.""I just cannot admit it to everyone just yet. I want to tell Henry...I was mad. .." "I know, Emma. I read the look on your face. I told Henry that you are not mad at him and you just need to admit to me, not in front of everyone else. Our new home is here in Storybrooke, the Jones family has two homes one in New York and one here in Maine." Emma hugs her husband. "You do not have to admit it now, Emma in front of everyone else." She kisses him on the cheek. Emma turns her head to see a portal of orange up in the sky."What the hell is that?""I have no idea."Emma stands up." I am checking this out." She heads toward the time portal. Killian grabs the book and goes after her."Swan, wait!" She runs. Killian runs after her. "Wait!" They go to the barnyard and see electricity going on and off and the time portal working. "Whatever is going in there, it cannot be good."Emma checks her iPhone. "It is Zelena's time portal My Dad left me a message, somehow she died and triggered it." The barn shook.Killian grabbed his wife's arm."We have to get away from here!""Not until we find a way to close it! I will use my magic." Killian and Emma both got pulled into the portal. "Killian!" He instantly grabbed her, his hook was on the ground holding them from the portal. "Hold on!" Emma was gripping his leather jacket."I cannot!" She falls into the portal. "One of these days, I am gonna stop chasing this woman." He let go and falls into the portal following his wife. Emma's iPhone was still vibrating on the ground outside of the barn. Emma and Killian landed on a dirt ground with a loud thud. Emma looked around knowing they are back in the Enchanted Forest. "No." No."Killian looks up at where they are and at his swan. "It appears, we are back in the Enchanted Forest.""Yeah, I got that.""The only question is when?"Emma looks up at the tree, seeing the wanted poster of her mother. She knew where they were back in time. "Swan?" He looks at the wanted poster too, got the same feeling how far they are in the past. "I suppose we are lucky to end up at this time. We could have appeared in the middle of the ogre wars or smack dab in the belly of a whale." Emma takes Henry's book out of Killian's satchel. "Why are you reading that now?""I have a pretty good idea where we are. We are back in time when my parents met. I was thinking of my parents' story when we were in the time portal, the story we were reading at granny's.""Aye, you think that's how the time portal worked? Of where?""Not where more like when.""Time portals are like other portals, they do not stay open for a return trip." He takes his satchel back."We are trapped here in the past. We should have left Storybrooke once we defeated Zelena. This does not happen in New York. We have to get back to our children!""On the bright side, I am pretty sure real estate is much more reasonable here.""Don't.""I understand your frustration, love. We have been in dire situations before. There is not need to be antsy. We have our wits. We have to focus on being constructive." Killian and Emma looked around and thought. "So..any ideas on how to get back?""How would I know how to get back to the future? Wo do I look like Marty McFly?'"Marty Mcwho?"The kid with the lightning and the DeLorean and they went back in time and then he...""Is he some sort of wizard?""No. Marty McFly is not a wizard. He's..." She began thinking. "Maybe a wizard is exactly what we need. Rumpelstiltskin." They hear the black knights and horse. "Black knights! Killian pulls Emma into hiding behind a tree. "We have to stay quiet." they see black knights surrounding a village, pulling all villagers out of their houses, including Pinnochio and Marco into a line. More black knights were coming and one carriage carrying the Evil Queen. Killian leads his wife to the bushes to get a closer look. They see Regina, coming out of the carriage, looking for Snow White. She was threatening her people if they did not tell her where Snow White was. "That is Regina""Not Regina, love. The Evil Queen.""She is even worse without the sensible pantsuits.""Uh-Huh." They watch Marco telling Reigna that they are a peaceful village and Snow White was not there. "That is Marco." Regina continues to yell at her people telling them the one who helped Snow White will pay, Emma and Killian looked at each other. "Here is what helping snow White look like. She shows her people a woman being handcuffed, her head was out of the sack, by black knights. "Help me! She is going to kill me!" Emma was about to go and help her. Killian stopped her. "Wait! What are you doing?""I am helping that woman. She is just an innocent...""No, swan. You heard Belle, if Zelena wanted to change the past, the future will change. You do not want to mess up the timeline. She warned us that it is dangerous. Messing events could do untold damage to all of us, changing the future. Everything must happen as it should." Emma knew he was right."What am I supposed to do? Let her die?""Whatever her fate is, we cannot interfere, not if we want to get back to the world we know." The more of Evil Queen, Regina she saw the more she wanted to be back with her children. "We need to find Rumple. The sooner we get out of here the better.""Aye, agreed but." He grabs his swan's arm and looks at Regina. "There is one thing we need to do first." After Regina and her black knights left. He guided his swan to one of the village houses to find an outfit for his swan."Wait." He looked at the outfit and back at his wife. "You want me to wear that?""Yes, swan. You need to blend in here." Emam stole the outfit and changed into an outfit in the woods. "Come on, swan. Let's get a look."Emma comes out in the outfit but hated the corset, which made her body feel tight and out of shape since she had Hope. She was grunting. Killian was in awe. "Oh, that is so much better.""Is this really is necessary?""What would you have done if Regina had spotted you back there?"I would run.""Even if we had, she would see you. She would recognize you when you arrive at Storybrooke with Henry in our time.""She is going to remember a glimpse of a face from 30 years ago from now?""The point of this is to minimize you making a lasting impression and sadly red leather jackets don't vogue here..ever." Emma impressed Killian knew what vogue was and she grunts, hating the dress. "The only everlasting impression I am concerned about how this corset is doing to my spleen. I am still not back to my body eight before I had Hope, my breast is still swollen because I nurse Hope, my dress is tight without the corset. My hips are never going to