Chapter 61. Assisting Iris in sleep.

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Arabella's POV:

I embraced Iris as she nestled to me. She was rather distressed about things. The gash on her wrist quite severe. I feel sorry for Iris!

"We ought to help Basil's nose," said Iris. "It's rather bad, don't you think?"

"Appears it too. Not that you'd know, love." I sighed. "Dear dog."

Basil placed her head on her paws and drifted to sleep. I gazed at the adorable creature and allowed her to rest. Iris looked to my voice. "I'm frightened."

"But why?" I placed my arms round her.

"About if Mr and Mrs Tyler hurt Ola again," Iris chewed her lips.

"I think Calico sending to provide for her." I said. "As her siblings."

"Oh, great," said Iris. "Did she happen to mention when?"

"Alas, no," I sighed. "Regrettably not."

"She considering studying at Aurora River," said Iris gaping.

"Exhausted," I said. "Oh come. Let us get you to bed."

"I don't feel it," falsely said my girlfriend. "I desire further talk."

"Oh come, Love." I aided her getting under my duvey. "I'll be retiring to bed as well!"

"Very well," sighed Iris.

She climbed under and sighed. She's still wearing her purple and blue dress and she looked so fantastic in it. Despite being stressed. I didn't want her to change into something else. I just wanted her to rest in the moment. But she was determined not to.

"Please, Ira," I sighed. "Must I recite a book to you?"

Iris didn't respond. Sobbing sounds escaped her. I wrapped my arms round her. "There there, You're alright."

"You're mad at me," sobbed Iris.

"Not?" I felt muddled. "What leads you to say that, love?"

"I'm not sure," sobbed Iris.

"Why on earth are you upset?" I had her in me arms.

"Not sure," sobbed Iris once more. "I can't help but feel guilty for my extended absence. I was hoping to be by your side."

"Ah, Ira," I murmured. "It's quite alright. You were harmed badly, don't forget."

"You was harming yourself," sobbed Iris.

"Who informed you?" I was startled. "Was it simply a guess?"

"I suspected, to be honest," sniffled Iris. "But you didn't right?"

"Nope," I said. "You dad ensured I couldn't."

"Right," my girlfriend sighed. "Merely a bad dream."

"Perhaps," I said embracing her. "You've quite many of them, love."

"No joking," said Iris. "I'm unable to control that."

I softly kissed her. "Com on. rest now, darling. You'll be so much improved afterwards! I promise."

"Alright," Iris said yawning. "I adore you, Bel."

I softly massaged her shoulders. "Adore you too, Ira!"

Iris soon drifted off. I continued with the soothing motions without ceasing. Basil awoke and hopped off the bed making her way to her spot. I observed as she nestled in, her tail still thumping. She was such an adorable creature.

 "Night, dear lass." I murmured.

Basil kept an eye on me. She wanted to ensure we were both asleep, beautiful thing.

Basil's POV:

I observed as both lasses drifted off to sleep. Bella didn't look fatigued. But Iris certainly was exhausted.

"Night, lass," murmured Bella at me. "Get shut eye as well."

I placed my head upon my paws and drifted into a state of sleep. I couldn't help but be concerned for the young ladies.



Here is the 61 chapter. I do hope you enjoyed it.

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now