Mini Me

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Emma was at home for maternity relief adjusting for being a mother of a newborn and a 21-month-old, two babies under two. She had Ian in the same carrier as Hope did. Just like his big sister, Ian loves being held all the time.The only difference is Killian Jr likes to be bottle fed, Killian loves bottle-feeding his son at night. whenever Emma needs to sleep or give one one-on-one time with Hope. They barely get any sleep because Ian and Hope both keep both of them up at night. They are both nervous with Ian's oxygen tank.

Hope loves Ian and always wants to hold him touch him and babble to him. Henry loves being a big brother to a little brother. Killian was exhausted but loved being a Daddy to two little ones. He helps Emma with Ian at night, he loves doing skin-to-skin with his son, his mini-me.

Killian was snuggling with Killian Jr sleeping on his chest in the living room in the morning. He glances at her daughter's room, seeing Hope trying to climb out of the crib. He sets Ian with Emma and runs to catch his daughter, "Hope!" He caught his daughter before she fell onto the floor. Hope began wailing. "You are okay. You scared Dada. Do not ever do that again. Okay?"

"Okay, Mama."

Emma enters the room with Ian. "Hopey, are you okay baby girl."

"Appears our little love wants her Mama." He faced his daughter.

She sits on the floor and hands over Ian to Killian. She scooped her daughter in her arms and began rocking her daughter. "Mama is right here,baby duckling. You are with mama." She began tearing up. "Mama is here. You are okay."

Killian was holding Ian. "She is okay, love."

"Yes, because you caught her." She rubs her husband's hook. "She was trying to be a little sneaky pirate to get out of her crib. She almost fell."


"Yes, we are having our girl time, Mama and Hope time."

Ian coos. Killian smiles down at his newborn son. "Aye, little lad, your big sister is showing me her pirate side. We are going to have our boy time, in our room." He takes Ian to their bedroom next door.

Emma had Hope in her arms. "Mama."

She gets an idea. "How about we have our girl time? We can go shopping!"

"Yes!!" The mother and daughter got ready for the day.

"Mom, where are you and Hope going to go to?"

"We are going to go to Build-A-Bear!"

"Wow!" He faced his baby sister. "Hope, you are going to have so much fun with our Mom making a bear!" Hope smiles.

Killian carried Ian. "Killian, Hope, and I are going to go out for girl time. We are going to make stuffed animals." Hope clapped her hands.

"Little love, have fun with your Mommy." He faced his wife. "Swan, be careful."

"I will. We are going to take a taxi to the store and come home."

"Have fun with our little love. Ian is going to be here with me." Ian coos. "Yes, boy time."

"I will be here for a little while before I go to Jasper's house. Ian wants to play with me." He takes his brother from his Dad. "We are going to play, Ian."

"I made a few bottles of breastmilk for Ian."

"We are going to be alright, here, love. You and Hope have fun and be careful."

"I will."

"Mama, leave!" She grabs her Mama's hand. Emma chuckles and grabs the diaper bag.

"Bye, baby pirate princess."

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