be the same.""Swan, you are still my beautiful wife. I love you no matter what body shape you are. You are beautiful inside and out.""I just want us to get home to Henry and Hope.""I know we are in the past but we are going to find a way back home, to Henry and Hope." He puts the hood on his swan's head. "We are going to find a way home together not if we disrupt the timeline. "She hugs him knowing he was right and they are in this adventure together. "Team Jones style?"Killian smiles. "Aye, team Jones style.""I love you so much.""I love you too my swan." They kiss. They walked around on the road seeing a collapsed tree until they heard horses and carriages. Killian leads Emma into the forest and hides behind a log. "It could be the queen again." They see knights and Prince Charming looking at the tree. Emma was surprised to see her Dad. "Is that...""Your father.""My dad." "We should go." Emma sees her Dad and looks up and sees her Mom hiding on a tree up high. Killian sees his mother in law, bandit Snow White. Emma was in awe seeing her parents, about to meet and keep looking back and forth at them knowing what will happen next. Emma accidentally cracks a branch, Snow White hears the sound, the mother and daughter look at each other. Snow White falls into the bushes, while Charming looks at the fallen tree and thinks it is going to be ambushed. He and the carriage left the place. Emma realized she ruined her parents meeting and ruining the future, her and her family. They walk to the road. "You know what thing about small changes having consequences?""Uh-huh.""What about big changes?""Why? What did we do?""That bandit was Snow White. This was the moment when my parents first met.""And because of us now they did not." Emma knew she screwed up big time. Now they had to think of a plan. "I screwed up.""Emma, we are going to get your parents back together. You are my wife, and one of my promises to you that I will always be on your side, as your husband and your best friend."Emma smiles. "You are my best friend. I am so glad I got trapped in the past with you." They kiss.Back in the future, Henry was playing with Hope, trying to help her stand on the booth chair, when Regina, Robinhood, Charming, Belle, and Rumplstilksin all returned. "Mom, where are my other Mom and Dad?"Regina sits next to her son as Charming sits with his wife. "We think Emma and Killian got caught up in the time portal. We were searching for them once we figured out Zelena killed herself. We went searching for them, unable to find Emma and Hook, Henry. They might have got caught in the time portal?" Henry got afraid. "Grandpa, can you do something to get my parents back?""Lad, this is the first time in magic history that someone created a time spell that worked. Even if we know-how, we do not know what time Emma and Hook are in. If they return, they will tell us how they did and what time they went through." Hope began crying. "Are you hungry, little sis?"Red gets the bottle from Henry and heats it up. She returns with the bottle. "Thank you, Red." Henry feeds Hope on his lap. "When Mommy and Daddy get back, I will tell them how you are being such a good girl for me." He kisses Hope on the head.Back in the past, Killianad Emma was walking in the forest to the dark ones castle up ahead in the forest. "Swan, look ahead the dark one's castle""How did you know this route?""Because I am crocodile's enemy and everyone knows where the crocodile lives, swan." "A little more imposing than the pawnshop. So, what do we do now? Knock on the door and introduce ourselves, tell him we are from the future.""Might be the best if I stay back. The dark one and I have a rather complicated past. I wager he will kill me on sight.""Oh, I will take that bet." They turn around and see Rumpelstiltskin. Emma was in surprise she gasped, she cannot believe she was seeing Gold as the dark one. "I cannot tell you how long I been looking forward to this! Oops, I just suppose just did." He used his magic to choke Killian. "Swan.""Stop!" Rumplestislkin used his magic to knock down Emma. "He is not going to hurt you trust me.""Why would I trust you?""Because if you don't, you will never see your son ever again." Rumplestilskin lets go of Kilian who falls to the ground. He aims his hand against Emma, to break it if needed to. "What do you know of my son?""His name is Baelfire. You are planning to enact a curse in hopes of reuniting with your son.""Who told you that?""What are you a witch?""No, I am not a witch.""I am the one who breaks the curse so you can find your son. I am the product of true love""That is a speculation. Part of my plans. But I have not done it.""You will, you will succeed.""If that is true, that that means.""We are from the future, mate.""But time travel hasn't been done, mate.""Yeah, well someone has cracked that code. We need our help.""Help?" The dark one laughs. "You need my help? Then answer one question for me. Do I find my son?" Emma did not want to answer it because Neal dies in the future. "Answer me!""Y-Yes.""Bae. I find Bae. How? Eh! Do not tell me. If I succeed I do not want anything in my head to throw it off." He does the dark one wave."It might be already kind of thrown off.""You have changed things. What have you done?"Emma looks at Killian who tells her to tell him the truth." We interrupted my parents' meeting." Rumpelstilskin uses magic to poof them to his castle and lead them inside. "Thank you Go..Rumpelstiltskin, for believing us. I know that time travel is hard to swallow.""Not as hard as the other mystery you have presented to me. Why haven't I killed him yet?" He points at Killian. "If it makes you feel any better, it was not the lack of effort. Let's just say we bury the hatchet.""Yes, why not in your skull?" Killian gulps. Belle enters the room. "Oh, Rumpelstiltskin you are back." Emma turns around surprised to see Belle,the past one. "Do you need anything?""Belle.""Do we know each other?""Oh, sorry, no. Uhm. Mr...Rumpelstilskin, the dark one told me about you."Belle smiles. "Did he?"Rumpelstiltskin tries to sound annoyed. "No." He looks at Emma. "Now go away a read-a book or do something you like to do." Emma looks at Killian. "Come back and clean later.""You could ask nicely.""I could also turn you into a toad."Emma whispers, "It is a miracle you two fall in love with each other." Killian looks at his wife telling about the future. Rumpelstilskin laughs. "What? I mean, you first tell me,I let the pirate live. Now you tell me I fall in love with the help.""Yeah, she has a strange sense of humor, but let's get back to her parents." Killian