Chapter 30. Wonderful tidings part 2.

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Iris's POV:

I was glad that Elvira got the job and was starting her duties tomorrow. She needed this job.

"Ah," I said. "It looks like my dad is trying to contact me,"

"Well, I shall be seeing you ladies tomorrow anyway," said Elvira. "Cheerio."

"Goodbye," said Daisy, sounding more cheerful.

I hung up and allowed Dad to call me.

"Hello," I said.

"Great news," said father.

"Is she alright?" We both asked

"May we go and visit her?" I asked.

Wait a moment, you two," chuckled father. "Please take turns."

"Carry on," said Daisy.

She embraced me.

"Bella has come out of coma," said father. "However she is having a lot of pain still. The bullet did not cause the sole extent of her injuries."

"There's some bad news also, right?" I bit at my lip.

"Well," said father gently. "It all comes down to how you look at it, Iris. However when Georgina harmed her, she did severe harm to the extent that medical scans revealed breaks in her left and right ribs, throat, and her stomach was impacted real bad."

Daisy gazed in my direction. "How much time will she remain there, Noah?"

"A month or more," sighed father. "Not the best way to start off her very first term there."

I shrugged and sighed. "Thanks for the good and bad news."

"Seemingly," said dad. "She was asking about you, Iris. She truly desired to chat with you now."

"But her mobile is here not there, dad." I sighed.

"I'm currently with her." Father said. "They informed me as we're sort of friends that I should remain with her. And I did."

"Is she awake, then?" Daisy asked with hope.

"Yeah," said Dad. "Wait a moment."

He was talking with someone on the other end. "Wait a moment, ladies." He said.

Then he passed it over.

"Hey?" Came a faint, half Italian accent I had longed to hear.

"Hey there, Bella," we said as one.

"Oh, hello, Iris and Dais." Bella sounded quite feeble." "Are you alright?"

"We miss you, Darling," I said. "Why did you even try to run with me on Thursday when you had broken ribs, a broken vocal cord and a hurt stomach?"

"I wished for you to flee from them," said Bella feebly. "It was a awful bullet. I could have died. Though, I did not."

"Please listen to my words," I said. "Fret not over me. I'm certain I'll manage. I have the company of Daisy and Dahlia. We shall visit you when you are ready. Correct, Daisy."

"Quite so," said Daisy. "Simply take rest, Bella."

"I shall," murmured Bella. "I greatly want for you."

She sounded on verge of tears. Poor lass. She had faced many battles.

"Ask dad to send me a text when you want our company," I told. "Don't wait the matter. Simply get better on my behalf."

"I shall try, Love." Bella sounded on verge of sleep. "I shall return you to him. I love you, Iris."

I grinned. "I adore you as well, Bella."

Then dad was on. "Poor sweetheart," he said. "I'm confident she will recover quickly enough to receive guests soon, girls."

"Alright," we said.

"Simply ensure that she is alright, dad." I felt a pain in my heart. "She can't have this forever. Alloww her to find peace."

Dad laughed. "You are quite funny, love."

I grinned. Luckily Bella was finally awakened from her coma. However that poor lass had been harmed by Georgina. Poor Bella. I wished for her quick recovery.



Here is chapter 30. I hope you enjoyed it. Jolly news about Bella!

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now