Research on Snow Queen

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It has been a week since Emma and Killian brought Hope home from the hospital. Killian and Emma were exhausted, both of them working together comforting and taking care of their daughter when she needed them. Emma hated having Hope sick when Hope was eating, she was worried Hope was not able to breathe. Whenever Henry saw his parents needed a break, he would take Hope downstairs or to his room to talk to her, read or play with her. Henry goes into his parents' room seeing his parent's past out of exhaustion and sees his sister wide awake in her dock-a-dot. "Let's go play in your room." He carries Hope to her room, knowing his sister is feeling better. "Little sis, do you want storytime?" Hope fusses. "No, you want to play with your toys?" Hope stops fussing. "Toys it is." He went to the treasure chest where their dad bought a pink treasure chest for Hope's toys to go in her room. "Wow, Mommy and Dada got you more toys." He chose a few toys and put Hope on the fuzzy rug letting Hope do tummy time. Hope babbles. "You want your new toy owl?" Hope fusses. "No? Do you want your duckling doll?" Hope babbles. "That is a yes." Henry smiles and gets the duckling doll for his sister. "Here is your duckling, Hope." Hope grabs her toy. "You love your duckling." Hope holds her head up and looks right at her big brother smiling at him. Henry smiles big seeing his sister's new milestone. "Yes! Mom, Dad!" He hears his parents rushing into the room.
"Hope is holding her head up for the first time!" Killian and Emma both see Hope holding up her head for the first time and they go join their children on the rug. Henry took pictures. "Hopey, are you playing with your duckling doll?" Hope smiles at her Mommy. "You are holding your held up, baby girl!" Hope babbles. "Yay!" Emma clapped her hands.
"Swan, Hope is saying I am holding up my head, Mommy." Emma giggles. "You are holding your head up, little love." Killian kisses Hope on the cheek. They took pictures of Hope holding her head up and watch Hope and Henry playing until Hope began crying.
Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Why are you crying, little buttercup? You want to do tummy time on Mommy?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Yes, you do." She sets her knees up and lays Hope up on her legs, Hope did tummy time. Hope babbles happily. "She is smiling, Mom."
"That is because she sees her big brother. Hopey, you see Henry while you are doing tummy time?" Hope babbles. Emma smiles. Henry kisses Hope on the cheek. "You are the best little sis ever."
Killian takes pictures of his two loves. "Hope, is tummy time on your Mommy's legs is better than on the floor?" Hope screams making Killian laugh. "Yes, you like tummy time on your Mommy!" Emma smiles. "Swan, she just wants to be with you."
"Yes, she does." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Mom, you are not missing anything with Hope even when you are working."
"Hope is my little sheriff. You are my stakeout partner."
Henry smiles big. "Can I work with you soon?"
"Yes, Henry. I might need your help looking for the Snow Queen. You can help us search for her."
"I am in!" Emma smiles knowing her family is going to be working together with her on saving the town.
Killian and Emma go downstairs, to get breakfast ready. He shows Emma what she had found when they were searching for the Snow Queen in the records. "Swan, I think these are yours."
Emma takes the package of photos, of her and Henry. She smiles. "These are photos that Sydney took of Henry and me when I first came to Storybrooke. He was working for Regina, to spy on me. These were taken after I decided to stay. I knew Henry was alone and unloved. He was so small two years ago."
"Our son has grown so much since then."
"Yes. Now two years later, he is living with me. I did not expect two years later after he found me that I have a husband and a Mom from the very beginning."
Killian hugs his swan. "Now, you are giving him everything."
"Yes, we do." They kiss. Emma looked at more photos of her and Henry. "These are going in our photo album." She smiles. "Henry and I at his castle, granny's..." She sees a photo of herself in her blue leather jacket and the Snow Queen in the ice cream shop. "Killian, she took this memory away from me too."
"Bloody hell!"
"What does she want from me?"
"We are going to find out, Emma." He rubs her back. Emma thought of her special box, which she brought home from the sheriff's station, and thought about her own past before Henry found her. Killian noticed Emma was picking up a small black box. He goes to his wife. "Swan, I thought we were done unpacking boxes?"
