Chapter 56. The concepts for the song. Part 1.

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Iris's POV:

I embraced the canine. She gave me a lick.

"You quite alright, Ira?" Asked Bella as I got to the ground laughing.

"I ... I believe I am." I said.

"Basil," scolded Bella. "Get off her!"

Basil crawled off me and I was able to rise. "What happened?"

"Basil somewhat pushed you to the fl-floor," chuckled Bella.

Winter was also chuckling. I chuckled, as well. It was quite a funny. "Oh dear," I said, clutching my sides in pain.

"Thank you for all the laughter," said Winter with a smile as she helped me to sit down. "It's quite amazing how you didn't pass out from all of that."

I sighed and took a seat. Bella came over and sat down. "Join us, Winter."

Winter sat and grinned at Bella. "Do yyou enjoy our crazy home?"

"Indeed," said Bela. "It's better to my other ones. I feel secure. I didn't feel the same in Horseshoe due to the feeling auntie was watching."

"Quite okay," said Winter. "Ira? You feeling alright?"

I wasn't aware I was sitting there silently. "Indeed," I said at last. "Simply pondering."

"What about, dearest?" Bella asked, grasping my hand. "Nothing awful, I trust."

"Why would I be anxious?" I asked, confused.

"No idea," said Bella. "You seem deep in memory."

"Just the mere fact I have the finest girlfriend," I said. "Who helped break me out my shell. I trust you feel secure in this place."

Winter chuckled as Bella drew me to her. "You both are just adorable! You're the perfect match."

Bella chuckled, messing my hair. "I certainly feel secure, Love. You make me feel secure."

"That's cool," I giggled. "We all adore you, babe."

Winter nodded. "Although Sage and Mason may be too young to understand romantic love, they see you as a sister figure. Mason truly cares for you."

"Shall we get them upstairs?" I inquired. "If we're going to do this song."

"I can go fetch them," said Winter rising to her feet.

"Thank you, my sister," I grinned to her.

Winter exited, followed by Basil. Bella allowed the door to close before drawing me toward her once more. My heart began to thump in my chest. I understood her wants and wanted it as well!

"Would you like to know the French term for I love you?" I asked.

"Indeed," said my lovely girlfriend.

"It is Je taime," I said. "Quite simple to say."

"Um ... Je taime?" Bella attempted.

"Don not fret if you don not get it exactly," I hugged her. "But French truly is a romantic and beautiful language."

"Certainly," said Bella. "What is my love in French?"

"Mon amour," I grinned.

"I believe that's the only French I am known with," said Bella. "Aside from Hello. And that's Bonjour."

I smiled. "And now you know four more words. I'm proud."

We laughed. Then Bella drew me to her. "Perhaps those words will be easier for me to learn."

"I mean you do say them every day," I said. "Just in English instead of French."

We chuckled. And then the door swung open.



Here's chapter 56. Bye!

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now