Chapter 40. the following day

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Iris's POV:

My alarm woke me the following day. I extended my limbs and go out from my bed to start my morning things. I tried to be silent. I was not wanting to disturb Bella from her sleep.

"Going for your bath?" Asked Bella giving me a bit of a start.

"Have I hurt your slumber?" I turned to her voice. "Pardon!"

"I was already awake," said Bella. "The stay at the hospital harmed my sleeping pattern I'm afraid."

""I understand that feeling," I said. "I hated it. That's why I always wake up at 05:00 and go to sleep at 00:30."

"You'd better go take your bath," said Bella. "We shall talk matters when you return."

I gave a nod and got my attire and things for the bathing. Then I left the room.

After my bath thirty minutes later, I entered the room and heard Bella awaiting by the door. To my surprise she gave me Basil, putting her gently in my hold. The dog went to lick me.

"She went at the door scratching," said Bella giggling. "Had she done this to you darling?"

I nodded, stroking the dog. "She cuddled me every day. Elvira, William, Anastasia and the head care person told me that I do it if it helped my nerves."

"Oh, how lovely is her collar," said Bella. "It had purple and blue, our most favourite."

"Anastasia took me and Dais to town with  Elvira on Saturday," I stated. "We made sure we had all the things she needed. All in shades of Blue and purplee. Oh, hello, darling!" Basil gave me a lick. "You like your things, do you not?"

Basil barked. We chuckled.

"Good morning, ladies!" Anastasia's voice rang out. "Look Basil has arrived to know you are fully awake."

"May we arrive now?" I asked.

"You've still got twenty minutes left," said Elvira, leaving from the kitchen. "Have you washed your hair today, Iris?"

"Yes," I said. "Since I haven't in the past few days."

"Good," said Elvira holding me. "Are you quite alright, Bella? You appear rather tired."

"I'm quite well," said Bella.

"Shall we got for a walk?" Asked Elvira to Basil.

Basil barked and became happy. I gently placed her on the ground and she darted away. He paws softly tapped the floor. Bella chuckled. "Come on, Ira."

I hugged Elvira. "Evening is a long stroll with her, correct?"

"Yes," said Elvira. "Would you like to bring her along with Bella?"

I agreed. Bella did as well.

"Alright," said Elvira. "Just don't forget to attend dance group first."

I grinned. Bella looked baffled. "Um ... Dance group?"

"Our Monday evening thing, darling," I said strolling in.

The door shut, leaving Elvira. Bella guided me to my bed and held me. She could sense that I was having stress.

"What's the matter, love?" She asked, hugging me tenderly.

"Not a thing," I fibbed. "Pray tell?"

"You're lying to me," said Bella, slapping me gently. "Cease this!"

"It's fine, Bella," I said. "May we cease this and chat on a different matter? And indeed, that hurt a bit."

"There's an issue," said Bella.

"No there is not," I said.

Bella pushed me onto the bed and tickled me. I let out a soft giggle. "Cease ... Cease this," I lightly chuckled.

"Only if you tell of the secrets you're keeping from me shall I stop." Bella kept tickling me.

I groaned. "Very well, I'm rather angered with myself."

"Whatever for?" Asked Bella coming to a stop.

"Merely the fact I couldn't confront the Bitch alone," I said.

"Your aunt is locked up due to my actions," said Bella. "And Pipa suffers the same fate. Pray tell, what's actually wrong?"

"Lopez has rattled me," I sighed.

"I'm sorry?" Bella sounded irate now.

I noticed the rage in her tone. She was enraged for me!



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