"The pictures of me and Henry got me thinking about before he found me. This is what is left of my childhood." She opens the box and shows him what was inside, her glasses, a toy ring, polaroid pictures of herself and Neal, a video camera, and her pages of the Ugly Ducklingstory. He sits next to his snow knowing she was going to open up more about her past. "I did not have much as a child since I moved around a lot and lost things on the way and over the years. When you move to a new foster home, you lose things. This is what I have left...."
Killian held his swan's hand. "That is why you want Hope and Henry to have everything you did not have?"
"Yes. I want them to have everything they need and...not nothing like I had. I want them to have happy memories and everything they need."
"You and I are giving them everything, Emma."
"I know. I decided to bring this home from the sheriff's station because of how Regina told me that we weren't friends. This is my video camera. " She takes out her video camera. "Let's see what is in here..." She connected the wires to the television and pressed play on the camera. They see a younger version of Emma with a brunette hair girl.
"Emma? That is you?"
"Yes. I was 13 years old."
"Who is that?"
Emma gets sad, it was Lily the one who lied to her. "An old friend." She leaned her head against his shoulder and he hugs her.
Henry comes down bringing Hope."Mom, that is you?"
"Yes, Henry. I was around your age."
Henry sits on the couch with Hope on his lap. "Hope, that is Mommy in the video."
"That is Mommy when she was a teenager, baby girl."
Killian thought that is what Hope was going to look like 12 years from now, exactly like his swan but with his ocean blue eyes. The tape continued. They see a group home. "Is that a group home, swan?"
"I think it is...It might be a foster home or a group home..."
A boy was not letting Emma have her camera back. They see a familiar blonde woman, the Snow Queen."Give that back to Emma, Kevin. That does not belong to you, it belongs to Emma." Emma, Killian, and Henry were surprised to see the Snow Queen standing next to Emma. Emma and Killian were both stunned "How is that bloody possible?"
"I don't know. I do not remember her. She took these memories away too besides the ones when I first arrived here."
"What do you mean?"
"Photos that Sydney took of you and me. He also took pictures of me with the Snow Queen."
Henry looks a the photos. "No way." Hope babbles.
Emma was in shock. "I have no memory of that time or that place in the foster home."
Henry was surprised. "Dad, what does the Snow Queen want with Mom?"
"I do not know, lad. Swan,I will call Regina, David..."
"And Gold..."
"The Crocodile? In our house?"
"Yes, he might have an answer since he was the one trying to get this realm in the first place."
"Alright, love.Just this once."
Hope began crying. "Hope, I know you are hungry." Emma brought Hope up to her room and sat on the rocking chair. Hope coughs. She nurses Hope. "Henry, can you get me Hope's medicine ?"
"I am on it." Henry goes to his parents' room.
Killian finds his two loves in Hope's bedroom. "Swan, everyone is coming here."
"When everyone is here, Hope is not going to be near everyone she is still sick."
"Aye, love." Hope fusses. Killian holds Hope and burps her. "Little love, you need to make your medicine to feel better." Hope pukes over her Daddy's shoulder.
"Killian,I got it." She cleans his black leather jacket. Hope began crying. "Hopey." Emma holds her daughter. "Hopey, you will feel better with your medicine, baby girl."
"Mom, I have her medicine."
"Thanks, kid."
"Lad I will feed Hope her medicine." He gets the medicine from his son. The doorbell rings.
"I will get it." Henry goes downstairs.
Hope coughs. "Little love, this medicine will make you feel better." Hope refuses to eat her medicine. "Hope...the Jolly Roger needs a place to land." He moves the spoon up and down. Hope opens her mouth and the spoon enters her mouth, "Good, Hope. You ate your medicine."
Emma smiles. "Only your Dada can get you to drink your medicine." Emma nurses Hope again. "Our little pirate."
"Aye, she loves Jolly Roger. Even if she has not been on her Dada's ship; yet."
"Well, she conceived on your ship which counts."
Killian chuckles. They hear the Charmings, Rumpelstiltskin, Elsa, and Belle downstairs. "Swan, our squad is here."
