Emma's Birthday

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Killian pushed his wife's wheelchair back to her room. He carries her into her bed and cuddles with her. "Hope...Hope...""Her surgery is going to help her love. She is strong like her Mommy and I know Hope will back in the NICU soon in recovery." "Dad?" Henry was crying."Henry." He opened his other arm. Henry hugs his Dad. "Hope is going to be alright. She is a little survivor like me and a fighter like your Mom." Emma was still crying when Henry fell asleep in his Dad's arms. "Maybe she was having internal bleeding...that is why she was born early?""That can be the reason. The doctors will fix Hope, love. I know Hope will be back in your arms soon." "Hope...""She is going to get the surgery she needs." Killian began to cry remembering Hope coughing up blood in his arms. "Killian... Hope is a little survivor like her Daddy and fighter like me. She is part pirate and part me..""Aye, a fighter...just seeing her coughing up blood...was awful...I never felt so scared ever..."Emma hugs her husband. "I just know that our Hope will be with us soon. She will be our little fighter and survivor.""You have hope love.""I always do and that is why I chose that name for our daughter. I brought hope to Henry and our daughter is named Hope. Boy, she needs Hope needs hope now.""Aye, that is right, swan.""My captain." They kiss. Killian held his wife and son in his arm. "My stomach hurts so much.""Love, do you need medicine?""Yes, it is my stitches..." "Love, I will get a nurse.""Press the button." Killian presses the button for a nurse. He carries Henry to a chair and laid him in a chair and covered him in a blanket. A nurse came into the room, "My stitches hurt." The nurse examines the stitches. "I will go get your doctor." Emma holds gripped Killian's hook. "Stay with me...""I am not going anywhere, love. My family needs me." Dr.Pierce enters the room. "Hi, Emma. I heard about Hope needing surgery. She is in good hands.""I want her to be healthy." "She is going to be healthy. After having her surgery, Hope's recovery will be longer but I know she will go home with you in no time. For you, I need you to rest. You just had emergency surgery." She examines Emma's stitches. "Your stitches are healing which is normal. You need Advil every few hours and a heating pad. You can only hold your daughter and no heavy lifting until you are recovered.""Dr. Pierce, I will not let Emma lift anything heavy.""Is Hope's internal bleeding caused me to go into early labor?""Yes, Emma. Now her internal bleeding will be fixed. In a few weeks, her lungs will be fully developed and you two can take your daughter home. Emma, when you discharged in a few days, you can visit Hope anytime during the visiting hours.""I..." Emma began to cry. "I do not want to be away from my daughter..." She looks at her son. "I gave Henry up for adoption when I had him seventeen for certain circumstances...I got Henry back when he was ten. I met Killian and we fell in...this is my first time as a Mom from the very beginning and her being born early..." She cried into Killian. "It is okay, love. Hope is going to be strong like you. Her surgery will help her." Dr.Pierce now understands why everything was new for Emma everything was a first and why they got married only a few months ago. "Emma, Hope is in the best care. I know being a first time Mom is hard. Her being born early does not mean you are a bad mother, Emma. She is going to get the best support, with extra love, care that you will give her. You will be a great mother from the beginning." Dr.Pierce beeper alarm went off. "Emma, I have another patient. You need to rest which your daughter needs you for you to be calm and rested when she comes out of surgery.""Thank you, Dr. Pierce." Killian gave his wife something to eat so she can take her Advil. Emma hugs her husband. "I did not expect to have Hope today...or have a long recovery and Hope having health issues...Hope needs me.."Killian faces his wife. "Emma, I am going to help you in recovery and be there for our little Hope. Our daughter needs both of us. I know you and I will give the extra care that Hope needs." Emma hugs him knowing that he will be on her side taking care of their little girl who needed both of them. Emma fell asleep. "You need to sleep you had emergency surgery. I know you will wake up later, Hope will be back in your arms keeping you very busy as her Mommy." He hugs his wife and not letting her go.Emma woke up hours later past midnight in her husband's arms. "Happy birthday my beautiful swan.""Thank you, my husband." They kiss."Hope...our family is not complete. I need to know about her surgery." He knows that his wife was sad worrying about their daughter who was in surgery on her birthday. "Love, I will get updates on Hope's surgery.""Yes! I want to know about our little girl's surgery." "Aye, the birthday girl will get her wish granted." They kiss and Killian went out of the room. Henry wakes up."Happy birthday, Mom!" Henry hugs his Mom."Thank you, kid." "I have your birthday present.""Aww...you got me a present.""Yes, Mom. You are my Mom. It is your birthday." Henry gives his Mom a wrapped present. Emma opened her present, which was a canvas painting of herself with Henry when he was ten in Granny's with cinnamon hot cocoa. "Henry...this is..." Emma began to cry. "This is so beautiful. I love it. Come here." