Leaving Storybrooke

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Ever since Emma and Hook kissed in Neverland, Emma could not stop thinking about their kiss and what happened on the Jolly Roger when they were alone, it felt different than any other kisses she had the experience, different from Neal. She had to snap out of her daydream and focus on the recent curse, Peter Pan's curse. Emma and Henry were packing their bags so they can get out of Storybrooke before Pan's curse hits the town and rest of town going back to the Enchanted Forest. Emma drove her yellow bug car to the town line where her family and town were waiting to say goodbye to her and Henry. They gave hugs to everyone. Henry hugs his Dad, "Dad, can you come with us?"
"No, I cannot. I have to go back to Enchanted Forest, to find my own Dad." Henry was hurt. Regina hugs her son. Emma and Killian heard Henry's conversation. "Swan, I am not going to forget you."
"Good." She looks at Henry who was hugging his other Mom. She knows how hard it was going to be for him when they leave. "Emma, are you alright?"
"I just know how much Henry is going to be away from his home."
"He is going to be with you."
"Yes, just me."
"If you want to, I can come with you and Henry?"
"You would do that?"
Killian smiles. "Aye, yes. There is nothing out there for me in the Enchanted Forest. I never had a home."
"If you are up for an adventure."
"Aye, I can keep you and the lad company." Charming approaches Emma and Hook.
"Hook is coming with you, Emma?"
"Yes, he is. We overheard Henry asking his...Dad to come but he decided not too."
"Emma, he saved my life in Neverland."
"He won't hurt me, Dad." Emma hugs her Dad. "I am going to miss you."
"We will miss you so much, Emma." Emma hugs her Mom. "Hook?"
"Yes, Charming."
"Take care of my daughter."
"Aye, I will protect your daughter and grandson. They are good hands with me."
"Thank you." The curse was coming.
"Henry, it is time for us to go." Henry gets in the car. Regina sees Killian getting into the car too. Emma, Hook is going with you?"
"Yes, he is. He offered to come with us, we saw Neal rejecting Henry's offer."
"I don't trust Neal. I am going to give you, Henry and Killian fake memories."
"Thanks, Regina." Emma hugs her Mom.
"Emma, be careful. We love you."
"We just found each other."
"I know. You have Henry to think about."
"Yes, and Killian is coming with us."
"He did help us to get Henry from Neverland and saved your Dad." Emma hugs her Mom. "I love you, Emma." She kisses her daughter on the head. Emma wiped her tears and gets into her car and drives over the town line. Henry looks back at the town fading. "Henry, are you okay?"
"No, my Dad did not want to come with us."
"Henry, what did you say?"
"My Dad did not want to come with us..."
"Hook, what is your name?"
"Killian Jones the dashing handsome pirate," Emma smirks.
"I am Emma Swan, the savior...Henry, Hook we have our memories still!"
"Mom, is that a good thing?"
"I think so. Since we cannot be in Maine anymore, we can go to New York City."
"Back to the city?'
"Yes, kid. You are right. Faraway from Maine and curses." Henry was still disappointed in his Dad rejecting him. "Henry, did I ever tell you one of my pirate adventures sailing through realms?'
"No. I thought you were just in Neverland."
"Aye, my crew and I sailed through different realms. Do you want to hear the story?'
Henry smiles."Yes." Emma smiles seeing Hook making her son happy and distracted from leaving Storybrooke and rest of the family behind as the town was disappearing and sending everyone else back to Enchanted Forest. Emma thought to herself maybe having their memories and Hook coming along with them was a good thing that happened.

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