"Yes, captain." She burps Hope.
"Emma, I can stay up here with her."
"I need you to be at the meeting. You were my witness after all."
"Aye, swan. I will be holding our Hope." Hope fusses. "You want to be with Mommy?" Hope gripped her Mommy. "Little pirate, you can be with your Mommy."
Emma smiles. "You can stay with me, baby girl. You can be my little sheriff." Hope smiles. They return downstairs, seeing Belle, Charming and Snow White, Elsa, Regina, and Rumplestiltskin. Charming approaches his daughter and granddaughter. "Emma, how is Hope?"
"She still has her cough but she is getting better every day." Hope babble.
"Hi, little princess Hope."
"Hope, say hi to grandpa." Charming rubs Hope's cheek making her smile.
Hook sees his enemies in his house."Crocodile."
Emma sees her husband and his enemy before they get into a fight. Emma carried Hope in between them. "We are starting this meeting right now. Killian and I found something. Henry play the video." Killian takes Hope from Emma and stood away from everyone else since Hope was still sick.
"I am on it, Mom." He presses play on the camera. They all see the video.
Hope babbles. "Yes, little pirate princess, that is your Mommy. You are going to look like her when you are a big pirate princess." He kisses Hope on the head and watched everyone in the room stunned seeing what he and his family has found.
Snow White was in awe seeing her daughter as a teenager. "Emma, that is you. How old were you?"
"Maybe 13 or 14 years old."
Regina was annoyed at Snow White. "Are you missing the part that she is with the Snow Queen?" She looks at Emma. "Emma, you knew her before you came to Storybrooke?"
"Running into her at this town aren't the only memories she erased. Killian found photos of Sydney took of Henry and me. I found a photo of talking to the Snow Queen in the ice cream shop around the time I arrived here. All of this time in this foster home or wherever that place is, my memories of this place and when I first came here are all gone."
Belle was confused."I..I do not understand how she even ended up in this world?"
Emma turns to look at Belle's husband. "We were hoping Gold could tell us that." Everyone looks at Rumplestiltskin. "You spend the most time to get out to here out of anyone. How the hell did she do it?"
"Considering I spend time on the same task, I would like to know."
Charming was thinking. "Does it matter how she got to Emma? I mean should we be concerned about why?"
Regina, "Obviously, she needed her for something." Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. "But what?" She groaned. "That is our next problem."
Charming got thinking of a plan. "Now, that we know she is hiding somewhere in the North woods. We combed every inch of her shop and turned apart of her house, which she must have cleared days ago."
Killian looks at his father in law. "It means she must be hiding something."
"But where?" She looks at her husband.
Henry got thinking. "What about her ice cream truck?"
Emma was impressed. "Whoa...The Snow Queen has an ice cream truck?"
"I am a kid, I noticed these kinds of these things. I saw it last week before Hope got sick. I took her out for a walk and saw the ice cream truck in town but it is not there now." Emma gave her son an impressed look.
Everyone looked at Charming, "We will search into groups, the town, the woods, Hook, Emma, and Henry you take the west. Regina, you, and I will go in the East part of the woods."
Rumplestilskin looks at Charming. "I work alone." He leaves the Jones household.
"Belle, how are you at tracking?"
"I...I am actually good at being helpful at the library. Maybe I can dig up on something of the Snow Queen?"
Elsa looks at Belle."Belle, can I join you? I can look up something to find my sister? Unless you do not want the company."
"Uhm...sure. I would love the company." Belle and Elsa leave together and head to the library.
"Mom, can Hope and I join you and Dad?" Hope babbles.
Emma looks at her husband. "Killian, I think it is the Jones family search party."
"Yes! Hope we are going to search for a new villain." Hope babbles.
"Aye, we can search together."
"We just to keep Hope warm." She looks up at her Dad. "We can use walkie talkies to connect with each other so the other one knows that Snow Queen is located." Hope makes poop. "After a very needed diaper change for my little sheriff." Emma takes Hope upstairs to get her changed and dressed for their search for the Snow Queen.