smiles. "Yes, who are they?""Snow White and Prince Charming.""Prince charming! Isn't he marrying King Midas daughter that I have arranged.""See, that is what I am trying to tell you. That marriage is not supposed to happen. Because the ring he was going to give her was supposed to get stolen by Snow White.""It is quite a tale you are spilling.""Here let me show you. The book." Killian gives his swan the book. Emma opens the book, her family story is disappearing. "It is all gone, love. Anything supposed to happen after they met all disappeared." Rumplestilskin,"The ripple effect. Once you change something in the past, the future will change and be uncertain." Emma's heart dropped, her children may never exist or she. "The future you see is blank as a blank page.""We need to get snow White to steal that ring. So we can put their love story back on track.""You are in luck. King Midas is having a ball tonight at his castle. Prince James will be there so will the ring."So we need to get Snow there." She looks at her husband." How? We do not even know where she is.""Allow me." He goes to his magic ball and figures out where Snow White was, with Blackbeard. Emma smiles. "There she is.""She is with Blackbeard. She is trying to steer passage aboard his ship."Rumpelstilskin, "And it appears, it is failing.""She cannot escape, the queen is out to get her. Without the money, she was using it to sell the ring. Can you help us?""Help you? I can work on getting the portal open for the future to open again. But getting your parents together? You made that mess dearie. Only you know what you did. Now go undo it." Rumpelstiltskin walks away from the couple."If she is looking for a passage out of town? I may know a ship captain that will help us?""Who?""Me." Killian smiles. They went into town to the tavern and to find past Killian. "Emma, I have a plan. I need you to distract past me, so I can go on the Jolly Roger and talk to Snow White. I will tell her in order to get passage on my ship is to steal the ring of Prince James at King Midas castle."They entered the tavern and took a seat on the opposite side of the past Killian playing dice games with crew and lasses. "There I am. Rather dashing, don't you think?""Is this even a good idea? What about preserving the future?""It will be fine. Given what I am drinking, if I remember anything, I will simply blame the rum. Just make sure I..he remained occupied, doesn't return to my ship.I will take care of the rest.""Okay." Emma takes her hood and cape off, and lessens the strings on her dress to show more of her breast.Killian saw what she was doing. "Wait. What are you doing?""Making sure he stays occupied. Shouldn't be difficult because I am his type." She stands up. Killian goes closer to her. "That man sitting over there, you do not know him."Just be careful.""If I did not know any better. I say you are jealous. I remember you telling me about your past self. Don't worry, I am still your wife, also his future wife...""You are my wife.""Yes, captain. You are my husband." Killian leaves as Emma begins to act flirtatiously with her husband's past self. She goes to the table of coins jingling and laughter and lays herself across the table facing the past Killian. "What are you boys playing?" Past Killian licked his lips, Emma knew she got him hooked. Killian goes to thJolly Roger and sees Smee trying to kill a rat. "Captain, I did not expect to see you back so early from the tavern." He looks at the vermin. "I will get the rat, sir." Killian stopped him. "Let it be. Someday you will understand, Smee." He was heading toward to his captain quarters."Is that a new vest?""Of course, not. ""Are you feeling alright sir? You seem different.""Maybe I am used to asking my first mate what his captain needs on deck.""Of course, sorry.""Is there anything, I can do for you, sir"Killian sees Snow White."I need to speak to that lass. Bring her on board, quietly." Killian goes to his captain quarters.Back at the tavern, past Killian and Emma were drinking, mostly past Killian who was getting drunk. Emma pretends to drink the rum and throws it over her shoulder since she cannot drink since she was breastfeeding Hope. "I have a confession to make.""Most women do.""I want to know." she holds his hook. "How did you get the hook?" She rubs the metal hook. "You hear so many stories.."Past Killian leans to her. "Mm. So you know who I am. And here you have not told me your name."Emma pours him another drink. "What fun will that be?"Past Killian moves his hand. "Just two ships passing in the night, then?""Passing closely, I hope.""Speaking of ships, what do you say we leave this place, and I will show you mine?"Emma puts her hand on his leg to stop him from moving. "Wait." She lifts up her metal cup. "How about we have a few drinks first?" Past Killian continues to drink.At the Jolly Roger, Snow White enters the captain quarters. "Who are you?""I am a captain and I can help you."Snow White sits down. "So what do you want?""It is not what I want. It is what I can offer. I hear you need to seek passage out of the Enchanted Forest.""That is true but I don't have enough money.""I do not give a damn about money. It is treasure what I want." He shows her the wanted sign of her. "I think you can get it for me...Snow White. You are a thief aren't you?"Back at the tavern, Emma was getting past Killian more drunk by the second."If I did not know any better, I would say you are trying to get me drunk, which is usually my tactic.""What is wrong captain? You cannot hold your rum?" She smiles. "No, not only I can hold it, but I can carry it out of here." he hold the rum bottle. "What do say we set sail?" He stands up. "Come back with me for a nightcap. Or should I find someone else?" Emma holds his hook. "I can do a nightcap, with you captain." Past Killian smiles and lead Emma out of the tavern.Back on the Jolly Roger, "So, if I procure this item for you,you will give me safe passage on your ship?"To whatever realm you wish.""Then tell me what I have to steal.""A wedding ring."Emma slowly walked past Killian to the Jolly Roger making sure her husband was not there. Emma pretends to trip."Ooh! I think I should rest for a moment.""Oh,no need, no need." He carries her. "I carried rum barrels heavier than you." They both laughed. Emma sees her Mom passing by them. "Actually, I am feeling much better now." He carried Emma to the Jolly Roger. "Be hold! The Rolly Joger!"Smee sees past Killian and Emma. "Captain. How did you.. I thought you were still below deck Why does your vest keep changing?" Emma knows her husband was