Family of Five

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Killian dressed Ian into his going home outfit an ocean theme onesie, My name is Killian. I am a little pirate. "Little lad, you are dressed to go home, son." He scooped his son in his arms. Ian still has his oxygen tubes in his nose but the doctor cleared him to go home. He carried his son to his swan's hospital room. Emma was dressed. She was still in pain from her emergency surgery but very happy to go home with her newborn son. "Hi, my two boys."

"Ian is wearing an ocean-themed onesie."

"That is perfect for him." She takes her son from her husband. "Ian, we are going home today." She kissed her son on the head. Killian was packing Emma's hospital bag. Ian coos. "Yes, Hope and Henry are at home. You have the best big brother and best big sister. You are so lucky." She faces her son. "I do not know how long, I have with you. With this final battle, you gave me another year to live. I love you so much, Ian. You made me a Mommy to a baby boy from the very beginning, I thought I would never have that chance again." Ian moves around. She kissed her son on the head.

A nurse pushed Emma and Ian out of the hospital. Killian was holding the hospital bags. He went to fetch the yellow bug. "This is outside, in the nice warm sun. This is your first time outside in the sun." She takes a photo of Ian in her arms enjoying the warm sun on her iPhone. Ian tries to smile. "My smiley baby boy!"

Killian arrives with the yellow bug. "Dada is here, Ian." He buckles Ian in with his oxygen tank. "There you go, son." He helped his swan into the car.

Emma buckles in and gives Ian her finger to hold. Ian coos. "Yes, you have a car seat and your big sister Hope has a car seat."

"Aye, two car seats in two different sizes." Emma chuckles. He drove his wife and son home.

Killian helped his swan out of the car. Emma gets Ian out of his car seat. "Killian Jr. We are home, baby boy." He helped his wife and son inside.

When they entered the apartment, Henry Allison, and Hope were there. Hope runs to her Mommy. "Mama, home!"

"Hi, Hope." Henry holds Hope. "Look, who I have in my arms."

Hope smiles big. "Ian!! Ian ome!" Emma and Killian smile big.

"Mom, Dad can Hope and I hold him?"

She smiles. "Yes, you two can. We have to be careful of Ian's oxygen machine and his tubes in his nose."

"We will be careful."

Emma walked over to the couch and sat on the couch. Ian coos. "Yes, we are home, Ian. Auntie Allison is here to see you."

"I am here to see you both."

Hope sits next to her Mommy. "Baby."

"Holds your arms out." She places Ian in Hope's arms while holding her son. "Good job, Hope."

Ian looks up at his big sister. Hope smiles at her baby brother. Killian takes a photo on his iPhone. "He is looking at you, little love. He knows that you are his big sister."

Ian began crying. "Oh no." Killian takes Ian from his daughter. "Ian, cwy."

"Little love, your brother needs his diaper changed. He is okay. Ian and I will be right back, love."

"His oxygen machine."

"Mom, I can help with his machine." Killian takes his son into his room, with Henry's help carrying the small oxygen tank.

Emma hugged her daughter. "Mama."

"Hopey, I am not leaving you, Hopey. I missed you and Henry so much."

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