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Overnight, the National Hall of Science Museum's hidden girl, made the newspaper. Henry and Hope's names were not in it but the story was, which Emma saved in the photo album. Henry was playing with Hope in his bedroom Emma has been off, she thought of her own foster system story. girl Lucy reminded of herself as a kid alone in the foster system.

Allison was at the Jones apartment visiting her best friend on her day off. "Did you see the girl in the newspaper at work?"

"Yes, I did. I saw her from a distance. I saw a nice couple talking to her."

"Henry and Hope found that girl."

Her jaw dropped. "They did??"

"Yes. Hope somehow knew there was something not right with that pipe, it was a door. With Henry's assistance, they found a girl kidnapped, hidden in there."

"Wow! That is amazing."

"I went to check on her but I could not find her."

"It was a busy night. She was being checked up on and put on IV for fluid in the children's ward. I saw a social worker leading a couple. She is still in the children's ward."

Emma smiles knowing Lucy is going to a safe foster home.

Hope walks to her Mommy. "Mama!"

"There is my little hero." She holds Hope on her hip.


"Hi, little niece. I heard you are a hero." Hope babbles. Allison hugged her niece.

A few hours later, Allison left, and Henry and Hope were playing in the living room. Emma began crying in her bedroom, not sure if she will be there for her children and missing her parents. She facetimed her Mom.

Snow White answered, "Emma!!"

"Hi, Mom."

"Sweetie, how are you?"

"I miss you."

"I miss you, sweetheart. I receive texts. It is not the same as Facetime. How is the baby?"

"I will show you." She waddles to her mirror to show Mom her baby bump. "I am feeling huge for 5 months."

"My baby is having another baby." Emma smiles with tears in her eyes. "Are you okay? Is something wrong with the kids?"

She sat on her bed. "Yes and no." She wiped her tears away.

"What is it?"

"Yesterday, I took Hope to a museum. At one of the exhibits, she was trying to pull a pipe. I stopped her and she had a tantrum. When Killian and Henry surprised us by picking us up, Henry took Hope back inside..."

"What happened?"

"Somehow, Hope heard a voice around the pipe, and Henry heard it too. They pulled the pipe which was a secret entrance...."

"To what?"

"The pipe was a door to a hidden area. Hope and Henry found a 6-year-old girl who was kidnapped from her foster home and was hidden in the museum."

"Yes. This is a sweet little girl Lucy does not deserve this. Hope saved her. Only Hope knew something was not right in that exhibit. Now this girl is in a good foster home."

"My granddaughter is a hero?"

"Yes, Mom, she is."

"Hope takes after her Mama. How are the kids?"

"Hope has been alright, I watch her sleep more now. Henry has been quiet. He has not said too much today. Lucy was in a bad state when she was found."

"He is in shock at what he had found with his sister."

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