Chapter 10: Mrs Lopez doesn't favour me

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Arabella's POV:

Why was Mrs Lopez giving me such a strange look? I simply don't like it. Does she have any dislike to me?

After playing the code cracking game, we were due for a break. Iris and I strolled out onto the grounds. I was guiding her as we weren't allowed to use canes round the grounds. Iris seemed to be concerned.

"What's the matter, Bel?" She asked. "Why were you stressed?"

"I was?" I asked.

Iris nodded her lovely head. "I am able to tell. It was the way you were talking with Mrs Lopez."

"you are hiding things from me as well, Iris!" I sighed. "However, I believe that Mrs Lopez has a dislike towards me."

"Really? I feel the same exact way!" Iris said with a serious tone. "I was talking with Alice and she said that Lopez is against the LGBTQQIA+ community. Alice identifies as asexual. So she doesn't have romantic relationships."

"That's rather logical," I sighed. "However you seem like quite the celebrity here!"

"Are you afraid of that?" Iris had put her arm round my shoulder. "I apologise if it makes such feelings."

I gazed upon her. "I suppose it's the fact you were able to come for a taster and trial."

"You are afraid," said Iris. "Apologies!"

"Iris," I said. "I am not. You've taken that in the wrong way. I think its rather nice that you have such a social circle."

"Aren't you friends with Dove?" Iris looked to me."

"Er ... how do you know about Dove?" I felt confusion.

Iris smiled. "You continue to forget I went to Melody Pond. I met her there when Eira failed to get her in to school for some reason."

I grinned and hugged her. "I'm not afraid. It brings me joy you have friends. I experience a sense of social fear due to ... you know."

"Your parents?" Iris embraced me gently.

"Yes," I replied, gazing upon her. "They held much in my life.  They ... They liked me and refrained from passing judgment based on my disabilities."

"Did you ever discover what in truth actually happened to them?" Iris delicately clasped my hand in hers.

"Some sort of strange accident, correct?" I stated, courageously.

Iris appeared rather pale. "A car thing. My aunt's fault. I was in an Ambo going to the hospital, due to my Eye Cancer worsening. My aunt was driving a car there."

"Are you blaming yourself for it?" I asked to her. "You are not faulty. Your father told it to me during the Family Day thing. And you couldn't help you eye cancer. It isn't your fault."

"But," said Iris. "My aunt was happy. She gets happiness from getting people to bullying."

I embraced her. "Much thanks for sharing the truth, Iris."

I noticed that Iris seemed quite upset. Bless her. I shall know she is doing okay. "Iris. Do not hold yourself faulty. You were unaware it had happened."

Iris gave a nod. "I understand. But, I still feel as though it were. It was my family that cause you so much pain!"

"Your aunt." I said.

"She is connected to me, Bel!" Iris pressed her lip.

I let out a sigh. "I understand, darling. However it's not your fault."

Iris let out a sigh. I gazed at her. "Shall we go back inside? It's the end of break!"

Iris simply nodded. I guided her inside. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. She believed she was to blame for the death of mum and dad. It was all Natalie Bailey's doing!



Here is the tenth chapter.

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant