Killian Jr Jones

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Late at night July 20, Emma was getting contractions. Killian was rubbing her back and holding her hand. She was crying. "Love, it is time for me to take you to the hospital. Our son, little Ian, wants to come today." He knew her labor was going to be tough because the last time she had a natural birth with a baby boy was with Henry. "I am not going to leave you. I am going to be at your side the whole time. You are not going to be alone. You have me." Emma grips his hand and groans.


Henry rushes across to the other side of the apartment seeing his Mom in labor. His Dad was comforting her."Lad, call Allison to come over. Your Mom is in labor."

"I will call her." He hugs his Mom. "Mom, my baby brother is coming. You have me, here with you in New York again. You have Dad at your side. He is nothing like my biological Dad."

"Henry..." She groans.

"I am going to be at the hospital in the morning with Hope. I am looking forward to meeting my baby brother Ian."

"You will meet him, soon, kid. Your brother is not going replace you, Henry."

"I know." He hugs his Mom. "I love you."

"I love you so much, Henry."

"Love, we need to leave now." He guided his wife out of the room.

Emma waddles over to Hope's bedroom. "Hope, you are my only daughter. You are my baby, sweetie. Your baby brother is not going to replace you." Killian walks with his wife to the elevator and leads her to the car. He sped off to the hospital. Henry calls Allison.

Allison wakes up in the middle of the night, it was 2:00 in the morning, reading Henry on her iPhone. "Henry?"

"Hi, Aunt Allison. My Mom is in labor. Dad took her to the hospital. Can you come over?"

"Yes, I will be there soon, Henry."

Killian drove his swan to New York University's hospital. A nurse was waiting for her, Killian helped his swan out of the yellow bug and put her in the wheelchair. "I will be with you in a few minutes, love." A Nurse pushed Emma inside as Killian parked the car. He ran inside to be with his wife. "Emma!"

"Killian, I am just signing in forms."

"Love, I can fill out your forms."

Emma smiles, her husband is being extra helpful and reassuring her he was staying with her. "Okay." He filled out the papers for his swan as a nurse brought Emma to a room. She gripped his hand. "Stay."

"I am not going anywhere, Emma. I am staying right here with you." He helped his swan undress and put her gown on. The nurse puts a monitor on Emma's huge baby belly and examines her. "You are 4 centimeters long. You are in labor." The nurse leaves.

"Ian is coming today."

He hugged his wife. "Yes, he is coming today. Our baby boy. He is going to complete our Jones family." He rubs his wife's baby belly. "Ian, you are coming today. Mommy and Daddy are very excited to meet you."

"We love you, Ian. I cannot wait to hold you in my arms."

"He will be held by his Mommy first."

"I just hope..." She began crying. "I want to be in his life. Like Hope. I do not want to miss anything in Ian's life as I did with Henry."

He hugged his wife. "You are going to be in Ian, Henry, and Hope's lives, love. You are not going to miss anything in our sons and daughter's lives."

"You do not know that..."

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