still there and places her hand on past Killian's chest. "I...seem to remember a nightcap was promised." Killian leans into kiss her as she leans back. "Find one, I will be waiting." Emma chuckles as she goes below deck."Captain something's not right here.""You are right. You are still here. I think you know what nightcap means. The lass and I want our privacy.""Of course." Emma goes down to the captain quarters finding her husband. "What are you doing here?""I could ask the same of you. I thought I told you to keep him occupied.""I am.""By bringing him onto my ship?""His ship." "You know what I mean.""I stalled as long as I could. I thought you would be gone by now.I will try to keep him above deck so you can get out of here." Past Killian enters as husband Killian hides. "Hey.""Where may you be going? I do hope you do not have second thoughts." Emma smiles and leans onto him. "No, I just got tired of waiting.'' They kiss and began making out, Emma sees her husband sneaking away from the past Killian. "My apologies. A woman so beautiful as you deserves all of my full and prompt attention."Killian got so jealous of his past self kissing his wife, he pulls him off of her and punches him in the jaw knocking him out. Emma was surprised." Are you kidding me? How does that not have consequences?!""He was asking for it! And like I said, he will blame it on the rum. Now let's get out of here." Emma was still surprised her husband got jealous of his past self. He let Emma climb up first and both left the Jolly Roger. They walked to King Midas's castle. "You were jealous." She hugs her husband."No, I was not.""Killian,I can tell when someone is lying. Also, you punched your past self for him stop kissing me.""Aye, swan. You are right."Emma chuckles. "By the way, you are a way better kisser.""Oh really?" They kiss. Emma laughs. They did not go so far when they saw the castle with fireworks and guests arriving. Killian and Emma sat down on the grass, while Killian uses his spyglass. "A predictable excess of pomp and grandeur. Snow will have no trouble sneaking inside.""What about us? We are supposed to just sit here and hope she steals the ring? I do not like leaving things to chance."Rumpelstiltskin appears. "You know, I feel exactly the same way." Emma and Killian stand up. "Which is why I never do." He poofs up an invitation for the ball.Emma was in awe. "So you will be inside watching her?""No, no. I will be far too busy sorting out how to get you two home."Killian was curious. "Well, who is the invitation is for?""Well, isn't it obvious? The two of you.""So when we are done inside, you can open our portal?""There is a powerful wand that I..uh.. came to possess. Anyway legend says it can re-create any magic that has ever been wielded. Now, with a little work, I can use it to recreate the portal brought you here." Killian quickly gives the invitation from the crocodile"Please do it, quickly. We will be in and out before you know it. I want to get the hell out of here. ""Oh, confidence. I like it." Emma smiles. The two leave. "Wait!" they turn around. "Not like that." He uses his dark magic to turn Emma and Killian's outfit into a red ballgown with a tiara for Emma and Killian's nice button-down attire. "The savior cannot come this far and not play princess for a day."Emma was in shock. "But I am not supposed to stick out. What if someone remembers me in the future?" Killian knew his swan was right. "Because what you had before was such an intricate disguise? Now speaking of which, I returned those stolen rags where they belong. Luckily before they were missed. I mean it is a miracle the timeline had not imploded already. Amateurs." They both knew he was right. "Allow me." Rumpelstiltskin shows them a mirror of what they look like at the party. "A glamour spell. This is how you would appear to one and all." they looked at each other. "Now run along and do everything you can to make sure that Snow White gets that ring.Once they are back on track, everything else will be, too." Killian gives Emma his arm and she wrapped her arm around his."My swan."Emma smiles. "Does this count as our second date as parents?""Aye, I think so love."Emma smiles. They enter the line of guests. Killian placed their invitation to the worker. "Just when I thought the clothes here could not get any worse.""You might be able to move, swan. But you have quite the figure in that dress." Emma smiles and blushes. They approached King Midas."Greetings, I am King Midas. Father of the bride. Who do I have the honor to welcome into my home?" Killian froze which Emma knew. "I...I am.. I'm prince..""Charles. Prince Charles and I am princess...Leia..." Emma curtsied as Killian bowed to the King as King Midas bowed to them. "An honor to have you both." He looks at his worker. "Announce Prince Charles and Princess Leia." Killian walked with his swan down the stairs into the crowd of guests. "Mary-Margaret and David are always going on about this ball and that ball. What is the big deal about these things?" Killian was looking ahead knowing his swan was going to love it, Emma wanted to see what he was looking at which was dancing, she went into awe and was speechless. Killian whispered, "You were saying."Emma was still in shock, cannot believe she was at a ball. "What am I supposed to do?""Blend in." He takes his wife's hand and leads her to the center of the room where everyone was dancing. "Wait? Are you saying that you know how to do whatever this is?"Killian turns himself around to face his wife and used his hook hand on her back."It is called a waltz. There is only one rule." They look at each other. "Pick a partner that knows what he is doing." Killian leads his swan into dancing. Emma was learning more about her husband on their adventure in the past, she knows now that her husband is an amazing dancer. They both smiled and continued to dance on the beat of the music. "Watch the mocking, I am actually getting the hang of this."Killian holds his hand up and spins his wife."I am not mocking you, swan. " He kneels down. "I am just thinking what you said in Storybrooke, about not being a princess."Emma smiles as she walks around Killian. "Really? You get my first dance at my first royal ball and all you can say is I told you so." Killian stands back up again and holds hands with his wife. "I believe what I am trying to say, your highness.." They bow and curtsy to each other. And continued to dance. "Is that you appear to be a natural."Emma smiles, she might take after her parents after all. "You are full of surprises, captain. You never told me that you can