Chapter 42. What's the matter with me?

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Iris's POV:

Bella and Alice both hugged me as I fell to tears. I was completely baffled! What was actually happening?

"Iris," said Alice softly. "We can fight Lopez. I'm being harmed from her abuse as well."

I lifted my head. "Indeed?"

"Indeed," said Alice softly taking my arm and placing it upon hers.

I felt marks similar to mine on her arm. "That must be painful," I whimpered. "She's a racist, homophobic and heaven only knows what other offensive things she has!"

I was with pain. I let out a small whimper.

"Again?" Asked Bella embracing me.

"She's evil, I cried.

Bella gently rubbed it, helping it. "Is that alright now, dear?"

I nodded. Bella hugged me with tightness sighing.

"Um, what are you doing?" I sniffled.

"You know you may do it if you wish," said Alice. "I really don't mind."

Bella nodded. "I'm uncertain whether we're both in the mood, Alice."

I shrugged. "The choice is yours, darling."

"Cheep up, mate," Bella gave my shoulders a massage. "We'll find a way to resolve this problem."

"How?" I felt uncertain. "She's glancing out the window every time I walk by."

"Why, that's fucking awful," said Bella.

"Hen and I suffer greatly from it as well!" Alice exhaled.

"Did any parent notice it at all?" I asked

"Don't know," said Alice. "It would be good to have a patition though."

We agreed. That was a great thought.

It was post school. I be on my bed, pondering what to do. The dance group got my thoughts away from my now situation. However I feared it's return. Bella was also relaxing. I got my breath back after tiring myself through dancing much.

"Are you quite alright, Iris," asked Bella strolling over.

I nodded. "Of course. Why would I not be?"

"You still appear pale and bored," said Bella. "Come over here."

She dragged me close. "I adore you, Ira."

I grinned. "I adore you too," I nestled against her. It was truly nice.

Bella gave a kiss upon my lips. "I also adore you, love."

I turned red as she kissed me. I adored her whole heart.

"Um," I said after a moment. "What shall we do to the bitch?"

"I haven't a clue," said Bella. "Perhaps we should do a patition or some similar course of action, as Alice said."

"I'm uncertain as to who would sign it, dear." I sighed and rested my head upon her shoulder. Bella hugged me offering me calm. Then she kissed me again. It was lovely.



Hello. Sorry that the chapter is shorter than normal. But I was tired. How did you enjoy it?

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now