Chapter 50: Christmas retail quest

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**Three months after**

Iris's POV:

I was happy to have healed. As it happens Lopez was arrested due to the efforts of Henry, Alice and Bella. Dad brought Bella home for one of them months. Poor lass. I didn't awaken until a week ago. I'm unaware the reason. However I had to remain at Auroran River hospital. But I did feel better.

Me and Bella were home for Christmas Holidays. Elvira was also there. She was ensuring my state.

"Indeed I am," I said. "I feel a great deal better."

Bella clasped my hand and squeezed it. "The thing you gone through wasn't an amusing matter, Ira. It could of been proven fatal."

"I didn't awaken until just last week, love." I clasped her hand. "I am here now, though."

Bella gazed at Elvira. "Pray tell, what's our plan?"

"While Noah's working," stated Elvira. "We'll go into town. Both Iris and you deserve a treat. Considering the shit you endured."

"Right right," I said. "We've both found ourselves in hospital."

Bella placed her arms round my waist and drew me closer. Elvira grinned. "You both make such a charming pair."

"Indeed?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Elvira. "An adorable and flawless pair."

I felt a blush creep across my face. I tried to hide it with my hair. But my hair was brown which I forgot. Bella let out a giggle. "You cannot hide it, love. It is to noticeable."

I smiled. "I'm not hiding it."

Elvira got her keys. "Let us leave, girls."

I got my white cane and trailed them to Elvira's car. Bella was clutching bags. I felt slightly puzzled. But I thought our purpose was shopping.

It appears I was right. Upon arriving in town, Elvira parked the car and assisted us in getting out.

"What's our purpose in town?" I inquired, feeling puzzled.

"Initially, midday meal." Elvira stated.

"Cheers," said Bella.

I heard her stomach growl and chuckled. "Some body is really hungered."

"Yeah," said Bella. "You are as well!"

"Very well," I said.

"Where would you girls like to go?" Elvira asked. "I believe I already know Iris's."

"Oh really?" I asked. "What is it then?"

"McDonald's?" Elvira chuckled. "Am I right?"

"Oh indeed," I said. "I quite fancy Mc Donald's."

"But who doesn't?" Bella embraced me. "It's more better than Wendy's or KFC."

"Don't allow Winter to hear you," I said. "She'd go mad."

We chuckled. Then Elvira began strolling. Bella allowed me to grasp her elbow and guide me.

"Are you feeling alright, dear?" She murmured into me ear. "You still appear a tad unwell from that."

"I haven't a clue," I said. "I feel rather drowsy. I am uncertain what the Bitch did. Though whatever she gave me this time did not sit well with me."

"I saw as she forced you that alcoholic thing." Bella said. "I could detect it's sent from the entrance. It wouldn't surprise me if she has given it to others."

"It seems no?" I felt rather puzzled by the entire thing. "I happened to be the first!"

"The first and the last," sighed Bella.

"Indeed," I stated. "Bless the lord!"

We chuckled. It was great to be united.



Here's chapter 50. 

Okay, which do you prefer. Mc Donald's, KFC or Wendy's?

Personally, I like all three.

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now