Henry goes to his other Mom, who was on the phone. "Henry, Robinhood and his Merrymen are searching for the Snow Queen."
"They can help us. Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am okay, Henry."
"You are not mad at me right?"
"No, I am not, Henry."
"Why were you mad at my other Mom when you two were finding the Snow Queen?"
"Answer, the lad's question, your majesty? Why were you mad at my wife a few days ago?"
Regina got frustrated. "I am not mad at Emma."
Charming approaches Regina. "You seem mad at Emma. Why are you mad at her?"
"I am not mad at her!"
"If you are not mad at my other, Mom. You are mad at me?! Are you mad that I wanted to stay with my sister when she was in the hospital? Not go home with you?"
Emma returns quickly back downstairs hearing Henry mad. "Henry, come here." Henry goes to his Mom. She placed her hand on his shoulder. "Can you watch Hope in her room for a few minutes?"
"Yes, Mom." Henry goes upstairs to Hope's room. He sees his sister in her carseat. "Hi, little sis." Hope babbles. He kneels to his sister. Hope smiles. "You are happy to see me?" He tickles his sister's belly making her smile more. "Hopey." He playfully opens up Hope's carseat cover making Hope laugh. He takes Hope out of her car seat and let her play with her duckling doll sitting on his lap. Hope makes a loud sound. "Yes, playtime with your duckling, doll." He kisses Hope on the head. "I love you, Hope. You are the best little sis, ever." Hope looks at her brother making Henry smile.
Emma was mad as she approaches Regina because she was getting Henry upset which she hates. "Regina, you are getting Henry mad. I know you want Henry all for yourself but you cannot. You have to accept that he has another family than you."
"He is my son!"
"Yes, Regina but he is not your only family! You need to share him! You cannot have him for yourself! He is my son too."
Regina scoffs."You are the one to talk Miss Swan..."
"I have been raising him for over a year!"
"I have been raising him since he was a baby!"
"You were raising him during a curse, that you casted and you were awake the whole time. He felt lonely and different. You were awake the whole time telling him that he was crazy." Regina charges at Emma. Killian hates it when he sees his wife being threatened by Regina. "Whoa..whoa! Regina!" Killian blocks his wife. Charming pulls Regina away from his daughter and son-in-law. "Henry is an amazing son to you and Emma. You need to accept that he has another part of his family beside you. Henry is happy living with Emma and me. Cannot you see that?! So stop yelling at my wife and being mad at everyone!"
Charming stands beside his son in law. "Hook is right. Regina, we should be looking for the Snow Queen." Regina leaves the house.
Charming looks at his daughter. "Emma, are you okay?"
Killian wrapped his arms around his wife. "Yea...she just gets me so mad whenever Henry is not with her. I thought she was finally understanding that Henry is happy with us, I guess not."
"She is jealous, love that you and I are giving him a family that he always wanted and she could never give him in her care for the first ten years of his life."
"You are right. He was unhappy, made him think that he was crazy and he ran away to find me. She laid her head on his shoulder. Killian hugs his wife. "Ever since he found you, he has been happy love. You gave him a family, that he always wanted."
"With your help, yes." They kiss."We should begin searching for this Snow Queen."
"Aye, I will get the kids."
"Regina and I will search the East part of the woods." Charming leaves the house. They hear Hope crying.
Emma goes upstairs to Hope's room. Henry was trying to calm down his sister. "Hopey." Emma gets Hope from Henry. "Hopey, Mommy is here. Everything is okay...Shh..shh." Hope calms down.
"She heard you fighting downstairs. My other Mom is mad, I was right."
Emma hugs her son. "She is not mad at you."
"Yes, she is mad."
"She is jealous that you are happy here."
"I am happy here, with you,Dad, and Hope."
"That is why I got mad at Regina because she was mad that you are happy. You are happy, which all that matters." She hugs her son. Hope gripped Henry's hair and babbles.
"Kid, she is making sure you are okay. You make your brother so happy Hopey, right?" Hope looks at her Mommy. "I will take that as a yes."
Henry kisses Hope on the cheek."Mom, I have a new game for Hope." Hope moves around. "We can show Mommy, our new game, little sis." Henry takes Hope from their Mom puts Hope back in her carseat. He zipped Hope up in her warm car seat cover and opens and closes it, making Hope laugh. Emma smiles seeing her son getting her daughter to laugh. She took a few pictures of Henry and Hope on her iPhone. "For some reason, when I open her carseat cover, she laughs."
"You know how to make your sister laugh." Emma gets Hope's diaper bag."She thinks that you are funny, kid. Now, we need to search for this Snow Queen."
"I got Hope's car seat."
"How about you carry her diaper bag. I carry your sister."
"Okay. Hopey, we are going to play in the car." Emma carried Hope in her car seat as Henry went ahead.
"Lad, are you ready to go?"
"Yes, I am." Emma comes down with Hope. "Swan, I got our little pirate princess." He takes Hope's car seat. "Hope, are you ready to help Mommy and Dada search for the Snow Queen?" Hope babbles. They go to the yellow bug. He sets Hope's carseat in the back. "You are ready to be our little sheriff."
"Dad, I am sitting next to Hope." Henry sits next to Hope.
"Let's just say, Henry, can make Hope laugh."
"Aye brother and sister bond?"
Emma smiles. "Yes." She gets in the driver's seat and drove her family to the woods. Hope began crying.
Henry leans to his sister and opens and closes Hope's carseat cover. "Hopey, don't cry."
"Lad, she does not like being in her carseat."
"Dad, I got her laughing in her carseat at home, our new game. Now, she is not happy." Henry tried zippering and unzippering the carseat cover to make her laugh. "You like it when I was unzippering your car seat at home. Why not now?" Hope cried more.
"Hope, we are almost there baby girl."
"Swan, I got your walkie talkie." He answers. "David, Emma is driving. Did you find anything?"
"I got a note from Robinhood. He and his Merrymen found the ice cream truck in the west part of the woods."
"Aye, we are on the way there now, David." When Emma sees the Merrymen she stopped the car. "Swan, you go ahead. I got our Hope." Killian goes in the back and gets Hope from her car seat. "There, there, Hope. You are out of your car seat. You are with Daddy." Hope calms down. "You just want to be out of the carseat and be in the action." Hope babbles. "Yes, you are part of our team little pirate princess." Hope gripped her Daddy. "You just want to be with me."
Emma goes to her husband and daughter. "Killian, you need to wear this." She shows him the carrier.
"Aye, swan." He puts on the carrier as Emma holds Hope.
"Hope, you and Henry get to help Mommy and Dada today on our case." Hope smiles. "You just want to be with Mommy at work." Hope smiles. Emma smiles back at her daughter. She puts Hope in her carrier. The family walked to Robinhood and the Merymen who were guarding the ice cream truck with their arrows. She takes out the walkie talkie. "Dad, call off the search party. We found the ice cream truck near the Merrymen's camp." She looks at Robinhood. "Thank you for keeping an eye out."
"Gladly, you are the first sheriff I like assisting."
"Are you ready love?"
"Yes. Let's go investigate the ice cream truck. Henry, you can help us look but do not touch anything."
"Yes, Mom. Hope and I can help. Little sis, tell me if Mom or Dad find anything interesting." Hope babbles and pats her Daddy's leather jacket. "Besides dad's jacket." Emma chuckles. When she and Killian opened the ice cream truck, it was empty. "It appears she beat us to it." Emma enters in first then Killian and Hope and Henry right behind them, "She cleared out the vessel."
"Now where should we search Dad?"
Emma noticed the locked freezer. "Hang on. Who locks their freezer? Was she afraid someone will steal the rocky road?"
Killian knew what to do. "Stand back." He uses his hook to open the lock. Hope babbles. "Yes, little love that is what I use my hook to help Mommy." Hope grabs his hook and chews on it. "You can use my hook as your chew toy, little pirate princess."
Emma opens the freezer and sees a file. She takes out the laminated newspaper article of when she was found as a baby with August. "Looks like the diary queen has been following me for a long time."
"Mom, since you were in foster care?"
Emma gives the laminated newspaper article to her son. "Since I landed in this world."
