Chapter 83: Irris special blinding

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Arabella's POV:

For the next month, wedding plans was going well fr Anastasia and Noah. Iris and I, as well as Gracie, Daisy, Dahlia, Winter, Sage and Elvira were helping them. Mason was of course to young to. Gracie and Isla would call us over dog and bone all the time.  We was all very chuffed.

Though today, it were different. Me and the mates and Bailey family were planning a mystery. This day were Iris and Gracie's special day. Not their birthday. But still a special day for the lasses. And of course we was still at school. Though Nah and I did come up with a special mystery that I had been keeping from Daisy and Dahlia as well! It were that Gracie were coming over from Franc for a while, chilling out at the school. School apparently weren't panning out for her in France. She was give a right old slagging for being disabled. The poor lassie. Though we were coming to Aurora River as well. Apples and pears, she was loosing her sigh and was going blind.

I was as always the first awake, getting me present ready. I got Iris a Brailled card from some place. I was readying me present which was a stress toy and a new pair of shoes. Iris had managed to break her last stress toy and she had gotten upset over it. I sighed as I finished getting the presents ready.  

"What you up to, Lovely?" Iris was up and about now.

"Oh blimey!" I sighed. "I were just checking our rucksacks, honey."

That wasn't the bleeding best fib, Arabella.

"Cor blimey," said me trouble and strife.

She rose and sat on her kip. I went over and sat as well. "Happy Special Day, Iris!"

"Aw, thanks so much," said Iris, seeming a bit sorry.

"Oi," I said placing me arms round her. "What's the crack?"

"Blimey, it's going to be another special day without Jess," sighed Iris as her voice cracked.

"Oh lovey dove!" I wrapped me arms round her as she started to broke down. "You've got me and Dahlia. And I suppose you've got  Daisy."

There was a pitter patter of doggies feet outside our door. Then a whimper sounded in our lugholes.

"Baby, Basil's here," I said. "Would you like her to come on in?"

"Oi Bella, Iris?" Daisy's voice came to our ears through the door. "We got new visitor!"

"Blimey," Iris sighs. "Fine. Allow them inside."

"Righto," I said. "Enter, Dais."

The door swung opened and Daisy walk in, Basil trailing her. But she wasn't on her Jack. I grinned to the other lass and grinned. "Iris, Love," I said softly. "We have got a proper visitor, love."

The second lass come up to me and give me a grin. "Alright, love!"

Gracie gave me a right dirty look and shook her loaf as she didn't like being called that name. ""Na mate, not that name."

"Oi Jess?" Iris stopped blubbering. "That really is you, yes?" 

Gracie looked to her twin sis and give her a proper hug. "Cor, what a top present, Bella! Now Iris. Stop bawling or as Auntie always said, stop bawling or I'll give you something to bawl about."

"Er I remember," sighed Iris.

"Blimey," I said. "That ain't a nice thing to say!""

"Cor blimey," said Gracie. "That was a proper bang up gift!"

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now