Chapter 60. Aww Iris

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Basil's POV:

I felt sorry for both girls. They both had hidden secrets. I wish I were able to know their talking. Though as a pup, that was a challenge. All I could manage was to place a paw on the younger girl's lap and gently sniff her. The elder girl rested her hand on my head and stroked me softly, quivering as she did this. The girls were so very beautiful.

"Ah," the elder girl said. "Basil wishes to cheer you, love!"

"I don't think anything can do me good right now, Bel." The other girl sobbed, giving me a hug.

I licked her hurt wrist and softly yapped. The elder girl Bella smirked to me. "She'll be alright, pup!"

The other lass Iris nodded. "Don't fret, Basil. It was merely something that happened to me."

I let out a whimper. I simply couldn't control myself. I detested seeing someone distress. My time spent in that weird place with them white walls confirmed this all for me. My tail then drooped. Bella rubbed my belly and looked distressed herself. I so very longed to speak. To tell my feelings. Yet all I could manage were whimpers, wines and yaps. And Iris was sightless. How can she get if I'm feeling anxious or anything of that sort. 

"What you pondering on, Basil?" Bella questioned. "On us? Iris and me, yes?"

I nodded, barking. I  hate you distressed. My k9 heart broke when hearing Iris sobbing like this.

"Oh bless you," said Iris placing her arm round me. "I'll be fine. Just a bit upset about something from the past. No worry."

I saw that her eyes were artificial. I recalled hearing she was a surviver of a bad disease. That is good to hear. At least she made it through that terrible thing. But the marks that were covering her body hit close to home. I gently touched a scar on my nose with me right paw. Iris and Bella looked at me. Iris seemed more puzzled than Bella.

"She's injured," stated Bella seeing the scar. "Aww, your nose."

"Found yourself in a scuffle while on them streets, did you not?" Iris tenderly rubbed my head.

I did lick her hand. Indeed, Iris. It happened.

"Poor pup," said Arabella. "Could it be reason why you growl when other dogs go by you?"

I nodded, wining. Both lasses embraced me tenderly.

Iris's POV:

I felt improved after saying the truth to Bella. And I felt even more improved with Basil gently rubbing against me.

"I hope we're able to fix her nose," I said after Bella looked at the scar Basil showed her. "Poor pup. Please don't gen into any fights."

Basil wined and turned her head. She rubbed me, pulling at me sleeve. I sighed, annoyed.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"I believe she's trying to be sorry," said Bella.

We chuckled at the adorableness.



I wrote the initial portion of the chapter from Basil's POV Intentionally. I considered it from her POINT OF VIEW and felt compelled to put it like that. Plus, it's cute!

And, how did you find this chapter?

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