Chapter 8: Looking after Iris.

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Arabella's POV:

Holding the knife in my hand, I pondered deeply about a few of the messages Iris had sent me during the summer. It pained me to be aware that Iris would truly engage in such actions to herself.

"Oh, Irie, honey," I said as she started sobbing. "Fear not. Depression is not a joke. I understand your emotions. Though mine is entirely different from yours."

Iris looked upwards. Her eyes seemed a tad sticky. "I dislike engaging in it, you know. However, it does bring a sense of relief."
I sighed. "But you bleed and loose that blood during the process."

"I suppose." Iris's voice was quite weak. "However, I cannot help doing it, Bella. I desire nothing but freedom from this agony."

I gazed upon her and embraced her tightly. "Irie. Pray heed to my words."

Iris gave a nod. "I'm all ears."

"I went and saw someone due to my depression." I confessed. "It has proven to help a lot indeed. Well, I am currently on medication for it. Neverthless, talking to someone about things really does help."

Iris nodded. "It's not effective for me."

I made an effort to resist the urge of kissing her. Now was not the moment. "Hm. Allow me to ponder for a moment. I would prefer you not do it.  However, I can tell it's your only thing that helps you."

"I will not take it to school with me." stated Iris.

"Very good," I said.

I released her so she could go put it securely within my locked draw. All my favourite posessions were in that draw. Nonetheless, I couldn't let Iris inflict harm upon herself. I yearned for her to be clean. However, I was well aware that she would disregard my words.

"But what if I do it, you know." Iris appeared uneasy.

"Then i'll understand you had a unpleasant day and I will embrace you with an ample amount of hugs." I uttered, embracing her once more. "And I shall tend to it for you. Is that agreeable?"

Iris nodded her head. I simply desired to lend her my utmost backing.

"Come on." she said using her braille watch to check the time.

I gave a slight nod donned my bag. Iris adjusted her over her shoulder, and we set off for school.

Our tutor Miss Calloway smiled at me and Iris. I found her quite likeable. However, Iris for some reason, did not like her.

"Hello, welcome to Auroran River!" She exclaimed. "I shall be your adult mentor for this year!"

I smiled at her kindly. Iris also did this. However, it was quite forced.

Miss Callaway continued. "In our tutor group it's just the two of you, Daisy, Dahila, and Solstice. I'll make sure that you all become great friends. But for now, do enjoy the three days without any other students, because it gets really busy, trust me when I say this. I know how it can get when everyone is in the tutor room."

Iris nodded her head. "I am aware of that from undertaking my taster assessment in summer, you see."

"You were involved in it, weren't you dear, Iris!" Stated Miss Calloway.

Iris gave a nod. Now I understand why she didn't fancy her. Well, to some extent. I shall inquire about it later!



Do not fret, I shall not delve into the detail of subjects like Self-harm. However, I shall incorporate aspects centered round Iris's depression, albeit without delving into the matter.

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