Killian was surprised. "Bloody hell..." Emma was looking at the file that the Snow Queen had her, wondering why did she have a file on me? "Why did she take my memories away from the time we were together in the foster home? What does she want from me now?" She went out of the ice cream truck and sat on the log.
Hope babbles. "Little sis, you want to be with me? Dad, Mom needs you. I can be with Hope."
"Thanks, lad. Your Mom needs me." Killian joins his swan on the log and wrapped his arm around his wife.
"That is the longest I ever stayed in a spot, I do not remember a second of it." She sighs.
"Are you alright swan?"
"I am fine. It is a long time ago."
"Perhaps wounds we made when we were young tend to linger."
"How would you know?"
"Believe it or not, I was once a child."
"Yea, like a million years ago."
"It is more like 200 years ago, love." Emma looked into the folder, seeing her old paintings. He sees her face changed. "Emma, what is it?"
"This is a painting that I made when I was in school."
"That is so surprising?" Henry walked around with his sister hearing their parents' conversation.
She looked deeper in the file."That is not the only one. The crazy woman has a whole file of my old art projects, essays..." Emma realized something. "Just like the one I have for Henry." She looked more into the file. "You do not keep stuff like this unless you care about someone."
"Perhaps the Snow Queen was not using you but she grew fond of you over time?"
Emma looked at the birthday card and opened it, it was her handwriting. "This is my handwriting. Looks like the feeling was mutual, thanks for the family I never have."
"It looks like you two were close once."
"She still erased my memories. Something has changed...There has to be a reason why."
"Perhaps there is."
Emma looks at the scroll, it was written in a weird language. "This is not from our world."
"What the hell was she doing with me?"
"Aye, it looks like we have more research to do."
"I have no memory of her from the videotape or when I saw her in Storybrooke. Why has been following up me on my whole life? What does she want with me?"
Killian wrapped his arm around his wife. "We are going to find all of the answers soon, love. Whatever it is, we will work together to defeat this Snow Queen. We always defeat villains, love."
"I have you on my side." She leans her head on his shoulder. Henry and Hope join their hug. Hope gripped a blonde lock. "You too, Hope."
"You have all of us, Mom."
"Whatever happens with this Snow Queen, you and Hope are not going to lose me. I am not going to leave you two." She hugs her children. Emma and Killian look at each other with worry wondering what this snow villain wants with Emma.
"We are going to figure this out together." Killian kisses Emma on the head.
After Emma and Killian searched for more clues, they found nothing and decided to leave. Killian drove his family back into town with Emma sitting in the back with Hope and Henry. Henry hugs his Mom. "Do you want to see my art from when I was around your age?"
Emma smiles seeing her son's excitement in his eyes. She shows him the painting from the file. "Mom, I get my art talent from you! Awesome!"
"Yes, you did, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "Killian?"
"Yes, love?"
"Since we skipped breakfast. How about we have a family breakfast at Granny's?"
"Mom, I am in."
"Swan, that is a great idea. We all need a late breakfast." Hope began crying.
"Hope, we are going to granny's. I can feed you in a few minutes baby girl." Hope makes poop. "Also change your diaper." Hope cried more and reached her hand out. Emma gives her finger to her daughter. "Hopey, I am right here. Mommy is right here." She kisses Hope on the head. "I was only showing Henry paintings that Mommy made as a child."
"Hope, I get my art skills from our Mommy. She is awesome." Hope cried more.
Emma holds Hope's hand. "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar,But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope stops crying and smiles big. "You like it when I sing to you?" Hope babbles and moves around.
"Mom, she is applauding your singing."
Emma smiles big. "Yes, she is. I just know my singing voice would make your sister stop crying." Hope gripped her Mommy's face. "Yes, I know how to make my little ducking happy. Yes...Yes, you are so cute... Yes you are...Yes you are..." Killian smiles hearing Emma's baby voice to Hope who was babbling and smiling. Emma smiles back at her daughter. When Killian parked the car, she unbuckles Hope out of her car seat. "Henry, can you get us our table? I am going to change Hope's diaper here before we go in."
