Zelena's Past

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Emma continued to practice her magic at the inn, by showing Killian, Henry and Hope. It was easier to practice in front of her family than with Regina or everyone else in town. She did a little magic show in the living room. Every time, Emma did a magic trick, Henry would clap Hope's hands. "Hope, can you say yay to Mommy? She did a great magic trick. She is getting better with her magic." Hope babbles. "Good job, baby sis."Killian hugs his wife. "My swan is getting better with her light magic.""Thank you, captain." They kiss. Emma and Killian were planning on buying the house in between fighting Zelena and figure out how to defeat the Wicked Witch. Emma was holding Hope in her arms as she and Killian were discussing the move in the kitchen area. "Killian, I think we should move when we defeat the Wicked Witch?" Hope babbles. "Yes, sweetie. You agree with me about our move into the house?" Hope smiles making Emma smile."Aye, I think that is a great idea, from my two loves." He kisses Hope on the head. "We should move when we are not chasing a villain.""That is why I thought of the idea.""My swan is brilliant." They kiss. Hope fusses. "I know, sweetie, you are hungry." She kisses Hope on the head and nurses her. "Mommy is happy to be with you, Dada, and Henry not fighting a crazy villain." Hope gripped her Mommy's chest. "Mommy loves you so much." Killian smiles. "She loves her Mommy. She knows her Mommy is the best in all the realms." He kisses Emma on her blonde head as she was smiling. "Coming back here after searching and fighting a villain, always makes me happy that I have a family to come home too.""Aye, we are so happy when you are home." Hope reaches out to her Daddy's hook, which he gives. "Dada is right here, Hope.""She knows her Dada is right here.""She loves her Mommy and her Daddy." They both enjoy the quiet moments with their daughter without a villain interrupting them. Hope began crying. "What is the matter, Hopey?" Emma places Hope on her chest and burp her, Hope just cried more. "Swan, Hope wants her Dada." He takes Hope from his wife and holds Hope. "Little love, you are with Dada...Dada..." Hope cried more. "You want your Mommy, little pirate princess?" Hope cried more. "Emma, Hope wants her Mommy." He puts Hope back with his swan. "You are going to your Mommy, little love.""Hopey. You are with Mommy..." She rubs Hope's back and hugs her daughter. Henry wakes up and joins his parents and sister downstairs. "Mom, what is going on with Hope?""I do not know, kid. Your sister just wants me to hold her." Hope cried more. There was a knock on the door, Killian opened the door, it was Regina. "Hi, your majesty.""Hi, captain guyliner. I can see Hope is having a rough morning?""Aye, Hope just wants Emma that is it." Emma carried crying Hope to Regina. "What is going on Regina? Sorry about Hope, she just wants to be held." Emma was bouncing Hope to comfort her daughter. Henry brings Hope her duckling doll. "Baby sis. I have your duckling doll." He shows her the duckling toy,Hope stops crying. "Mom, I got Hope to stop crying."Emma smiles. "Yes, you did, Henry. She just wanted to see you and her favorite toy." She looks at Regina. "Regina, what did you find out?" "My sister paid me a visit this morning at my house wanting everything that I have, while Rumplestiltskin stole my heart, Robin was guarding. I just need to know what our mother did to her. I am going to need you and Hook's help later, like talking to the dead at my house. We need to know what Cora did to Zelena.""Besides abandoning her, it seems pretty obvious." Hope began crying all over again. "Hopey, you are very upset this morning." She looks up at Regina. "Regina, we will be there. I just got to get Hope calmed down." Emma takes Hope up to their room. "Hopey...""Mom, will finding out what happened to Zelena in the past will help you and my other Mom to defeat her?""We are hoping that my mother can give us a clue on what Zelena wants to do and how to defeat her.""While you are trying to communicate with the dead, I can show Hope my bedroom." Regina smiles. Killian goes upstairs to check up on his two loves after Regina leaves to set up to talking to the dead. He sees Hope and Emma doing skin to skin and wraps a blanket around his two loves. "Thank you, I was getting cold.""You are welcome, my two loves look cold.""This is the only way to calm down our little duckling who just wants her Mommy for herself." Hope babbles. "Yes...you get what you want because I love you so much." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek, making Killian smile. "My little duckling just wants to snuggle, which I love." Hope looks up at her Mommy. "Yes, I am talking about you to your Dada." Hope smiles. "Dada is the best." "I have the best two loves in the world." He wrapped his arm around his swan and rubbed his hook against Hope's cheek. "You two are my world and Henry." "We are so lucky to have you.""Aye, you changed my world since you found me in the pile of dead people." Emma smiles.The Swan-Jones family arrives at Regina's house. "Hope, you get to see my other house." Hope babbles. "We are going to have H&H time in my old room." Regina opens the door."Hi, Henry.""Hi, Mom. I am going to be with Hope in my room." Hope babbles.Regina smiles."Hope is excited.""Yes,she is. Mom, we will be upstairs.""She will have fun with you, kid. Bring her to me if she gets fussy." Henry takes Hope up to his room. Henry brings Hope into his room. "This is where I used to live." Hope babbles. Henry helped Hope stand by the window sill facing the town's clock. "That is the big clock that never moved until I brought Mommy to Sotrybrooke. Time stood still until Mommy came here and stayed. When Mommy stayed, which meant time moved and the town was changing for good." Hope babbles. "Yes, our Mommy is the best." Emma and Killian followed Regina into a room where Regina's table set up to talk to the dead and her parents were there. "Hi, Dad.""Emma, how are you?""A little tired but good.""Emma..""Mom." They sat in a circle. Killian was playing with an apple. "I would watch out the apples in this house if I were you." "Aye.""It was a joke.""Emma, would you please tell your mother that we are not going to name your brother Leopold?""Uh, why not? It was my father's name.""People will make fun of him.""My father was a king." Emma wanted them to stop arguing."Which is why nobody made fun of him." Emma was watching her parents argue over baby names but had Killian's hand holding hers. "What about Ava after my mother?" "I do not know how well that will work out with a boy.""It might not be a boy." Killian and Emma looked at each other knowing they chose their daughter's name easier, also they had Henry's help which was a plus. She was enjoying seeing her parents argue with baby names. Regina enters the room. "Sorry to keep you waiting. I was making a special tea." She poured it into the glasses in the center of the table around the matching silver tray with a long candle holder holding the candle weapon. Charming took a glass. "No! Do not...drink it. It is a deadly poison for summoning the dark vortex.""I prefer earl grey."Emma thought she misheard Regina. "The dark what?""Zelena came by here this morning." Regina sits down. "While the dark one was stealing my heart, she was here gloating. She said that my weakness was that I do not know enough about her past, so I have decided to summon someone who does. We have to talk to my mother." Everyone looked at Regina. "It is a fairly simple ritual but not often performed" Emma was curious."If it is easy to talk to the dead, why not do it more often?" "Well, because to do it, you need the murder weapon..."She looks at Snow White. "And...the murderer."Everyone felt awkward. Regina lite the murder weapon candle on both ends.Emma had no idea what to do."What do we need to do?" "Focus on Cora." She opened her palms out to show everyone to hold hands."Aye, welcoming thoughts?""Whatever you got." Emma held Killian's hook. Everyone closed their eyes. "Is it?""Shh." Emma looks at Regina and closes her eyes again. All of a sudden wind began blowing in the room, curtains and the flames were blowing. A magic portal appeared on the ceiling that was blue, Snow White looked up." We did it!" Everyone looked up"Cora? Mother, can you hear us? Cora give us a sign?" Emma and Killian were staring at the portal waiting. Regina was getting mad. "Do not ignore me, mother." Snow White wonders when Cora will