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love it.""Happy birthday, Mom. I wanted you to have a little bit of Storybrooke memory after I first found you..."Emma hugs her son. "I will never forget you finding me on my birthday, I was alone until you came and found me. Now our family is bigger with your Dad and Hope. To you finding me and having your sister yesterday and is here on my birthday are both ties in first place for my best birthdays ever. ""Hope is here for your birthday. She did not want you to be alone on your birthday and be with us." "That is right, kid. Our family is complete for my birthday. Your Dad went to check for updates on your sister.""Mom, I know Hope has health issues. I will help with Hope. I know you and Dad will teach me about Hope's special care so I can help watch her for you and Dad.""I know with Hope health needs will be challenging but I know Hope will have the best big brother to protect her and be there for her when she needs you.""Mom, she is going to have you taking care of her all the time. Dad and I will help you with Hope.""I know, your Dad is going to help me in my recovery and both of you will help with your sister.""She will always have us, Mom. I am going to help you too." They hug. "How did my artistic son created this?""I made it in art class in school. I have been working hard on it for over a month to get it right for you Mom... when you went into labor, I had a feeling to bring your gift with me.""Your hard work shows, kid. I did not have gifts as a child or any gifts too much in life until you found me. I love my gift. When we get home, I am going to hang it in my room.""I was thinking when Hope comes home...I want to paint the family portrait..""Henry...that will be amazing you can paint like an expert and you are twelve years old." "I worked really hard on it for you, Mom.""I can tell and it shows kid. I love it." Henry hugs his Mom. "I love you, Mom.""I love you too, Henry." She kisses him on the head. "I love my birthday gift." Killian went out to the NICU, "Hello. I am Hope Jones's father. She had emergency surgery.""Yes, your daughter just got back into the NICU. Come in, I will get her doctor.""Before I enter, I need to get my wife. She has been a nervous wreck all night." Killian returns to Emma's hospital room. He enters the room seeing Emma and Henry cuddling, "Emma, Hope just got out of surgery." Emma was in tears. "How is she?""Love, the nurse told me they just brought Hope back to her room. I rushed over here to get you. So the doctor will tell us on Hope's update together.""Mom, Hope is in recovery." "Yes, she is out of surgery and in recovery. We get to see your sister." Killian helped his wife into her wheelchair and pushed her to the NICU. They washed their hands, Killian and Henry put scrubs on. They see Hope sleeping within wires, oxygen tubes, as Emma got closer she sees an incision on her daughter's tummy. "Poor baby girl."She put her hand inside the incubator and placed her hand on her daughter's head. "You are alright. Mommy, Daddy, and Henry are all here. Your scar is your tattoo. You do not need ink tattoos, Hope." She noticed when she put her hand on her daughter, Hope seemed to calm down. "Mommy is right here. I am not going anywhere. You are safe now, your family is here. You are not alone." She felt her breast getting heavy which filling with Hope's milk. "Killian, Hope has an incision on her tummy." "Aye, she will have a scar but it will make her special." He reaches into the hole Hope's foot, "Daddy is here, Hope. You are going to be a strong little lass. I just know it.""That is right." Henry goes around to Hope's other side. "Hope, we are all here for you, little sis, your family." Dr.Smith, Hope's doctor arrives, "Mr. and Mrs. Jones.""Yes, that is us." "Mom, I can be with Hope." "Thanks, kid. We are not going anywhere too far.""My name is Dr. Smith, I am Hope's doctor and surgeon. Hope had small internal bleeding in her stomach.""How did she get the internal bleeding? I have been on best rest ever since I was twenty weeks pregnant with her.""We think that she does not have enough vitamin K which is why she had a hemorrhage.""What can we do for her to have more vitamin K?""Vitamin k is more green