Chapter 88: Finishing of Gracie's visit

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Daisy's POV:

 It was Gracie's last day. I could tell that Iris was looking a bit mopey. I don't really blame her. Her twin had to go back to France again sadly. Well until Noah and Anastasia's big day. Which wasn't that far away.

Gracie sat next to me and Dahlia in the canteen. She did appear quite upset.I set me fork down on me tray and faced her. She was sporting her bracelet that Solstice had offered her. It was rather unusual as she usually hated all types of jewellery. Solstice was seated beside Bella, seeming somewhat at ease. Maria had been sent home yesterday which was good.

"You lot are more of a laugh," she said.

"Aw, cheers," told Gracie. "Gutted I must go back tomorrow. But I'll visit again."

 "Indeed?" Iris said with some hope in her voice. "Are you truly considering staying in this place, Gracie? Actually?"
"Indeed," said Gracie. "I enjoyed my time here. And I also managed to forge and make new friends here.."

"Add us on Facebook of course," I said.

"Oh kindly do!" Said Bella.

"Will do mate." Gracie said.

 "We ought to create a group chat, perhaps," Dahlia proposed. "Including the six of us as well as Nicola and Dove."

"I don't know whether Dove has Facebook, or not" Bella sighed. "I shall chat and ask with Era this evening." 

"Are you still sending her messages?" Iris looked baffled.

"Only if Dove wishes to converse," sighed Bella.

"What's up?" Solstice stared at her. Don't you fancy your grub?"

 I glanced at Bella's plate. She had not eaten anything. She had not touched her food at all. "Come on, Bel? Finish your meal? Not that you deserve to eat."

"I'll have a word with her later," said Bella. "Something happened during her chorus lesson today that put her off her appetite."

"Did you experience a panic attack? Gracie seemed worried. It's not typical for you to do so! I'm worried"

Bella shook her head, her blond hair swaying. "I don't wish to discuss it. Just shut up and allow me some peace.'"

"Understood," I retorted. "No need to be bitchy about it."

"Daisy, she is not being bitchy. In fact, you are the one being bitchy. What on earth is your issue? Gracie snaps.

"I haven't the clue. And why does Iris appear that way? What on earth does her mother give her to eat?" I ask.

"My mother's dead," Iris snaps.

"Oh dear. Daisy, you must apologize. To Gracie and Iris." Dahlia says.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong. I just asked where Iris's mother was." I snap back. "But whatever. I'll say sorry. Sorry, Iris and Gracie."

"Whatever. Do attempt to eat a tad more, darling," stated Iris. "I'm aware you say the same toward me."

"I'm not hungry," said Bella.

Bella picked up her biscuit and started biting on it. I could sense that something was wrong with the bitch, as if she were not fully with us. 


Soon I found myself in our study room, searching for my mobile. It seems I misplaced it. Gracie was also present, helping me in the search. Solstice and Dahlia were not present as they had already returned to Port house. Bella vomited after lunch in our chorus class and was escorted to Mrs Barns office. Iris departed with her of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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