Chapter 18: Discovering.

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Arabella's POV:

Iris was weeping. I had hoped that the talk would have soothed her. However it hadn't. Never mind!

Anastasia looked to me as we entered the study room. She appeared sad.

"What's the matter?" I questioned.

"Iris," sighed Anastasia. "She's terribly upset. She simply dreads returning to her infernal home. She hasn't been as blessed as you, dear."

"Poor Iris," I sighed. "I was concerned after wet had met at the family event back in June. She seemed so scared and was shaking as we bid goodbye. My only desire was to get Eira to take her home with us. Iris truly needs to get out of that place!"

"I didn't desire to alarm Iris," stated Anastasia. "However Natalie has actually caused harm to Winnifred."

I gulped. "How?"

"She slapped her. Not quite as badly as Iris. But she harmed her."

"Gosh," I sighed. "I reckon we should notify the police regarding her."

"I must agree," said Anastasia. "We need to help Iris get out of her deep hole."

I nodded. "But how? Our bully is here. Natalie may drive up and arrive at this place. Pipa might repeat that thing to her."

"We shall simply have to support Iris," said Anastasia. "Saying words that shall help her. She may yet do self-harm. However you must remain there for her during the periods when I am not going to duty."

"Very well," I replied. "I shall try to!"

Anastasia nodded. "I know you will, dear! Now go and check on her condition. Inform her that I'll be coming in shortly to apply her creams!"

I nodded and stoop up.

Iris was chewing her biscuits and taking her medication. I scowled at Georgina, who was lurking in the corner, listening to our talk. It came as no surprise to me that she had some wicked plan in her mind. She caught sight of me watching her and gave a bitchy grin.

"Georgina," I said. "We simply have no need for further drama at the moment."

"Who says?" Georgina strode towards me.

"We do," snarled Iris.

"Irie," I said. "Compose yourself. I've got it."

"Really? Do you?" Georgina was nearer ow.

Wiliam entered the room. "Ladies. Knock it off."

Georgina glared at me. Then she briskly walked away. I approached Iris who was looking unwell. It was merely our second evening, and she was going apart.

"Come on, darling," I whispered softly rubbing small circles onto her back. "Fear not. For Anastasia shall arrive shortly.

"Very well," sniffled Iris.

"Aw, Iris," I sighed as she broke down for the third time in that day. "Fear not, friend. We shan't hurt you."

Iris simply wept and started to scratch. I went to grasp her hands and gently placed them within my hands. "Cease this."

But I was aware she would not.



Here is the 18TH chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now