Chapter 7: Trouble since the beginning.

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Iris's POV:

"I apologise, Bella." I uttered as we embraced. "You should return and have a meal. I will manage."

Bella gazed at me. "Iris, I cannot depart from you in such a state."

"But you cannot abandon your food because I am insecure." I said. "Take this." I added extending my hand with the toast, tearing off the portion I already chewed. "Eat this!"

Bella took it from me and ate it. I ate my tiny portion and exhaled. Bella allowed me to rest my head on her shoulder. I wanted to confess my feelings. To declare my love for her. However, now was not the best of times to do so.

"Seems like there's something troubling you," said Bella. "Care to share what it may be?"

I sighed. "I simply cannot say, for now, anyways!"

Bella gave me a gentle pat on my shoulder. "Are you certain you can't?"

I sighed and gave a nod. "I'm worried that I will find myself in trouble."

"What on earth for?" Bella questioned.

"Speaking the truth." I admitted.

"Irie," said Bella. "Please do just say it."

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter at the moment. Let's prepare ourselves for school."

Bella gazed upon me. A bit of blush invaded my cheeks. I simply couldn't hid that from her. Curses!

"Why are you blushing?" Bella chuckled.

"Am I?" I sounded more shocked than I actually was.

"Um ... indeed." Bella glanced at me. "It's perfectly okay to admit it, you know."

"It's a bit too early," I gazed down. "Decidedly too early."

"Iris," said Bella. "Are you concealing the fact that you are having affections for someone?"

"Goodness! How do you know?" I concealed my face from her.

"It's quite apparent," said Bella. "You are showing indications."

Bother it! "Not here." I stated. "Certainly not whilst the kitchen door is open!"

Bella understood the clue and guided me into our chamber. Then we sat down upon my bed.

"Carry on." said Bella.
"Um ... I do have feelings for somebody." I confessed.

"Who is this fortunate girl?" Inquired Bella.

I smiled. "Isn't it evident?"

Bella threw her arms round me. "Oh, Irie," she drew me closer to her.

I was able to tell she was blushing due to her excessive chuckling.

"I ... I tried so hard to conceal it." I chuckled.

"That shows that I'm better at it than you," stated Bella. "Apologies, Iris!"

I smiled. "That's quite alright. We can't always excel at everything."

Bella rose from her seat and walked towards tthe corner where our school satchels were placed. I joined her in stumbling over something. Bella took notice and chuckled a little bit. 

"Are ... Are you fine?"

I grinned. "That is the advantages of being blind, you know!"

Bella chuckled. "I am blind without my eyewear. Hence, I am well aware."

I located my cane and grinned. "Shall I bring my mobile?"

"I would not," stated Bella.

But I tucked it into my pocket of my blue shirt. Bella chuckled. "Naughty girl, aren't we,Bailey!"

I smiled. "Don't you know it!"

"Water bottle," she murmured under her breath. "Um ... Irie?"

I gazed toward the direction of her voice. "What is it?"

"Do you have need of the knife?" Bella's tone abruptly turned serious.

"No?" I attempted to conceal my wrist
"You must cease this," stated Bella in a serious tone. "I am aware you aren't happy at home. However, this is not the solution. Discuss your struggles with someone."

I lowered my head. "I cannot help that."

Bella approached and embraced me tenderly. "That is why you have got fresh cuts on your wrist."

I nodded. I struggled terribly with depression. Alongside with Anxiety and my other health conditions. I couldn't change myself and who I was. Ever since we discovered what I had, my life has been upside down and I've been through hell.

"Listen." said Bella. "Speak to me if you feel inclined to harm yourself. I am here to be your friend and help you."

I shrugged. "And then make your life more insufferable?"

Bella embraced me. "Irie. I honestly don't care. You're not daft or dim witted or any such thing. You're entitled to live a life."

I grinned. "I do know that, Bella. But at least you were able to get away from your unhealthy life. You were at least safe from your mum. I have not been safe from my aunt. I have had it for fourteen years."

I felt the tears welling up. Great, now I had to cleanse my eyes once more.



I believe that Iris and Bella will be a nice couple.

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