Chapter 35. A fortnight later.

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Bella's POV:

I was a fortnight later. Iris had come to see me. It was jolly nice to see her. She appeared tired. But she stopped from self harm. She kept her word. 

Today she arrived. She appeared rather upset.

"What happened to you?" I asked her. "You look bruised."

Iris did not respond. She was gripping her arm.

"Ris?" I said.

Still nothing. Noah entered. He seemed quite upset.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

Noah sighed. "Anastasia found Iris." He said.

"I didn't mean to do it," sobbed Iris. "Both Mara and Solstice got me today."

"Pardon?" I tried to sit up and forgot I was still hooked up to wires. "Um ... would you mind help me in sitting up, Noah?"

Noah nodded and helped me sit up. I extended my arms and Iris tenderly hugged me, crying hard. "I didn't harm myself. I dashed out of the house and they grabbed me and ... and ..."

"Hush hush, darling." I placed a kiss upon her. "Fear not. However what did happen?"

"She ate at herself," said Noah. "Out of anger and fear."

"You didn't intend to do that. I know," I said. "However, it does count."

Iris became very silent.

"Let me see your arm, darling!" I said. "I'm not upset. Just concerned."

Iris gave her arm to me. Many bite marks were visible along her arm. "They appear quite pained."

"You have no Idea." murmured Iris. "I don't even wish to begin to say their abuse towards me. But I was brought here because of it."

 I felt baffled. "My dear, they hurt you badly?"

Iris swallowed hard. "Indeed." 

"You're lucky, darling," said Noah. "They didn't do it to you.

"I hate being here," said Iris.

"They're both being sent back home." Said Noah. "And I'm pleased. Maria has quite the known for hurting other. And It's okay Iris, you're okay."

I felt unwell. "Can we please stop our chat? Iris's fine. And that's the only thing that matters. Aside from her arm. But it'll heal. Besides, she's frightened. So let's not from reminding her of being here."

"Spot on," said Noah hugging both of us. "However bad Iris refuses to return. Not alone."

"You have Dahlia and Daisy and Elvira there," I told the fourteen year old girl. "Be brave, Iris. be brave for me."

I flinched as pain went through my chest and ribs. but I didn't mind. My beloved was distressed and that's what I cared about only.

"Would you both desire alone?" Asked Noah. "Simply ring me if you wish for my return. I shall get food for you, Bella. What do you desire?"

"Some Mc Donald's." I said.

"The Filet o Fish right?" Asked Noah.

I nodded. I was happy that I could eat solid food once more. Apparently Georgina had caused me to lose a few teeth and broken parts of my Jaw bone, of which I had no memory. Probably due to all the pain I felt on that day.

"Would you like anything, Iris?" Asked Noah.

"I must decline," sniffled Iris. "I've already eaten at lunch."

"Get her twenty nuggets and a bit of fries. We can share," I said.

Dad gave a nod and left the room.

Once he left the room, I gazed upon Iris's scared face. The last time I held such a sight was the day I was shot. "Is there something else troubling your thoughts?" I asked with a gentle tone.

"I was sent to Lopez today," sniffled Iris. "She had reports of me doing nothing in classes."

"Have you explained the reason why?" I supported her in the good side of my ribs. "Pardon me, but it is logical to think that a person with such challenges like depression, anxiety, Asperger's syndrome and other things may not have ideal focus."

"There is something wrong with that lady" Iris sniffled . She is keeping any eye out for our weaknesses."

"You think so?" I asked, recalling the day we did our intro. "She has me figured out. I don't feeling good with her as head mistress."

"Same with me," Iris sniffled.

"Wait," I said. "Would you like to feel something really cool?"

"Indeed?" Iris extended her hand.

I grabbed it and put in on my wrist. "This isn't Mia's bracelet, But I definitely have a scar where her bracelet would be."

"But you have fair hair and she had brown hair," said Iris. "You have blue eyes."

"It is of no matter," I said. "You are my Sara. You got brown hair. Just the eyes colour is different."

"We'll be Blue eyed Mia and Sara," said Iris giggling. "As for you, you have Blonde hair. So a Blonde Mia."

We both chuckled, trying not to injure my ribs further.



I struggled greatly with this chapter. I shall simply state this. Presently I find myself in a challenging mental state. But writing chapters in this story aids in knowing the reasons behind my struggles. I am unwilling to go deep into it. However the fact that I am having emotional and physical pain at the moment. Writing from Arabella and Iris's Point of views helps in getting my attention from my own thoughts.

Alright. I simply wanted to say that. I like that you are all backing this book. Thanks. And all that. However I did face struggles yesterday. And now a bit today GMT.

I hope you're enjoying the book this far. I'm quite alright. Merely wished to tell you all of the reasons behind why I make my book the way I do. :)


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