Chapter 86: Arabella's very awful day!

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Arabella's POV:

*Right after first bell chimed off**

Gracie took me away as Dahlia, Iris, Daisy and Solstice go to our first lesson. Tears going down me boat, steaming up me bins. Gracie took them off me boat.

"Does she call you and iris names every time she sees you?" Gracie looked proper narked.

I sighed giving a nod. "Yeah! You sort of clock it, yeah? How and why it would wind me and Ira up?"

Gracie nods. "I get it. Bleeding hell, I do! I get my share of name calling and remarks you know!"

She gave me a rag. "Take this, clear your nose."

I shook me head. "No mate. But cheers for trying to lend me a hand."

Gracie gazed to me. "You are my sisters friend and lover. I'm pleased t help you."

She returned me glasses to me. That was when I noticed something amiss with her eye. It appeared as though her vision was slightly going in that eye. "Gracie. What happened to your eye?"

"Ain't bleeding sure. Going to be honest with you." Gracie sighed. "Saw something not quite right with it a few months back."

"Hey! You ladies off to class?" Mrs Calloway was there, looking all worried. "Gracie, your supposed to stay here for an exam."

"Alright," said Gracie. "Er, but is there anything we are able to do for Arabella?"

"I shall attend to it!" Mrs Calloway walked over to her computer and began creating an email.

I smiled. "See you in theatre class, okay, Gracie!"

"Cheerio, bel!" Gracie give me a squeeze. "And oi, don't let those words get you down! Stay with Iris and Dahlia. They're your proper mates. And I guess Daisy is, but not really."

"I reckon you're bang on mate," I said. "cheers, Jess!"

"Ain't no trouble," said Gracie.

I then walked out the room, with me bag on me shoulder.


"You flaming mean to tel me she's got a few chances? Did you not know what she said about me and Iris?" I asked feeling fuming and sick.

Mrs Barns gave me a sorry look. "I understand why Loppez kept her here. And it wasn't right. But Maria is bang on in her lessons!"

Mrs Calloway grabbed me as I started trembling. "Don't worry, Bella. Have faith in me."

I nodded. "Though you would certainly expell her, yeah? As she has been always having a go at Iris and me you know."

"You got a point there," sighed Mrs Barns. "I have Miss Bailey in here al the time actually."

"Oh that's why she always goes walk about now and then," I said. "Always been curious about that."

"How abut if you fancy it," said Mrs Barns. "You can park yourself her now and then to have a breather. Mr Bailey mentioned you have a bit fo trouble now and then."

I gave a nod "Is it alright? I don't want to barge in on things you might be up to."

"Bollocks, Miss Turner!" Said Mrs Barns. "Pop round anytime."

"Cheers!" I said. "I have to let a teacher know where I am though?"

"I got the and Mis Bailey's schedule," said Mrs Barns. "I'll put the lasses in."

I grinned and rose up, feeling a bit narked that Maria wasn't expelled like I wished. Though also a lot better that Mrs Barns would allow me to go to her office when things got to be too much for me, same as Iris!

"Now then, you best get back to your house!" Mrs Barns said. "I reckon them Bailey twins are most likely wanting to know where you gotten to."

I nodded and done a runner, giving both adults a thanks to them.


As we entered I put myself and Iris down. Gracie hasn't put her name up yet. Iris looked to me. "Are you going to come in?"

"In just a tick, darling!" I said. "I just have to have a chinwag with a person."

Iris gave  a nod and strolled into our gaff. Gracie stood there, gazing at me. Then she come over and stood by me. I chuckled and give her a cuddle. Basil came up to us and looked at us. Gracie chuckled at her. "i it's the mutt!"

"The pretty mutt," I said. "Pretty indeed."

Basil looked to me and sat down. Her beautiful eyes looked odd at the moment. Bleeding strange.



Here's Bella POV.

I do hope that you enjoyed this chapter maybe. :)

Kitten out!

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