Chapter 87: Iris helps cheer me up

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Arabella's POV:

  it was a few days later. We was munching away, then I said I needed a jimmy riddle. Gracie and Iris both clocked it.

"Hey," Iris had followed. "What you doing, babes?"

"Um it's nothing." I fibbed.

"Don't lie to us, Bel!" Gracie had walked out with us as well.

 "I'm proper sorry," I sighed feeling guilty.  

 "What you come out for then?" Iris asks. "Feeling proper stressed? On edge? Narked off?"

"Stressed and on edge," I sighed.

"Why what for?" Iris placed her arms round my shoulder.

"Ain't got a scooby," I confessed.

"What's the john dory?" Noah popped his head out.

"Been a  right struggle today," sighed Iris. "That the truth, Bel?"

"True that," I agreed. "A very long day indeed."

"Hey Jess, Iris!" Noah faced the twin sisters. "Perhaps it would be wise if I had a private chat to Arabella."

"Alright then," said Gracie.

"But but father," said Iris.

"No excuses," said Noah. "Return inside right now or I'll give you both a right old telling off."

The lasses bailed. I stood there shaking.

"Oh darling!" Noah said softly. "What's up?"

I told all of the events of that day. Throughout it all, Noah massaged my back in circular motions.

"Aw, lovely" Noah said. "Sorry about that!"

"And me and Iris had a right row today! I sniffled. I bleeding hate it. I hate my stupid bleeding life! I'm not even supposed to be alive!"

"Calm, easy tiger!" Noah softly said. "It's alright. We'll sort it out. You'll be alright. I know you miss your folks. Though it's not like they're really gone away."

"I understand. Though it seems as though they aren't truly by my side." I said.

Noah hugged me tightly. "I am here now! And if Florence were still with us, she would say the same. She was truly great, even if she could be tough and harsh with the children."

I cuddled into his cuddle and sniffled. I knew he was bang on though.

"You alright, darling?"

Anastasia had walked in. Noah looked at her and shook his head. "Just Bella missing them two."

"Oi love," said Anastasia. "It's alright. You've got us now you know."

I nodded. Though I felt so gutted.


After, it was later the day. I did feel bad for what had happened earlier that day. Though I needed to have a breather. We was in our rooms again. Gracie and Dais had gone to their room. Poor Gracie! Iris sat next t me. She looked narked. How could she possibly be narked with me? Then she found something in her bag and passed it to me. What was it?

"What is it, Ira?" I asked confused.

"Just a old thing of yours, love!" Iris said. "Dad had found it. Er, Era actually came over to our house to give us some of your items."

I sighed and saw me old horse teddy from when i was such a new born. I chewed me lip and felt blood coming. Iris sighed as she put her arm round me and held me close. "Bella. It's alright."

I gazed at her. "Cheers for giving it to me," I said. "It means so much. So thanks."

"I thought it would help you," said Iris. "Now we both got some things for our pasts, right."

"We do," I said giving her a cuddle. "Sorry I'm a bit of a handful, Ira." 

"My dear," said me lover. "There there! It's quite alright. I get your current troubles."

"I am so awful," I looked at the ground. "I'm a bleeding bitch and a rotten girlfriend. It's true."

"Be quiet," said Iris firmly slapping me. "You are an okay girlfriend."

"Alright," I sighed.

Iris rose up and went toward the door. "Right back," she told. "Have forgotten an item."

"Alright then," I said sighing.

Iris left the room. I kept a look over the door. I fancied going back to Wen with Noah, Winter, Sage and Mason. But I didn't fancy having to face Maria in the morning. But of course your learning is first always.

"Ruff ruff," come a bark from outside of the door.

"Oh, Basil!" Iris's voice. "Come to give a hand with Bella?"

"Woof woof," came Basils bark again. "Ruff ruff woof woof."

"Have a butchers in then," said Iris.

The door swung open. Basil came in, her tail going. She spotted me and tried to jump up on me. But Iris grabbed her. "No. Calm now."

 Basil looked gobsmacked. But did as was told. Iris sat with me on the bed, a box in hr hand. Basil walked carefully to me, sitting down at me plates. She wined.

 "I'm fine Basil!" I gave her a little stroke. I swear. Just bleeding hate school at the moment."

Basil rubbed me hand. Iris sat by the dog an looked to me. "Darling, make me a promise. Please."

"I wouldn't dream of such a thing," I said. "Of course. Though I can't control me thoughts you know.  i am certain you feel that way as well, yeah?"

Iris nodded. "But let's make a Danny Boyle with each other, yeah. We will not ever do it."

"We will not do it." I said.

Gracie give me a funny look.

"Pardon?" I asked. "I wouldn't dream of it. Not with Iris by my side."

"Oh dear," said Iris. "Well your mates as well. Oh, did you know that Pardon is a French word and it means Excuse me?"

"Yes and all me chums," I said. "Including you as well, Jess! And that's rather lovely. The point about the word Pardon."

Gracie gave me a cheeky grin and a hug. I felt well happy.



Here's the 87th chapter. 

Hope you enjoyed it.


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