dance."Killian smiles. "Aye, I am a pirate full of surprises. Besides, we never had the option to dance until now.""True. We need to dance more often. We need to show Henry and Hope.""Aye,we do have space for it at our house."Emma smiles and sees her Dad with Abigail. "There is Charming." They watched his conversation with Princess Abigail as they continued to blend in. Charming leaves the ballroom. The Evil Queen entered and the whole ballroom went silent with fear. She talks to King Midas and black knights appear. Emma and Killian stopped dancing. "Regina is here." Killian hugged his wife. "Damn it. That was definitely not in the plan.""Breath swan, she is a guest. The king's head would have vanished into another realm if he did not invite her.""Yeah, good point." Emma noticed her Dad was not in the ballroom. "Where is Charming?" they look around and quietly rushed out of the ballroom to make sure Snow White gets the ring. Emma smiles seeing her bandit Mom escaping the castle. "She did it. She must have stolen the ring. They hear David and see him at the window. "You cannot hide from me! Wherever you are I will always find you!" He touches his cut. Emma smiled big knowing she got her parents to meet. "Mission accomplished. Now we all have to do..." She was knocked down by a black knight who aims an arrow at Snow White. "You will find her sooner than you think, my lord." Emma sees what the knight was about to do. "No!" He shoots the arrow, Emma jumps on him making him miss shooting at her Mom. She saw the ring, Snow White dropped it. "The ring.""You got to get it to Snow. Go. I got this." Killian fought the knights with his sword as Emma escaped. Emma ran through the ballroom until a black knight came at her. "That is her! She let the bandit escape!"The Evil Queen approaches the princess."Going somewhere?" Killian arrives back in time seeing his swan in trouble. "Regina, I...""That is a bit informal, wouldn't you say? Show some respect. It is your majesty." Two black knights arrested Emma. Emma tries to escape. "Unh-unh. You are not going anywhere. Snow White may have left the party early. But...I expect your night has just begun." Regina chuckles. "Take her away." The black knights took Emma away, she still had her parents' ring in her hand and not letting it go. Killian knew he needed to find Snow White and Charming to help rescue his wife from Regina's clutches.Emma was put into a carriage and sent to Regina's dungeon and was given rags to wear. She was pushed into the cage and remembers her prison time when she was with Henry, now she has two children in another realm and time to think about to get back to. Emma sighs."Are you alright?" Emma looks at the woman in the next cell. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks." She grabbed the cell bars. "I am...Leia.""I wish I could say nice to meet you...""Yeah... under the circumstances, I get it. What is your name?""I dare not to speak it here. The queen does not know who I am, my silence is the only thing that is keeping my family safe.""She is pretty ruthless, huh?" She takes out a loaf of bread. "Here are you hungry? I swiped it off a food tray on the way down here." The woman came closer to Emma in the light, Emma recognized her right away. "What? What is it?""I saw you in the village, with the queen. I wanted to help, but...""That is alright. If you had tried to free me, you would just ended up here a day earlier.""What did she put you in for?""I knew where Snow White was hiding, but I refused to tell her where she is." Emma was surprised someone was wiling not telly he queen where her Mom was and how much people love and respect her Mom. "You gave up her freedom to ensure Snow White's?""Yes. I believe her to be innocent.""How long are you in for?""Same as you one more night.""Really? Why? Is Regina going soft?""No. One night, tomorrow everyone here is to be executed."Killian went searching for is in-laws in the forest. He hears Snow White screaming and finds them in the middle fo the forest. Snow White in a net and Charing talking to her about the ring. "You should. She is telling the truth mate." He walks closer to his in-laws. "Prince Charles. Lovely ball you had the other evening. The mutton was a tad overcooked but that happens." Snow White and Prince Charming gave each other the same look who is this man. "Snow White does not have your ring but I can tell you who does. My princess. And I need your help to get her back.""She has my ring? That is two women who robbed me." Killian thought to himself, like mother like daughter. "Where is she?""That is the problem, she is at the Evil Queen's castle.""Actually that is not a problem at all." Killian and Charming look at Snow White. "I know it well. It used to be mine. I can get us in there but not from up here. So you let me down and you get your princess, you get your ring, and I never have to see your charming face ever again." Charming uses his sword to cut down the ropes from the trap and Snow White screamed from falling down. They found a cart to hide Snow White in, Killian was steering the horse to the Evil Queen's castle while Charming and Snow White were in the hay. He hits a bump. "Apologies, lass." Charming laughs. He hears Snow White and Charming's conversation about dark fairy dust, how her life changed since the Evil Queen came into her life and the lies she spread about Snow White, and trying to get out of the kingdom and away from her. Killian stops the horses. "We are here.""We are going to need help to get past her guards. Wait here. We are going at night. I will be back with help." Snow White goes to find her best friend, Red. As they waited, Killian and Charming built a fire and talked about meeting the right person that you are in love in. "I always thought like that, and everything changed when I met my princess. She changed my life around for the better.""Princess Leia the one we are rescuing?""Aye, I would go to the end of the world for her or time.""And she is for you?""Yes, we are in love. We are happily married with two children. I am not sure her parents approve of me.""Given the lengths you have gone to save her. They would be crazy not to."Killian smiles. "I hope you remember that." they see something pass by their fire,a hooded figure. They prepare to attack, Charming had his sword ready. "Who the hell are you?"A woman in a red cloak. "Name is Red. I am a friend of Snow White. She sends me to help you get you inside the castle."Killian was curious. "How?" "You will see." She takes her red cloak off and turns into a wolf.Back at the Evil Queen's dungeon, Emma was looking at her parents' ring. The lady goes near Emma. "What is that?'"It's my parents. This is their wedding ring.""And they entrusted you with it?""Sort of. I need to get it back to them.""Being away from family is a terrible, terrible thing.""Yeah, it is." She thinks about being separated from Henry and Hope in another time and needing to get back to them. "The longer I am separated from them, the pain does not dull. It worsens.""If my mom was here, she would tell me to have hope. Maybe you should too. Who knows? Maybe we will see them again.""I do not think so. They already think that I am dead."Emma sees the two wooden spoon and got an idea to get out of the cell, a trick that Neal taught her a long time ago. "Maybe not.""She gets the wooden spoons and takes the wires off. "What are you doing?""It is all about the tumblers." She uses the wires to unlock the lock. Emma smiles. "You did it!" Emma leaves the cell and looks at the woman. "What are you waiting here for? Go!" Ema leaves running to get out of the dungeon.Killian and Charming followed Red the wolf into the dungeons, Red scares the guards which help charming hurt them with his sword. Killian puts the red cloak back on red who turns back into a human. "I am glad the wolf is on our side.""Yeah, she is a fearsome one." Red hears something. "Better hurry before the guards wake up.""Wait. someone is coming." Killian and Charming had their swords ready, and hear running, it was Emma. Killian was relieved to see his wife. "Swan?""Killian!" They hug. "What the hell are you doing? You're depriving me of a dashing rescue.""Sorry. The only one who saves me is me. Speaking of which..." She takes the ring off. "I am not going be around much longer unless we find who this belongs too."Charming, "I think that belongs to me." He takes the ring from her."Do you guys have a way out of here?Red, "Follow me. Snow told me where to meet her." Charming returns. "I hate to break up a reunion but we have to keep moving to find Snow White." They find Snow White, who was tied to onboard, who was about to be executed by the Evil Queen. They watch from a distance as the Evil Queen threw a fireball at her which was burning her up. Emma was crying, Killian caught her and let her cry into him. He walked out holding Emma was devastated seeing her Mom being killed and took her back to their spot where they were hiding before watching the fire. Emma was in so much shock she could not speak, Killian was at her side holding her hand. "After my brother passed, all I could do is relive that final terrible moment. Do not do that to yourself, love. All we can do in times like these is to try to live in the here and now.""Here and now." Emma got thinking. "I am still here. How was that possible? We saw her die." Killian was confused too. "Which means I would never have been born.""You should've faded off into existence.""Exactly.""Well then perhaps..""She is still alive." Emma walked. "Snow is out there. We got to find her."A bug was bugging Killian. "Curse vermin. We should head back to the Queen's castle. To take a good look around. Perhaps a trick by Regina.""No, whatever happened, we must let Regina thinks Snow is dead." the bug lands on Emma, as Killian was about to squash it, Charming, "Wait! Do not harm that thing! When we come to rescue you, Snow told me about magic that turns humans into bugs." He holds the bug. "You think Snow turned herself into a bug?""Well, if she timed it right, she could have escaped that fireball, fake her death, and flown away." He looks at that bug on his finger. "Yes, that is her. We just need to find a way to bring her back."Emma leans closer to the bug. "She is saying something." Killian was annoyed. "Wonderful. Anyone fluent in bug?""She is calling for me." The Blue fairy enters.Emma was in awe again."Blue.""That is right and you are...?""Leia."Blue chuckles. "No, that is not it." Blue knew she was Emma. "But your secrets can be yours." Emma and Charming look at each other. "I sense it is better that way."Red, "Can you bring Snow back?""Dark magic did this to her. Light magic can undo it." She used her light magic to turn Snow White back into human.Emma was so relieved that her mother was back and forgot that she was disguised as a stranger and hugs her Mom. "You are alive!""Oh!" Emma pulls back. "It appears so." Emma realized that she gave her mother that same look since they reunited after the first dark curse. Red, "Snow!""Red!" Snow White hugs Red. Killian hugs his wife. "She would know who you are when we return back." he wiped the tears from his swan's eyes."Looks like we are back on track, love.""Yeah." She hugs him. "We are getting back home soon.""Yes, we are love. We are going to return to our children very soon." They sat on the log and watch Red and Snow depart from each other. They see Snow and charming talking, thier relationship starting, the timeline is not broken. "They are warming up to each other, this is good. This will work.""That may be swan."Charming approaches them. "What's up?""Have you two either seen, Snow? She went to the stream but she has not..." He checked his jacket. "The ring! It is missing.""Really?" She looks at Killian knowing their story was working. "Do you know where she was heading?""She was seeking passage on a pirate ship." he got his sack. "There is only one way to get the harbor from here, the troll bridge." He runs.Emma realized that Snow White does not have dark magic to turn the trolls into bugs. "Killian, we got to make sure they are safe from the trolls because Snow does not have dark magic anymore." They see Charming in trouble but Snow White showing the trolls her dark magic. The trolls make a run for it. "Dirt. trolls are dumb." Snow White and Charming continue to talk about the ring which Snow tries on.They go closer to Snow White and Prince Charming. Emma was in tears. "They are heading away from each other?""No, it is okay. That is how it happened the first time. It took my parents a while to accept their feelings for each other.""Must run in the family.""Maybe? I fell in love with you in New York.""It is okay, swan. Not everyone can watch their parents fall in love." She hugs her husband. Emma takes out the storybook from his satchel and checks on her parents' story, it changed a little bit but the rest of the story is back on the pages and back to normal. "Look. We did it.""Aye, we did it the team Jones way."Emma smiles. "Yes, we did captain." They kiss. "Let's go back to Rumpelstiltskin." They return to his castle and found the dark one. "We reunited my parents and the story is back in order. How is the