Chapter 31. finding what happened to me

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Arabella's POV:

Noah removed the phone from me as my eyelids shut. The morfine was lessening my pain. I had quite pain prior to the incident with the bullet. However I am uncertain of the cause. I desired to know. Was it because of Georgina assaulting me? How long have I been here?

The questions became more and more as I drifted into sleep. I wanted so much to know about it. It was bothering me much. Noah did indeed tell the events to Iris. But I was drowsey during their talk on phone. What reason do I find myself present hear?

It felt like a ten minutes had passed when a nurse entered the room. Noah was holding my hand. Tears wanted to well up in my eyes. It had been quite a while since someone who wasn't of my years cared for me. His other hand was on me.

"Will she be alright soon?" Noah asked. "My very own daughter has been beaten quite bad, mind you. But, not as badly as how her current state is."

I was unable to get my voice. Instead I made a whimper. Noah brushed aside the strands of hair on my face and looked at me. "You'll be fine, love."

The nurse looked at me. "We haven't a clue, Noah," she said. "I believe she'll need to remain here for a couple months."

"Here?" Noah asked. "Can we not send her to Irwen hospital instead? It would be better for me, and she'd be closer to my home. As I have my own children and we can't come up here every single day."

"We could give it a go," the nurse said. "But not until the end of the month, mind."

"Very well," said Noah. "Might I be able to converse with her alone once you've completed whatever it is you must do?"

The nurse nodded. "I'm nearly finished. I just need to know she has had something in her. Alright."

I winced as I felt her do something. Noah hugged me again. "It is alright, dear. She is merely feeding you."

The nurse had me connected to an IV drip. I was clueless to the situation. But a fluid was going through my system. I hated the feeling. I held onto Noah's hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked. "Simply say with a nod."

I shook my head. "I hate this, Noah. It's rather painful."

"You sound like Iris," said Noah with a sad smile. "She hates everything of that sort."

"Due to her past?" I found my feeble voice. "All the things she went through when she was younger?"

"Exactly," said Noah.

"Iris is a lovely name," said the nurse to Noah. "Might your kids have names inspired by flowers?"

"Only two of my children," sighed Noah. "Iris gets her name from the Iris flower, while Sage gets her name from the Sage plant."

"How nice," said the nurse. "Such a pity. Loosing her parents, you see. Luckily Natalie is behind bars now."

"I know," said Noah. "She had a difficult situation for the most of her eight years without them, as well. Going from one foster caregiver to another. Poor girl."

He gently embraced me. "I did indeed make a vow to her parents."

"Ah," said the Nurse. "Very well, kindly ring me in 30 minutes so I may remove her IV drip. Then I shall attend to the remaining things before she can resume sleeping."

She left. I looked to Noah. "I do miss my parents, Noah. The indeed would have did the same action you did."

"Oh, darling," said Noah as I started crying. "I've been wanting to tell this to you for quite some time. But your first caretakers were uncertain about it while Natalie was still living at our home. At that point you were safer living with Efan and Eira. It is bad what happened to Boris. He was indeed another great friend of mine."

"Wait, you,," i felt hopeful. "You were intended to adopt me?"

Noah held me gently. "Pray tell, why do you think I asked to have you go to Irwen hospital, dear?"

It dawned on me. "That's the reason Eira said I'm won't go to her place.  Oh, bless you, Noah."

Noah gazed at me. "I didn't want Natalie to further ruin your life, which she would have. That's why I first stopped from adopting you. However Mary kept me informed. Her daughter was also a friend of Iris's when  she attended Melody Pond. I became concerned when she informed me about your aunt finding you."

"Eira came and adopted me after that," I sniffled. "I got back together with Dove. Treated her proper like family. She proper angered when I left her in that Orphanage."

Noah gave a nod. "Do you remember Svetlana?"

I nodded. "Has she finally been adopted? She was treated like bloody shit there. All because of where she was born. All I wanted was for her to be adopted."

"She lives near us," said Noah. "Her foster parents are very nice people. Fine friends of mine, indeed. They asked whether Svetlana could friend you on the platform of Facebook."

"I shall friend her once I get my mobile back," I whimpered. "However in my hurry to get Iris out the room, I abandoned it."

"I shall go and retrieve it while you slumber,." Noah gently brushed away a few strands of hair from my face. "The school is not a long distance hence."

"Indeed, please," I said. "I need to be destracted."

"You must be curious as to what happened and your purpose for being in this place." Noah's gaze met mine with kindness, his caring green eyes.

I nodded. "I cannot remember a thing prior to that."

"Do you know when Georgina hurt you?" Noah asked

I gave a nod.

"By some means," said Noah. "She's caused quite a bit of damage. She has given injury upon your stomach. But ti doesn't stop there. Your ribs and throat have also taken a beating because of her."

"Oh," I said. "So that's the reason behind the pain I felt whenever someone attempted to hug me on that exact day."

"Yes," Noah said with a small breath. "You are lucky it was not your spine."

"I'm relieved it's not," I confessed. "I have many topics coming to moving. I would not wish to be disabled forever like Iris."

The scars from your aunt have gone away though," said Noah. "They applied a remedy and they've left a couple of bruises."

"That's good," I said. "It pained me to move each time she did something."

Noah tenderly hugged me once more. "Well, you're safe now. You can lead a happy life with us."

I smiled. "I feel rather sorry for Iris. Her state of depression might of worsened since Thursday."

"I've been getting many messages from her, asking about your waking up." Noah said. "You were in coma that lasted for four days straight."

That was why I did not remember much.



Aww. Arabella's finally happy!

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