"Okay, Mom." He kisses Hope on the cheek and heads into granny's. Hope began crying.
"Hope, Henry is not going bye-bye. We are meeting him inside." Killian passes the changing pad to his swan and she changes Hope's diaper on the seat. "You are all clean, little duckling." She scooped Hope into her arms. "Baby, are you hungry?" Hope gave her Mommy a look.
"Little love, do you want your big brother?" Hope cried more. "Henry is inside, little love."
"I think she is hungry and wants Henry." They walked inside the diner, and see Henry. "Hopey, Henry is right there at our table, sweetie." She sits next to Henry in the booth. "We are with Henry, baby girl. Kid, your sister got very upset when you left the car."
"Yes." Hope reaches out for her big brother.
"She can be with me, Mom." Henry takes Hope from their Mom and sits her on his lap. "Hope, I am right here. I did not leave you." Hope looks up at her brother and smiles. Henry smiles. "You just wanted H&H time?" He kisses Hope on the head. Emma sits next to Killian and leans her head on his shoulder as he hugs his wife. "Mom, Dad, Hope just wanted me."
"Aye, I told your Mom Hope wanted you."
"I knew once he left the car, by the sound of Hope's crying, she wanted you, kid."
"Hope is awesome." Hope babbles. "I am awesome?" Hope holds his finger.
Killian held his wife's hand. "Swan, are you okay?"
"I am still thinking of what the Snow Queen wants with me?"
"We are going to figure out soon, love." Granny brings the family their meal. "Son, let me hold your sister while you eat." Henry gives Hope to their Dad.
"Hopey, I am right here." He made funny faces to make his sister smile as their parents ate.
"Henry, eat your food. You can play with your sister later."
"Yes, Mom."
Hope began crying. "I know, little duckling, it is time for your second breakfast." She gets the breast cover on and Killian sets Hope on Emma's lap. Hope eats right away.
"Mom, what do you think the Snow Queen wants from you?"
"I do not know, kid. I will figure out why but there has to be a reason she took my memories away before you found me and after you brought me here. That scroll though, Killian we have to get it translated."
"Aye, we got to talk to Belle or Elsa."
"It could be from her and Snow Queen's realm. They both have similar ice snow magic"
"You are right." Emma gets a phone call from Elsa. "Speaking of Elsa." She answered her iPhone. "Hi, Elsa."
"Emma, I found information about the Snow Queen at the library."
"Killian and I found a scroll from a file from the Snow Queen kept in her ice cream truck. We are at Granny's, we can meet up at the sheriff's station soon to show each other what we have found."
"That sounds like a plan." They ended their phone conversation.
"Elsa found something at the library on the Snow Queen. We are going to meet at the sheriff's station after eat."
"Yes, sheriff Swan-Jones."
"Mom, can Hope and I stay at the station with you and Dad? Please."
"Yes, you two are staying with us." Hope makes poop.
"Swan, after she fed, I can change her." After Emma burps Hope, Killian takes his little pirate to the bathroom to change Hope's diaper. "Hope, you are being such a good little sheriff for your Mommy today, little love." Hope babbles happily. "You love working with Mommy and Dada." Hope smiles.
After granny's, the Jones family walked to the sheriff's station finding Elsa with books on the desks. "Emma! I found so much information about the Snow Queen."
"Great. We found information, too." She takes ope out of her carrier.
"Mom I can watch Hope in your office. You and Dad can update Elsa."
"Thanks, kid." Emma gives Hope to Henry.
"Little sis, we are going to have H&H time in Mommy's office." Hope fusses. "You want to help Mommy on the case? We can help." Henry sits nearby with his sister.
Emma takes off her brown leather jacket and tied her hair up into a ponytail. "We found out that the Snow Queen kept tabs on me since I came into this realm, my time in the foster system. We found a file in her icecream truck. We also found a scroll in the file too. What have you found?"
Elsa opens a book. "The Snow Queen is my aunt."
"The Snow Queen is your aunt?"
Elsa turns the book. "I found this at the library." The pages were a family tree. "Her name is Ingrid. I did not know my mom had any sisters. I am surprised as you are..."
Killian carried more books. "The more time you spend in this town, love. You realize just about everyone's related."
Emma smiles and looks down at Elsa's family tree, Killian joins his wife. "This book traces the lineage in Arendelle for generations." Elsa points at an image. "That is Gerda, my mother, and this sister Helga my other aunt."
"Bloody hell." Emma looks at her husband. "She looks just like you." Emma looks down at the paper of Elsa's aunt, thinking he was right. "Maybe, that is why she was so obsessed with you? Why she kept all of those relics of your childhood?"
Emma thought for a moment, "She came into this world to look for blondes? There are more blondes than just me?"
"Don't I know it?" Emma gives her a look to her husband and he gives her a look back telling her he was joking. "Swan, you are the most beautiful blonde in all the realms." She kisses him on his scruffy cheek.
"Ingrid was looking for the savior."
Emma gave Elsa a surprised look. "What?"
"The scroll that you found. She was not looking for any blonde. She was looking for the savior. It says here. The writing is runic. The prophecy says the name of the Savior is Emma."
Killian and Emma were surprised. "She knew?" Killian placed his hand on his wife's shoulder.
"Before you even did. She knew you were powerful."
Emma looks at her husband. "But why?"
"It says right here, and the savior should become Ingrid's sister."
Emma and Killian were both stunned and confused. "What the hell does that even mean?"
"Well, my mom died. My other aunt, she is not around anymore. I think Ingrid believes in this prophecy."
Henry was holding his sister and approached his parents. "Elsa, my Mom is not biologically related to your aunt. It makes no sense."
"I think she is looking to replace them." Emma was in shock.
Belle arrives at the sheriff's station. Killian hugs his wife. "Everything is going to be okay, Emma."
Belle tells Elsa how she knew Anna in the Enchanted Forest. "Rumple and I went to the Snow Queen's lair. We saw this awful mirror that turns you into a bad person."
Killian went closer. "Why don't we just break it?"
"There is a curse. If the Snow Queen cast this curse from this mirror called the spell of shattered sight which can kill us all until no one is left."
Emma looks at Elsa "Only you and me."
"Just like what she wants us and her."
"What do you mean?"
"My long lost Aunt Ingrid thinks Emma and her as her sisters. She wants us all to herself." Hope began crying. Killian takes Hope from his son.
Henry hugs his Mom. "You will defeat this Snow Queen,Mom."
"Yes, I just need to figure out how." Henry hugs his Mom. Hope fusses.
Emma takes Hope from Killian and holds her on her chest. Hope stops fussing. "Everything is going to be okay, Hope. You and Henry are with me."
Henry hugs his Mom and sister."Little sis, everything is going to be okay."
Killian hugs his wife. Emma looks at her husband."Swan, we are going to work together to stop this curse."
"Yes, we will together." The Jones family returned home, Killian set a fire in the fireplace while Henry plays with Hope during her tummy time on the playmat. Emma brings a tray of cinnamon hot cocoa with chocolate chip cookies."I thought after a long day, we need a good snack."
"Yes!" Henry sits with his Mom on the couch. Hope rolls to her belly and held her head up. Killian smiles seeing his daughter looking right at him. He kneels down faces his daughter. "Hope, dada is right here. You are holding your head up, Hope." Hope babbles. Emma takes a picture of Killian and Hope. Hope looks at her Mommy. "Hope, you are ignoring me and looking at Mommy."
Emma chuckles. "Hopey. Mommy is right here." She kisses Hope on the cheek. "Mommy is having a snack now but you are going to get the milk version later." Hope babbles and turns to her belly and looks at her Daddy "Now you are looking at Dada again." He tickles Hope making her laugh.
Emma smiles seeing her husband and daughter having Daddy and daughter time."Mom?"
Henry hugs his Mom. "I just wanted to hug you."
"You are the best son ever." He kisses her on the cheek.
"Everything is going to be okay, kid."
"You and dad will stop this Snow Queen."
"Yes, we will." She kisses him on the head and looks at Killian who was playing with Hope and they both know they will defeat the Snow Queen together.

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