portal coming? Can you open it?""I cannot.""What are you working on?""A forgetting potion for me. I want to forget meeting you two. So I won't know what happens in the future. The only way to protect my future is to forget it.""Well, about this wand you aid this can help us.""Oh, that. Apparently only those who use the portal can use the wand. Unless one of you wields magic, I guess you two are not going anywhere." He throws the wand at Emma and poofs them to a forbidden basement where everything Rumpelstiltskin wants to forget is down there. They are changed back into their normal clothes. "Swan, we gotta get out of here.""I know..I know..." She sighs as he looks around. "Killian, do not touch that vase thing, it might have dark magic that Rumple does not want to see.""Emma, you can do your magic, love. I know you can. You are the savior, swan. You can do it.""I only used my magic to save our children.""Now you can use it to save us so we can go back to our family.""I really want to go back home, to Henry, Hope, and my parents.""Your Mom?""Yes, even though she makes me so mad about not accepting you into our family. She still is my Mom even though we have our issues.""I know she will warm up to me, love.""Watching my mother die, thinking that she was dead. You saw it happened. I was so relieved she was okay when Snow was turned back into a human, I hugged her. All I saw in her eyes was like mine when I reunited with her after the dark curse, the look of the stranger, nothing. She did not know who I was. I have been giving that to her since then.Neal was right.""About what?""You do not have a home until you miss it. And being with my parents the last few days but not really being with them? I have never missed them more. Since we have been here, I miss Storybook, more than I miss New York. I miss my parents and our children. Storybrook is my home." They smiled at each other. "What?""Look down, love." Emma sees the magic in the wand created by her."I told you, swan. You can use your magic. Let's go back home." Emma used the wand to make a portal. "Yes!" Killian goes in as Emma was about to enter Rumpelstiltskin and pulls her away. "Tell me about, Bae.""I thought you wanted to forget.""I need to know. Does he forgive me.""Yes." "Yes but what?""He dies. He forgives you. He loved you...He died to save all of us. Don't let that be in vain.""No, I can change, my magic."No, you cannot use his magic to save him. He died to save all of us. I loved him. You must drink the potion to forget. You cannot change the future, but you might make it worse. I learned that here on this trip. You need to forget." Rumpelstiltskin let Emma go. The portal disappears. He drinks the potion. "What the devil am I doing down here?" He poofs back to his castle.Emma and Killian return back to their time. "Kilian we are back!""Yes, we are back love."They hug. Emma gets her iPhone. They run back into the diner. Emma runs to hug her parents. "Mom, Dad, I missed you so much." They both smiled and confused. Killian gets Hope from Henry. "Dad, where have you two been?" Henry hugs his Dad."It is so good to be back with you and Hope.""Hope has been good most of the time crying." "Your mother and I went on an adventure in the past." Hope fusses. "You are with Dada, little love. Mommy and daddy are back." He kisses Hope on the head and rubs her back. Hope begins to cry. "Swan, Hope wants her Mommy.""Hopey!" She takes her daughter from her husband and who calms down right away. She hugs Henry and Hope at the same time. "Henry, your Dad and I have a story for you and Hope.""A new story? Awesome."Emma sits down in the booth next to Henry." Mom, Dad, we have a story for you." Hope wanted to nurse. "Hope, Mommy and Daddy went on an adventure in the past."Killian gets the book out as Emma nurses Hope with a cover on her turtleneck. "Swan, do you want to start?"Yes. Killian and I got caught in the time-traveling portal, I was thinking of your story we ended up back in the Enchanted Forest.." She looks at Killian. "We kind of watched you and Dad about to me then I ruined it...I cracked a branch which made you fell, Mom and you two did not meet after we saw Regina being the Evil Queen to a village. So we went to Rumpelstiltskin and took some convincing." Emma and Killian took turns turning the pages as they took turns telling the story."Aye, it was hard because someone was talking about the future to him and he was not hurting me. Emma convinced him to help us by telling him the truth. We had to get you two to meet. So I had to talk to you, Snow, on my ship while Emma was distracting the past me. I told you to get Charming's ring in order to get passage on the Jolly Roger.""Let's just say Killian got jealous of his past self.""I did not get jealous."Emma smiles."Yes, once you saw him kissing me, you punched him the jaw and he passed out.""Dad, you got jealous of your past self? Cool." Emma, Snow and Charming laughed. Hope fusses. Killian takes Hope from underneath the cover and burps her. "Do not listen to them, I was not jealous.""Yes, he was, your Daddy got jealous of his past self." "Mom, how did you keep past Dad busy?""I kept him occupied,kid. After we got Snow to go to King Midas castle. Rumpelstiltskin told us we need to make sure that Snow gets the ring. So he gave us an invitation and change our outfits." She turned the page showing her and Killian dancing. "Emma, you look beautiful.""Thank you, Mom. Killian taught me the waltz."Charming was impressed. "Hook, I had no idea that you can dance.""Aye, I am full of surprises." Hope fusses. "Little love, Dada, you can dance with Dada little love. When you are older, I can give you dance lessons." Hope moves around. Emma takes Hope from Killian and lets her sit on her lap. "You are sitting with me. Look, Hopey, Mommy, and Daddy are in Henry's storybook." Hope pats the page. "Mom, Hope is impressed." Hope babbles. "Mom, Dad Hope wants more of the story."Emma chuckles. "Well, our fake names were Prince Charles and Princess Leia.""Mom, you had a Stars Wars name awesome!" Emma smiles.Snow White, "So you are princess Leia?""I was in a pinch, I had to come up a name that was not in the book. When Dad was getting Princess Abigail's shoes, he met Snow White. While we were seeing the Evil Queen again. We ran to make sure that Snow White has the ring. We saw you escaping, Killian fought with black knights. I saw the ring on the ground and saw a knight aiming an arrow at you so I pounce on him. I escaped and got caught by the Evil Queen.""I found you and Snow White." He turned the page. "David was able to trap Snow