Nine Weeks

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Killian was up early setting up Hope's new pirate ship ball pit. Emma wakes up finding Hope and Killian playing in the ball pit. As she was getting ready to leave, Hope was babbling in her bed. "Oh really Hope? You play cannon balls with Dada."


"Aye Jolly Roger cannon balls." Hope threw a ball at her Daddy. "You little pirate." He tickles his daughter making her laugh.

While waiting at the doctor's appointment, Killian was playing with Hope, Henry gets a text from Jasper. "Mom, Jasper texted me about a sleepover at his house. Can I sleep over tonight?"

Emma knows her son's friend is a good kid and Henry is never invited to sleepovers in Storybrooke. "You can sleep over at Jasper's tonight."

"Yes!!" He hugged his Mom. "Thank you, Mom."

"Emma Jones."

"Dad, text me when the sonogram is going to start."

"Okay, lad." Henry plays with Hope as their parents went to the examination room hand and hook.

At Emma's appointment, Emma was nervous sitting on the table. Killian held his wife's hand. "Love, I have a good feeling that we are going to hear our little one's strong heartbeat." He kissed her hand.

"You always know what to say to calm me down."

"Aye, know when my swan needs some cheering up." She hugged her husband.

Dr.Peirce enters the room. "Hi, Emma."

"Hi, Dr. Pierce."

"I saw Henry and Hope in the waiting room. How are you feeling?"

"Nauseous a lot and morning sickness."

"That is a good sign of the baby is healthy."

"We want Henry and Hope to be here for the sonogram."

"They are out in the hall. Hope has gotten so big."

"She is walking all over the place and trying to get into everything."

Killian chuckles. "Hope tried to climb in the laundry machine this morning."

Dr.Peirce examines Emma's stomach. She was gripping her husband's hook. "You are measuring out nicely for 9 weeks. Now, I can do the sonogram." She opens the door, Henry was there holding Hope. "Hi, Hope. Hi, Henry."

"Hi, Dr.Perice. Say hi to Mom's doctor."


"Your Mom is right here, Hope." Henry carried his sister to their Mom.

"Hopey, come to Mama." He set his sister down placed her next to their Mom. "My doctor is going to help us see the baby inside of my tummy."


"Yes, we are going to see the baby." Hope hugged her Mommy. "Kid, was she a handful outside?"

"Oh, you know, trying to get to other rooms. Being a little sneak." Emma chuckles.

Hope gripped her Daddy's hook. Killian kisses his daughter on the head. Dr.Peirce set the machine on and turned off the lights. Henry went to his Mom's other side. Hope babbles." You are sitting with me, baby duckling." She pulled her shirt up exposing her tiny baby bump.

Dr. Pierce puts cool gel on Emma's abdominal. "I am sorry, Emma. The gel is cold."

"That is okay." Hope babbles.

"Baby sis, the gel is going help us see the baby."

"Henry, are you looking forward to having another baby sibling?"

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