Chapter 73. My saviour pt2.

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Iris's POV:

"Cor blimey, the Blind freak is actually standing up for herself?" Auntie did sounded gobsmacked.

The Blind Freak was the final tipping point. "Excuse me. What did you just refer to me as, Natalie?"

I felt the rage bubbling.

"You are either brave or stupid to confront me and Elena!" Auntie sounded very tense. "And that Blonde nutter isn't by you side this time! Is she feeling too feeble this time?"

I was rather furious now. Elena was coming nearer. Her gaze fixed on the spot where I had left Bella, quivering in fear. Meanwhile Basil kept growling as a warning to them bitches.

"She's there." Elena said. "Missing mummy and daddy?"

I felt like giving the bitch a smack. How dare bring parents up like thhat! "You keep away from Arabella!" My voice getting all edgy.

Basil tried to loosen herself. My grip made the retriever stay in place. Elena look to me. "Else what would happen?"

She began walking to Bella. Take action first, Iris. My free hand hit at Elena, directly hitting her chest.  "How dare you bring up the topic of parents in front of Arabella!"

Elena had a bit of a wobble and tried to grab me. "You're proper heavy handed, bitch."

Basil was truly trying to fly at both women at this moment. But I had my firm grip on her collar. "Hold on, girl!"

"Enough," Auntie cried out as I reached to slap Elena again.

The door swung and persons entered the room. But my primary goal was to seek revenge against those who had caused much suffering for all of us!

"Give me another slap, freak!" Elena snarled. "Me dares you."

"Days!" Said Dahlia's tone from where Daysi fallen.

"Dare you shoot my friend," I snarled striking Elena again. "And harm Arabella through her childhood and involved with Natalie in murdering everyone who meant so much to Arabella. And my family as well! Bitches."

"You're all oddballs!" Shouted Auntie. "Even your folks!"

That does it! "Should I let the dog go, Natalie?"

"Keep a grip on her, Lena!" Auntie come to us two.

I hear trigger getting pulled. Ah nah!

"You're proper asking for it, you bitch!" I released Basil.

Basil snarled and bite. I heard her teeth make contact with Aunties arm where she had the gun. The gun fell to the ground and landed by my feet. 

"Do you really trust the blind lass with a gun?" Elena let me go. "What if she does? We could very well be pushing up daisies!"

"I have no options," yelled Auntie trying to rid herself of Basil. "Elena please remove this k9 from my person!"

"You dare do it," I snarled picking the gun up.

"I am unable to," shouted Elena.

"Be quiet!" I snarled. "You both need to. Basil, bite her again."

Further screams came from Auntie. Elena turned towards me. "Pass me the fire arm, Bailey!"

"Why must I?" My hands were shaking as I held the gun. "You will rue the day you caused pain on Arabella. Remember me words."

"Stop your k9 at once!" Shouted Auntie.

Both women were on the verge of screaming when the door opened and tazered them. Basil released Auntie and came over to me, rubbing me. I couldn't see what her expression was. But i was pretty certain she was trying to say Didn't I do a good work, Iris? I embraced the dog round her and grinned as she softly licked me face. "Of course, Lass. You did great. You saved us and gave us protection. Thanks."

The bobbies who arrived walked to and placed Elena in cuffs. He gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Great work, Miss Bailey. Your father has filled us in on everything."

I felt myself smile. "What fait awaits them two?"

"Putting them to their proper place," said the polite officer. "Your dad and mates are waiting your arrival at Port House with your k9."

I gave a nod. "Thanks once again for your times."

"I'll find someone to guide you back," said the police officer. "Don't fret."

"I do say, here is the weapon that was sued to shoot my mate," I said as I passed over the gun.

The officer squeezed me again and found myself standing there with Basil. Then the skittish kitchen helper came to us and had her arm for me to taake. "Allow me to escort you back. You were real brave, Iris. Yes."

"Thanks!" I felt rather chuffed with myself.

I felt Basil slap her tail. Clearly she was also proud for me.



Chapter 73 presented. Hopefully it was to your liking.

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now