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Iris's POV:

I felt for the handle of the car door. My fingers found the metal of the handle, it was cold. I pulled and opened the door. I was feeling very happy and excited today, since I was starting a new school, again. I had been to seven schools before, but all them schools I was expelled from. 

"Iris." I heard my sister, Winifred, ask me. "Do you need any help?"

I turned towards the sound of her voice. "Don't worry, I'm fine." I said, feeling myself smile.

I was able to get out of the car with my small bag. It had my iPhone, headphones, victor reader, and my sunglasses. Winifred got out after I did. "Iris, you left your white cane."

I felt as she gave it to me.

"Thanks." I said.

"I'll miss you, Irie." Winifred said, squeezing my hand.

I could tell she was upset. "I will miss you too, Wini. But don't worry, it won't be long before you see me again. I am coming home for the weekend in the few weeks, you know?"

There was three years between me and Winnifred or Winter. My youngest sister, Sage, was ten years younger than I was. I had just turned fourteen a week ago and was already in my seventh school.  Winnifred was eleven, Sage was Six, and our youngest sibling a boy, Mason was four years old. I really hated having to leave my siblings. Auroran River, where my school was located, was a five hour journey from Irwen. I sighed and stopped holding my sister.

"Are we ready?" Mum asked, coming up to the both of us.

"I guess." I sighed.

Mum put her arm out so I could take her arm, and then she walked us away from Winnifred.

After some moments of walking, mum noticed I was very quiet and silent. Which only happened when I was upset.

"Are you sure you're ok, Iris?" She asked me.

"Yes." I said. "I am just listening to the sounds, you know."

Last time I came to the school in June, people had described what it looked like. It was a four floored building. One floor was for Humanities, and Music, while all the others were for English, Math, drama, independent living skills, and more. So, it was pretty good. Though the part I liked best about the school was the library which had lots of Braille books. I was told that all the college level kids studied in the library or another place, while all lower levels had a special room for their tutor. 

Then I remember how they described the outside. There was this big area for all sports to be played. Then the football area. I avoided both of those places. Though I loved that they said something about there being a swing somewhere. The lower houses were very close to the swing and the building, but far enough away as well. The houses were called Port, Stardust and Snowflakes. I hoped I was in Port. The staff Wiliam, Anastasia, and Pipa were kind and nice. Well, at least Wiliam and Anastasia were. Pipa, not so much. 

Suddenly, my phone buzzed, and Voiceover went off as a text message came to me. I put my headphones in and listened to the message.

Arabella: Hello, Iris. I am here. You're coming soon, right? Also, I think you may be with me. Have to find out though.

I smiled at that thought. I had met Arabella at the family event. I wanted to be sharing with her, so I wouldn't feel so alone. I remember how she described herself to me when we had first met. A girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skinned, and had lots of scars. I had scars as well. Lots of them. My hair was like a strawberry-Blondish with brown colour and my eyes were a dark blue colour. Though they weren't my real eyes. They were fake eyes. I had to have fake eyes because of what happened to me. Hint: Why I'm unable to see. My real eye colour was a really bright colour, but we got dark blue for my fake eyes. Arabella said she was shorter than I am. But I'm tall for my age. And she's a year older than I am. So fifteen, I guess.

"Who was that?" Mum asked once I took my headphones out.

"Bella." I said. "We hope we share together."

"As do I." Mum said. "You and Bella get along very nicely with each other."

I hoped we, me and Arabella, were sharing rooms together. It would be very nice and make me feel better.



Here is chapter 1.

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