show and what she would do to her. "Please, you owe me this." There was a jolt on the table which made Snow White scream and the portal close. "Sorry, love. That was me. I crossed my legs and bumped the table." Regina sighs seeing the portal to talk to her mother was gone and blows out the double candle. Killian felt bad. Snow White,"Do we try again?" "No. There is no point." She looked up. "It worked. The portal opened, but...nothing came from it. She does not want to talk to me." Charming looks at his wife sighing in relief not seeing Cora. "Guess whatever secrets lie in her past, she wants to keep buried there."They hear Hope crying. Henry brought Hope to where their parents were. "Mom, Hope got afraid when dark forces were in the house."Emma goes to her children. "Hope." She gets her daughter from her son. "Hopey, everything is okay. I know you and Henry saw a magic portal opening up to the dead but no dead people are here. Everything is okay." "Mom, I gave Hope a tour of my room and showed her the clocktower.""I know Hope had fun with you." Hope cried more. "Hopey, you are with Mommy, baby girl. Mommy is here." She hugs her daughter. "I know the loud magic was scary but is over. No more dark magic." "Emma, is everything with Hope?""Hope has been extra clingy to me today, Dad but she is okay, just wants to cuddle. She knows I have been busy and wants to be held by me, which I love her snuggles." Snow White approaches Regina. "Regina, I will stay here, to help clean up."Killian goes to his wife and daughter. "Love, we should be going. Hope needs to sleep.""Yes, you are right, Killian. She did not nap long enough this morning. Regina call us if you want to try again or have another idea.""I will, Emma." "Regina,sorry about losing the dark portal.""Hook, she was not coming, it is okay."Killian walked with his two loves out of Regina's house."Swan, are you hungry?""Yes, Granny's?""Yes!" Hope cried more. "Little love, why are you so upset?""She was happy before the magic vortex came, Dad. I also know Hope wants Mom." He kisses hope on the cheek. "You are with Mommy, little sis. Don't cry.""Little love, you are safe. No more magic." "Killian, can we order in? I know Hope needs a very needed nap.""Aye, love back to the inn, we go." They arrived back at the inn, Emma took Hope from her car seat and hugged her daughter as she brought her up to their temporary home. "Hope, we are back in our room. We are safe. Everything is okay." She felt Hope's diaper, she needed a change. Emma changes Hope's diaper in their room, it was full of poop and pee. "You are all clean, Hope." Hope was still crying, so she took her shirt off and did skin to skin with Hope on her favorite spot on her chest by her neck which got Hope to stop crying. "You just want to snuggle with Mommy." Hope smiles. "Yes. My little buttercup is the best baby ever. I love you so much." She kisses Hope on the head. "I do not know why you are so upset but I am so happy that I am able to cheer you up." Hope gripped her Mommy's shoulder with her hand. "I am staying here with you, Hope. I am not going anywhere." She nuzzles her cheek against Hope's blonde head, enjoying their skin to skin time and mother and daughter time which Emma was absolutely loving. Killian went to granny's and ordered his family's usuals to go. Granny sees Killian. "Hi, Hook. How is Hope?""She has been crying most of the day. We do not know the reason why but if she is doing skin to skin with Emma, she is happy and stops crying.""Baby cry for no reason. She might be teething too.""I do not think she is teething yet. She is not drooling that much, which is a sign I read in the baby book. I think Hope wants to be with Emma. She knows that Emma is always busy being the savior and just to be with her Mommy." "Hope is happy with you and Emma. Both Henry and Hope love you. You have changed from a villain to an amazing Dad.""Thank you, Granny. Once I met Emma in the Enchanted Forest, I was in love and my heart changed for the better." "I can see that." Killian arrives back at the inn with their dinner and sees Henry in the living room. "Dad, you got dinner?""Yes, lad. Where is your Mom?""Still with Hope in your room, doing skin to skin. Hope is only happy with Mom. I am hoping Hope is okay.""As