Chapter 85

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Iris's POV:

Here we was after we got on to Tutor. Daisy, Gracie, Bella, Dahlia and me took a seat. I sighed and stood to go to my shelf to locate the folders I required for the long day. Bella came to me. "What seems to be the matter, Badass girl?"

I went a bit red. "Cor blimey, why must we do sums today?"

"Since it' on our timetables, you daft cow!" Maria stood behind the two of us.

"Hey, get away from my sister. Unless you want to deal with me." Gracie's voice spoke.

"Damn," said Maria. "Who the bleeding hell are you?"

"Don't you worry, you mug," snarled Gracie. "All that matters is you get away from and leave Iris alone. Because I made someone end up in Hospital with a broken leg due to them telling me to shut up. And you on't want that to be you next."

"Sis?" Mara seemed baffled. "You got twin sis, Blind bloody cow? Al least you've got yourself a sister, while Orphan Britalian Cow here doesn't."

 I heard Bella's bleeding fuming breathing. I knew she was fuming now. "Actually, I did have a bleeding younger sibling. But they're brown bread now just like my old mum and dad. But at least I had parents that give a care and at least I weren't a blooming mistake like you.

I reached and took hold f her hand. "If me was you Mara," I advised calmly. "I would just retreat. We don't need any scraps today at least."

Gracie spotted Bella. "It's all alright, Bella!"

"Come please," I told, gesturing to Bella. "Please Gracie. I truly do not need on today of all days. You understand?"

Gracie come over and give Bella cuddles as me trouble turned on the water works. I spun round to Maria.

"What, bitch?" Maria snapped. "You trying to protect your Bitch eh?"

"Shut up." I snapped. "You'll bloody well pay for that!"

"Hey hey. That's enough." Dahlia's voice said. "It's all fine. Just ignore her. She wnts to upset you."

"I'm going to grass you up, Maria," I said. "How effing dare you call Arabella and me then names. You're proper lucky I haven't done you in."

"And blow me, you ain't frightening me one bit." Maria said.

I were about to give her a good smack when the old door swung open and Mrs Calloway came strolling in. *Oi Iris? What the matter? And oh Arabella, lovey!"

"Maria got the ump with Bella, Miss," I said.

"You got to stop giving them a hard time, Maria!" Mrs Calloway said. "Now ladies, please have a seat."

I give Maria a nudge and plonked myself down by Daisy and Arabella.  Arabella was still blubbering."

"You need to leave, Maria!" Mrs Calloway said giving her the evils. "Solstice, park yourself down."

Solstice come and plopped herself down. Maria storming out the room she was. Mrs Calloway come and plonked herself down right next to me.

"What is going to happen, Miss?" I aske feeling quite nervous. "He really ought to cease. Bella has had a dreadful time."

"No worrying," said Miss Calloway. "I'll tell Mrs Barns the lowdown on her."

"Good proper special day," said Solstice. "I've some pressies for you and your twin  sis. Ain't I?"

I was unable to see it, but Gracie were going red.

"Pardon?" Solstice gazed at her. "It's true, I do!"

"Do I sense you in love?" Bella sighed and giggled a bit.

"Good morrow, me old muckers," said Dahlia. "And lovely meeting you in the flesh, Gracie. Been told a load about you."

"Well, welcome to Aurora River dear!" Mrs Calloway got up and give Gracie a shake of her hand.

"Oh um. Ta, Miss." Gracie sounded proper worried.

"No worrying about Maria," said Mrs Calloway. "Iris, Bella and Daisy must of told you bout her."

"Yeah," I said. "But Daisy told me she was a diamond! She bent the truth from me."

"Alright love. What you mean?" Daisy asked. "I ain't bothered. I can tell porkies. Lying ain't nothing to fret about."

"We said truth," me and Bella said.

"They did course," me twin said.

Bell chimed for first lesson that day. I rose and put me rucksack over my shoulder. Me cane were folded up in it. Bella was with, still weeping. I wrapped me arms round her. "Don't let her get to you, Babes! We're so much better than her you know."

"But she called me. And then she called you!"

"I know." I said. "Gracie, come here."

 "Gracie joined the cuddle. *Iris's bang on. You're proper better than her!"

"I' awful! Awful and horrible!" Cried me lover.

Gracie grabbed Bela from me. "Shut up. Ira, go to the class and inform we'll be late."

I nodded and started making me way to class.


It was four bells and school was over for the day. I was strolling back home all on me own. Bella had to stay back to ave a chat with Mrs Barns and Mrs Calloway about what occurred in the earlier. I wasn't on me Jack for long though, as I detected the sound of footsteps walking towards me. I stopped and let me twin catch up to me. *Cor blimey, Jess! What are we gonna do?"

Gracie give me a cuddle and give me a little tug on me shirt sleeve, she did.

"What? Thee wants me to go back with thee to school? I asked.

 "Cor blimey," Gracie said starting to guide me back. I was baffled. *Um ... Jess? Why we are going back?"

I felt the  panic grip me guts.

 "Oi, Bella ain't been kicked out. Or has she?" 

 Jess shook her loaf, gripping my duke.

 "Maria's been chucked out?" I felt a glimmer of hope in me.

 "Na, she ain't,* sighed a voice.

 Then her pins grabbed me. "She's only got three dabs."

"Cor blimey," I said. "I'm reckoning the chat didn't do no good, did it?"

"Sadly not," sighed me lover. "However Mrs Barns is knowing of the situation. She instructed me to seek her out if I wished to stay out of lessons and everyone agreed."

"Cor blimey, that's bang on!" I said. "I'm chuffed with that!"

Gracie Had a seat. Bella had a seat next tr 'er. *Ta, Jess! You're a banging mate. I can see why you two were well close."

 I smiled. "I proper missed ya, Jess!"

Bella patted me shoulder and then gave me an Gracie a cuddle. *C'mon, you two! Let's Have it back to Port!" 

 We're off.



Here's the 85th chapter. Not so great for Gracie eh?

I'll write Bella's POV in a few days.

Hope that you did enjoy the chapter.

Kitten out.

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now