White, who told him he does not have the ring. We worked together with Red to sneak into the Evil Queen's dungeon to rescue Emma. We heard someone coming and it was Emma, who escaped the cell.""I used spoon wires to unlock the lock. I did appreciate the rescue though. We had to find you and we found you at the stake, Regina through a fireball...we found out you were alive, you used your dark magic dust to turn yourself into a ladybug. The blue fairy helped us turn you back into a human." Killian turns the pages. Hope fusses. "Little love." Killian holds Hope. "Hope, you are with Dada.""So, we reunited you and Dad. We made sure that you two were alright with the trolls. Mom scared the trolls telling them she has dark fairy dust and it was dirt. I used my light magic to open the portal. We came back."Charming,"You are officially in the book now, a princess officially."Snow White, "A fairy tale princess, at last."Emma smiles. "Yeah. As my first princessy request.." She looks at both of her parents. "I want to know the name of the baby."Charming smiles. "Right that. Ready?" Snow White nods her head. He kisses her on the head and grabs his beer. "Excuse me, if I could have everyone's attention just for a moment... This coronation ceremony is something we have looked forward to for a very long time." Everyone looked at the Charmings. "The arrival of our new son has been a cause of great joy for our family." He wrapped his arm around his wife."People of Storybrooke, it is our great joy to introduce you to our son, Leopold Charming." Everyone clapped. Emma reached over to let her brother and let him gripped her finger. "It is so nice to meet you, Leo. You and Hope will be closer to your age, but I am your big sister." Killian smiles. "Little love, that is your uncle Leo." Hope babbles. "You are older than him." He kisses Hope on the head."Dad, can I hold Hope? I want to show her the new version of you and Mom in the book.""Sure, lad." Henry takes Hope from their Dad. He walks out to the front of granny's and took a few sips of rum. Emma noticed her husband was missing. "Mom, I will be right back. Kid, when we return. We have to go home.""Can I do some art before bed?""Yes, kid." Emma goes out to the front to find her husband, "Hey, are you okay?""Yes, swan. I just came out here to think.""So, do you think Rumpelstiltskin is right? I am in the book now. He said everything, besides our little adventure, would go back to normal. Do you think that it is?""He is right. Otherwise, I would that damn bar wench I kissed."Emma smiles. "How would that prove anything?"Killian gives Emma a flirtatious look."I know how you kiss. I would have gone after her. But I did not. My life went on exactly the same as before.""Yeah, must have been the rum.""Everything is back to normal. You are a bloody hero, swan."Emma smiles. "So are you. I wanted to thank you, Killian, for coming with us to New York.""Emma, I told you, I had no home in the Enchanted Forest. I knew I was better off in New York with you.""You knew?""Yes, that is why I traded my ship so I can stay with you and Henry in this realm. I knew I would not be happy as a pirate. I am happier now that I have our family with you."Emma was stunned, he put her first. "You traded your ship for me?""Aye, I would not have it any other way."Emma was surprised that he gave up his home for her. He put her first, he was the first one in her life that did that. He has been putting her first since they were in New York and raising their children together. Emma kissed him so passionately than in Neverland and continued to kiss for a long time. Regina, Robin and Roland return to the diner without seeing Emma and Killian making out. "Killian, I love you so much.""I told you swan, that I will never leave you and be on your side. I love you." They kiss and return back inside. Henry was holding crying Hope. "Mom, Hope knew you left."Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Hope Marie Jones, why are you crying? Mommy was only outside with Dada. We did not leave you." Hope calms down and gripped Emma's turtleneck. Emma kisses Hope on the head. "Henry, thank you for taking good care of Hope while your Dad and I were in the past.""You are welcome. Hope and I are happy that you are back." Henry hugs his Mom. Killian joins his family at the booth. Hope babbles and grabs her Daddy's hook. "Little pirate, Dada is here." Hope chews on his hook. "Charming, Hope uses my hook as a teething toy.""Dad, maybe you should get a hook? ForLeo to use as a teething toy.""No way, Emma." They all laughed. After they ate, the Jones family walked home. Emma had sleeping Hope in her carrier. Killian's arm was wrapped around his two loves. "Dad, are we going to find the Jolly Roger soon?""Aye, that is part of our operation mouse."Emma was confused. "Mouse?""It is an operation between me, Dad, and Hope.""Hope knows this operation, not me?""Yes." Emma chuckles. "You are part of our family, Mom.""Henry.""Mom, our operation is to find both of our homes, on land and sea." Emma looks up at her husband. "The Jolly Roger is the next part of the operation?""Aye.The lad and lass need to learn how to sail, they are part pirates.It was Henry's idea.""How about me captain?""You are a pirate, love. I am going to teach your sailing lessons separately." "I am looking forward to it. Did you tell him what you did for us?""No. Henry, I traded the Jolly Roger to be with you and Mom and Hope in New York.Henry knew his Dad put his Mom and thier family first by trading the Jolly Roger for them. "You are the best, Dad.""We are going to get the Jolly Roger, Henry together." "Awesome." Emma was smiling, Henry and Killian are very close father and son. Her family is so close. They entered the house."Dad, can we play video games?""Yes, we can after you get ready for bed." Henry goes upstairs to change. "Killian, we have one more thing to add to our new house.""What is it swan?" She gives him Hope and goes up to their room to something. She arrives back downstairs with the family portrait that Henry painted of four of them back in New York. "I thought this will go perfectly in our living room above the fireplace."Killian smiles. "That is a brilliant idea, love." She places the family portrait on the mantle. "It is so good to be home.""Aye, it's great to be back home." They kiss. Emma and Killian were so happy to be back in their time and be home with their family. While the Jones family enjoyed being back home, they unexpectedly brought a possible frozen villain accidentally when they returned back.

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