long as your Hope is happy with your Mom which is a good thing because if your sister was not happy at all, she would be crying nonstop.""That is very true." Emma carried Hope downstairs still doing skin to skin. "You are back.""Yes, I am, love. How is our little lass?""She is very stubborn just wanting to snuggle with me which I am loving. I am hungry.""I have your dinner.""Thank you." They ate dinner in the living room, Emma was sitting on the couch holding Hope as Killian was helping feed his swan. After they ate dinner, they were still talking. Henry was playing with Hope helping her do tummy time. There was a knock on the door, Killian answered, it was Belle. "Hook, I need to talk to you and Emma.""Come in." "Belle...""I found out what spell Zelena is doing, travel back in time spell. She wants to go back to not let Cora give her up, to have everything that she did not get.""A time-traveling spell? Is that even possible?""No one has done this time-traveling spell before, that is Zelena's plan.""Bloody hell..."Henry carried Hope to Belle. "Is that even possible?""No one tried that until Zelena..."Emma got a phone call from her dad. "Dad?""Emma, come back to Regina's.""What is going on?""Regina's talking to the dead potion worked..""We are on the way." They ended their phone conversation. "Emma?""The potion to talk to the dead worked. Belle, come with us, you can tell everyone else what you have found." The Swan-Jones family went back to Regina's house finding Regina using her magic to dark forces. Charming went straight to his wife who was sitting on a chair with her eyes closed. Emma shields Hope from seeing the dark magic."What the hell was that?" "Cora.""Cora?!" Hope began to cry. Killian takes Hope from Emma. "Swan, I got our little lass."Emma looks at her Mom, who was being looked at by her Dad. Regina goes to Snow White."Is she okay?""Mary-Margaret can you hear me?""Cora...not what we thought." Emma approaches her Mom. "She was trying to communicate?" Regina smiled. "She was? What did she say?""Leopold, my...mother...my mother...""Shh, Mary-Margaret, relax."Emma kneeled to her Mom and held her hand."She is not making any sense. We need to call a doctor."Regina was frustrated. "If she knew something that could help us."Charming, "Regina, it is going to have to wait.""It cannot wait! If we want to stop Zelena, we have to know what the hell she is doing and why!"Belle,"I can help with half of that."Regina was surprised and looked at Belle."What?""She is planning on going back...back in time.""Are you certain?" Belle nods her head. "No one has ever been able to cast a spell to go back in time.""Well, clearly, she thinks she can succeed. I mean brains, courage, a-a resilient heart. Those ingredients are in every time-traveling spell, I have found."Charming, "Why go back in time? I mean, we have no idea what she was trying to accomplish." Snow White wakes up."I do." Everyone looks at her. "She ...she did not.""Do not push yourself." Everyone crowds around Snow White."She did not want to give up Zelena." Belle was curious. "She was forced to by..mm..by my mother princess Ava." Emma was learning about her family history more than she ever knew. "She told a secret..just like I did. Cora was pregnant with Zelena when she met my Dad. She got pregnant by a man who told her that he was a prince when he really was a gardener. When my Mom found out Cora's plan to trick the prince of pretending Zelena was his child...she told Leopold the truth. "Emma was surprised. "Wait. I thought our family were the heroes, the good guys." Regina,"Life is too messy for it to ever be that simple.That can explain why she told me she wanted everything that I had." Henry sits next to his Mom. "Wait...your Mom, princess Ava told about Cora's pregnancy?""Yes.""Whoa...Mom, your Mom, and Grandma Ava crossed paths before you and Grandma existed."Regina, "Yes, that is true. Cora was the one who helped me meet Snow White, it was because of her, Snow and I met on the day with the horses."Charming,"You are saying if it was not for Snow's mother, Cora would have kept Zelena."Belle, "She would have been tutored by Rumplestiltskin."Killian was holding Hope. "All if it weren't for Princess Ava..."Emma was doing the connection. "So that means...""Zelena