vegetables like spinach. We are going to give your daughter a vitamin k shot.""I am planning on breastfeeding my daughter, I will eat more greens. How was her surgery with her lungs?" "Her lungs were strong enough for her surgery but her lungs are going to be in recovery for a little while longer from the intense of the surgery." "Will she have asthma when she gets older? Or need to have an oxygen tank at home?" Killian placed his hand into his wife's hands knowing that she was nervous about their lass's future. "Mrs.Jones, the goal is to get Hope's lungs fully formed so she will not need oxygen for the rest of her life. She will be a healthy little girl. She is a little fighter." "Will I be able to breastfeed her today?" "Yes, you can."Hope woke up groggily and sees her big brother. "Mom, Hope is awake." He reaches his hand inside the hole and holds her foot, "Hi, Hope. Henry is right here, little sis. You are okay."Dr. Smith examines Hope. "She cannot wear clothing yet because her incision needs to heal but she is getting better. I am going to give her a Vitamin K shot.""Can I hold her?""Of course, you can." Dr, Smith gives Hope to her Mommy and Emma wrapped Hope in her blankie."Hi, baby girl. You are with Mommy, Hope." She gave kisses on Hope's head. Dr. Smith gives Hope her shot, Hope wailed, Emma was holding Hope tight in her arms. Emma hated seeing her daughter in pain. Dr. Smith leaves. "Hope, it is all over...you did such a good job...you are with Mommy baby girl. You are alright." She carefully held Hope who gripped her and rocked her back and forth."You are alright, the shot is over. No more owie." She gave Hope kisses on her head. "Mommy, Daddy and Henry are all here." Emma smiles. "Mommy is staying right here with you." Hope continued to cry. "You are safe...no more surgery...No more shot.." She rubs Hope's back."Hope, the shot is going to help you stay healthy, little love." Henry fixed Hope's quilt to make sure she stays warm. "There you go, little sis. You need to stay warm." Emma put Hope in her arms and Hope gripped her Mommy's finger. "I know I am not going anywhere. You need me, baby girl." Hope cried lessen. "Henry, you knew how to help calm down your sister." "I am her big brother, I do not like seeing her in pain. It is my job to make her happy and she makes me happy." He gave Hope kisses on her head. "Hope, you are with our Mommy who is the best Mommy." Emma smiles. Killian wrapped his arm around his wife."Someone is happy to be with her Mommy." Emma smiles. "I love holding her. She knows that she is safe with me." Killian hands his wife a gift-wrapped present. "Emma, happy birthday.""Killian..""It is my wife's birthday."Emma smiles, "Henry, can you help me open my gift?""Mom, I can hold Hope." Emma sets Hope in Henry's arms. "Hope, you are okay. You are with your big brother. Mommy is going to open her birthday present from Daddy." Emma opens her birthday gift, it was a gold necklace that says "Mommy." Emma was in tears. "Killian...this is for me?""Yes, Emma...I chose this since Hope about to come...well Hope is here and made it in perfect time for your birthday. I thought of getting you this because you are a Mommy of two now.""Thank you... can you put my necklace on me?""Of course, love.""Hope, Daddy got me a beautiful necklace for my birthday." Killian puts on his wife's neck. "It is beautiful, I will always wear it. Thank you.""You are very welcome, Emma." They kiss."I got a beautiful necklace from you, a beautiful painting from Henry..." Hope coos. Emma chuckles. Henry gives back his sister to their Mom. "Hope, I cannot forget you, baby girl. You made me a Mommy from the very beginning for my birthday. I am so happy to be a Mom of two on my birthday. I did not expect to be a Mommy of two until next month. You just wanted to be with our family and did not want to miss another family event." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry kneels to his baby sister, "Hope, can you say happy birthday to our Mommy?" Hope puts her Mommy's finger in her mouth. "That is right, Hope. Happy birthday to our Mommy. Good job." He leans to his sister's ear, "You were born yesterday made Mommy very happy. She wanted our family together and you made her a mommy from the very beginning on her birthday. " Emma was in tears having her family complete is the best birthday gift she could ever ask for. Hope began to cry, "Hopey, are you hungry?" Emma opens her gown and nurses her daughter. She felt a sharp pain then the relief of her milk being fed to her little girl. That pain was better than her last experience, getting her milk out which were supposed to be for her son. "Love, she is very hungry."Emma smiles. "Yes, she is. I just hope she does not choke. She is a good little eater." While she eats Hope makes poop. "Looks like our little love needs her first