Chapter 15. That evening Part 2.

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Iris's POV:

I sank back in to the sofa cushons. All I desired was to be free of this burden. I longed to be free from the clutches of depression. Alas despite others efforts, I remained trapped in my hole and couldn't get out.

Later, I was in the room. Bella was by my side, being silent. She gazed at me. Then lightly grasped my hand. "Irie, why did you fail to tell me?"

I leaned against her. "About the things I went through here? I didn't wish to cause you distress. I didn't want you to be afraid from coming here."

I broke down into tears. Bella held me tight. "Oh, Iris. It's alright."

"I am a Bitch!" I wept in to her. "A terribly ****** up girl. I am losing friends simply because I am a screw up . I hate myself, Bella. I truly do!"

Bella gazed at me. "Irie, come on, darling. It's alright. Cease this."

"I'm the one to blame. Everything is my fault." I wept in to her. "Bella. I want to escape this. However I am unable to."

"Oh, Irie," said Bella. "The things she did to you have made me so angry. You truly do have weird acting in front of her presence. Now I know the reason as to why. However why did you not warn me?"

"For I did not desire to alarm you." I held on to her tightly. "You had troubles of your own, you know."

"You cannot do this on your own," stated Bella. "We can do this together!"

I looked at her. "You're the only one other than Cola and my siblings and parents who actually gives a damn. It means a lot. I hate  depression. Truly I do."

"Let us go for a stroll," said Bella. "Just the two of us. It always soothes my nerves."

"I simply wish to sleep this off," I whimpered. "You are free to do that."

"I do not wish to leave  from you." Bella hugged me. "not when you are in such a state, blaming yourself for all things when it is not your fault."

"Strike me, should you wish," I whimpered. "I have grown used to such."

Bella gazed at me. "Cease that, darling. You're well aware that you're deserving of better. You are not a damaged young lady with a bad history that hasn't truly ceased."

"Winnifred and my parents do it as well!" I whimpered. "Layla and Mason are too young to do it. Winnifred only does it when her life does not go with her wishes"

"But what about you?" Inquired Bella.

"I just got did it as well," I confessed. "Bbut it proves  helpful. Even if it does ad more scars."

"Iris," said Bella. "Listen to me. Going in talking with someone helps more." 

There was a knock at the door. I became tense. Who could it be? Seeking to mock me?

"Please come get your medications, ladies!" Said Anastasia with a worried tone.

"One moment," said Bella.

Anastasia departed. Then Bella laid me down. "Would you like your medication? Or  simply wish to slumber?"

I looked in her direction. "I require my medication, Bella!"

"Very well," replied Bella aiding me slowly get up to my feet. "Let us proceed."

We made our way to the kitchen.



This chapter was rather challenging to write. But I did it.

Hope you enjoyed it.

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now