is going back to kill my mother." Charming looks at his wife. Emma, "To get revenge on Princess Ava."Regina was surprised and looked at Snow White. "You will never been born."Emma looks at Regina. "I am guessing this is where your help ends." Hope began crying again. Killian carried Hope to his wife. "Swan.""Let me hold our little duckling." She gets Hope from her husband. "Hopey, why are you crying?" Hope calms down. "You know Mommy can protect you? You can sense my light magic." She hugs her daughter. "You just want to snuggle with me." Hope babbles. "Your grandma found out that Regina's family and our family crossed paths before they were born." "Now think it through Miss Swan, that means you will never been born, neither will be Henry and Hope." Emma hugs her daughter and son. Killian was getting mad, his family would not exist if this spell works. He joined his family on the floor."Swan, if Zelena does the time-traveling spell to change the past and it works, you, Henry, and Hope won't exist. My family.""Killian, that is not going to happen." She rubs his hook. "You are not going to lose any of us. I won't let that happen." Killian hugs his wife. Snow White, "And on this different path, Regina, you may not be either."Killian placed his hand on his swan's shoulder. "It is a good thing no one has ever succeeded with this time travel nonsense."Charming stands up. "The baby." Regina,"What?""That is what is missing. That is why none has succeeded." He looks at his wife. "Somehow, someway our baby is the key. Zelena went through a lot of effort to get close to our unborn child. That is what she is after." Emma looks at her Mom. "What is she going to do with...?"Charming placed his hand on his wife's baby bump. "It does not matter. She is not going to get it. We are going to stop her. Since our baby is not born, she is stuck. We have what we need...time." "Just not very much of it."Emma hugs Hope and Henry while Killian rubs Emma's shoulder knowing she was nervous for their family in danger and also if the portal works, she, Henry, and Hope would not exist. Hope began crying."Hopey, why are you crying baby girl? Did you hear all fo the crazy witch plan? Mommy is not going to let her time-traveling spell to succeed." She sniffs Hope. "You need a diaper change before we leave." Henry shows his Mom the bathroom to change his sister. "Snow, we need to get you checked out from Dr. Whale.""Yea..." Charming helps her up. Belle leaves with the Charmings. Killian was concerned about his family. "Hook, we are going to defeat my crazy sister. Your family won't disappear." They walk to Henry.Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, we will defeat Zelena.""We will, Henry.""Dad?" Henry hugs Killian. "My two moms will figure out a way to defeat Zelena.""Yes, son. I will be helping your Mom out because I do not want to lose my whole family.""You are not, Dad, us Jones family stick together." Killian smiles. "That is right, Henry." Emma returns with Hope. "Killian, we should be heading back to the inn. I just changed Hope who is still upset.""Is she coming down with something?""I think so? She has been crying all day." She kisses Hope on the head. "Poor little love." He rubs Hope's cheek. "You are going to be okay, Hope. Swan, granny told me Hope might be teething.""Maybe she is teething which is why she has been crying all day." Hope cries more."Mom, I will see you tomorrow.""Bye, Henry."They hug.The Swan-Jones family returned to the inn after a crazy day. Killian gets Hope from his swan. "Little love, you are going to be okay." Hope chews on her Daddy's hook which got her to stop crying. Emma was in awe, Killian's hook stopped Hope's pain. "Killian, you are right, she is teething. Her daddy's hook is making her feel better."Killian smiles. "Hope can use my hook as a teething toy anytime especially it will help with teething pain." Hope looks up at her Daddy. He kisses her on the head. "My little pirate princess." Emma hugs Killian and Hope. "She will always have you and me, Killian. You are not going to lose, Henry, Hope, and I. I know we are going to defeat this wicked witch.""We are going to defeat this witch team Jones style.""Yes, team Jones style." They kiss.

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