diaper change.""Yes, after she eats. Then she will be changed." She makes sure Hope's oxygen tubes were still in place. Killian gives his wife a burp rag. "She is eating for a long time, love.""Dad, I read in the baby book that each time Hope is nursed it takes about 45 mins each feeding." Emma switches boobs to feed Hope. "Kid, you read the book what to expect when you are expecting?""I heard Dad reading the book." Emma chuckles."You two...Hope your Daddy and big brother wants to make sure we raise you right." Hope fusses. Emma burps her daughter who burps very loud. "Good burp, little sis." Hope fusses. "I know you need a change, baby girl." Killian helps his wife up and gets a nurse for diaper needs. The nurse helps Emma change Hope's diaper with her wires. Hope cried. "Is it normal for her to cry while being changed?""Yes, babies cry when they are being changed but they stop once they are clean." Hope stops crying. "There you go. Now you can be with your Mommy." The nurse puts Hope back into Emma's arms above the boppy pillow. Hope coos. "You are just happy to be with Mommy." Emma enjoys Hope's snuggles who fell asleep in her arms. Emma did not want to leave her daughter. "Love, Henry and I are getting food. I know you need to eat, swan. What do you want to eat?""Grilled cheese.""Aye, I will get that for you, love." He kisses her on the head. "I know you do not want to leave our little Hope." He kisses Hope on the head and leaves the room with Henry. "Looks like it is just you and me, baby girl." She smiled at her sleeping daughter who was happily sleeping in her Mommy's arms, she loves the new baby smell. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy when skies are gray, You'll never know dear, how much I love youPlease don't take my sunshine away." She kisses Hope on her nose and rubs Hope's little hand and watched hope's breathing, which was normal. She just wants to Hope not to be in recovery and be home with her little girl not in a hospital. Killian and Henry were at the cafeteria. "Dad, can we get a cake for Mom? There is a Little Cupcake store nearby. I know what will cheer Mom up since Hope is in the hospital. I know she wants Hope home with us not here."Killian smiles. "Aye, we can do a small cake to celebrate both of their birthdays.""Can that be our new family tradition? Mom and Hope celebrating their birthday together?"Killian smiles and hugs his son, "Aye, our first new family tradition." They went out to the cupcake store and bought a small cake. Killian asks the nurses if they can do a little celebration since it was Emma's birthday and Hope is born early a double celebration. They let him in and helped him. Henry went in to check on his Mom and sister. "Hi, Mom.""Hey, kid." He hugs his Mom."How is my little sister?""Your sister is breathing normally and loves sleeping with me. She does not want to be put back in her incubator. How are you?""Mom, I am happy. Hope is here, her surgery helped her and she will come home soon." He leans to his sister, "Our Mommy is the best little sis." He gave Hope kisses on her head. Killian enters the room with a chocolate cake, singing "Happy birthday," with the help of nurses. Emma was surprised and let Killian, Henry, and the nurses sing to her happy birthday. "Happy birthday to Emma and Hope.." Killian put the chocolate cake in front of his wife who smiled at him, she saw the cake which says, "Happy Birthday to Emma and Hope." Emma was in tears and blew out her candles. Henry took pictures. Everyone clapped. "Killian.""Love, it is my wife's birthday. Henry and I knew that you needed a cake. My love and little love need a birthday cake together." Emma smiles. "Hope and I can celebrate our birthdays together. I love that idea." They had cake and share with the nurses."It is delicious. Hope will have it in the milk from, later. Thank you, it is the best birthday I ever had...I mean our family is complete. Hope and I can celebrate our birthdays together. " She looks down at her daughter. "I have everything...I always was alone on my birthday." She looks up at her son. "Until you found me Henry, and brought me to Maine." Henry hugs his Mom. "I met you, Killian...my life has changed for the better, we are married and have our baby girl who wanted to be with us, not missing another family event...now I have my family together..which all I could ever ask for..." She began to cry. Killian kneels down and kisses his wife on the head and both touched heads. "You have all of us, love, your family. We love you.""This is my first birthday with my family.""Mom, Hope, Dad and I are with you on your birthday.""Yes, this is my best birthday ever." "Happy birthday, Emma." They kiss and enjoying their family all together. Emma knows she is not alone on her birthday ever again.

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