Chapter 21. Few days afterward!

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Iris's POV:

It was two days later. Bella and I were always together. I was aware of her desire to shield me from any danger. But Georgina always trailed behind us, making comments about our behaviour. As if she had any concern about whether Bella and I were a couple or not. It truly ignited my temper and made a rising anger within me.

"Irie," said Bella tenderly as I began the breathe heavily. "Simply ignore her. She yearns for your being expelled."

I have always calmed down.

But today was slightly different. I had a sense of unease as the remaining students returned from their Summer Holidays. I was happy to reunite with Daisy and Solstice again. However Marya attempted to make trouble between Solstice and me. I hoped that wouldn't come to pass. She was a good girl. Daisy was my buddy for the fortnight and Dahlia. Them girls extended a good feeling towards me being here.

Iris guided me into the tutorial room. She had a sixth sense that something was wrong. Though I was clueless. What could be the reason of her concern?

"Iris," A voice sounded out.

Then two sets of arms wrapped round me.

"Hello, ladies!" I said with a grin.

Daisy and Dahlia gazed upon me.

"Are you alright, Irie?" Asked Dahlia.

"Yes," I stated. "Reason for asking?"

"You look pale," said Daisy. "Oh, greetings, Bella. How fare you?"

"I'm alright," said Bella.

How did they know each other?

"I am confident, Dahl," I said. "Pray tell, how fare you both?"

Daisy gave me a pat on the shoulder. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Sure same" said Dahlia. "Oh, Iria,"

"Yes," I felt anxious. "What's the matter?"

"Solstice," said Daisy. "Marya truly changed her when you had returned back home."

I felt worried. "How did she do that?"

"We are unaware," stated Daisy. "She just behaved awfully."

"Take care," Dahlia advised as the door swung open.

Bella became tense beside me, placing a arm around me. The other two followed suit. I could sense their anger in their moving All due to Solstice changing from a good person to a tyrant. I got a sense of unease.

"Morning. You bitches," she said. "And now we have Orphan and Blind freak in our tutoring group, as well!"

I felt my anger, which I had successfully supressed rise up inside me. All three young ladies casted a glare at Solstice.

"What the actual fuck?" Said Daisy in my anger. "What was that about, Solstice? You can't mean that. Iris and Bella aren't that awful"

"Thanks, Daisy," I whispered.

Bella released her grip on us and ran at Solstice. The term Orphan was greatly offensive to her. I could hear her angry exhale as she drew closer to Solstice.

"Oh dear," Me, Daisy and Dahlia whispered to each other.

"Arabella!" I said with a hint of anxiety. "Cease! You shall only make things worse for us."

"You fucking dare say that!" Scowled my girlfriend.

"Er ... ladies?" I asked Dahlia and Daisy. "Pray, what shall we do?"

"What dare I do, Orphan?" Solstice did not sound scared.

"What on fucking earth do you suppose?" Bella sounded enraged.

Oh bother. She never got this cross. Did she?



Here is chapter 21. I had expected Iris to lose her temper. But it appears Arabella is the one. Oh, my word. 

Discover how and why Arabella did in the upcoming chapter! 💙💜💚

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