Chapter 66:. Enjoy after dinner

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Bella's POV:

I embraced Iris who looked concerned. It was a few moments following the call, and she was sure something was amiss with Gracie.

"What might be issue with her?" I rubbed her back.

"Hopefully it isn't too bad," sighed me missus. "She didn't sound okay."

"Something else is in much your thoughts," I said. "Is it like the reason she doesn't wear jewellery?"

"I know the reason she refrained," Iris seemed the verge of tears. "The monster attempted to murder her as well!"

Me phone rang. I glanced at it and let out a breath.

"Are you, is everything alright?" Iris looked like she had forgot her fears for a moment.

"Oh, just Jess. Wanting you to be alright," I said. "You know, she is able to see your expressions as well."

"I'm perfectly well," said Iris.

Daisy entered the room. She came over and gazed at us. "How do you do? What going on?"

"Not a lot," said Iris.
I grinned. "No worries about it."

"You're both certain?" Daisy looked troubled.

"It isn't anything," said Iris. "No worries for me."

I grinned. "She'll be alright."

"Very well," sighed Daisy.

"Has dinner been yet?" Winter had returned.

"I'm not certain," I said.

"When's the surprise occurring?" Winter walked over.

"I have it prepared," I said. "I believe it's great."

"The lyrics are amazing as well!" Iris chuckled. "It's the best one we've ever made."

"It's calmer now," said Winter. "Due to your efforts, girls."

"Indeed," said Iris.

"I can hardly wait to do it," said Daisy. "I'm even singing."

"Evidently," murmured Winter. "Dad has a rather unique surprise for Anastasia."

"Indeed?" I faced her. "I've a notion what it is."

"I agree," said Iris.

"I saw him in act," said Daisy giggling. "He needed my input."

All of us laughed. I took my phone out and replied to Gracie.


It was post dinner. I was upstairs with Daisy and Iris.. We were all seated on the ground.

"We got school in a fortnight," sighed Iris. "Now Christmas is nearly finished, I must catch up on what I've missed."

"You didn't miss much," said Daisy. "Just the teachers decision to postpone any new material. And a rather amusing fight between a pair of students."

I was distracted. Gracie was sending me concerning messages via text. She didn't want me to tell anything to Iris about our texting. Suddenly I started to feel a bit anxious.

"Hey, Bel?" Iris asked me. "You quite alright? You breathing stopped."

"Fuck!" I said sitting upright and breathing. "Sorry!"

"Are you alright?" Daisy wrapped an arm round me. You haven't been in that way since the day."

"I do recall that," said Iris. "You seem quite agitated, darling. What's the matter?"

"Nothing's wrong," I fibbed.

"Is it Jess," said Iris.

"It isn't," I said.

"Jess?" Daisy seemed confusion. "But her name is Gracie?"

"My moniker for her," said Iris.

"Okay," said Daisy.

"Kindly grant me five minutes," I said as I stood.

"Where are you off to?" Asked Iris.

"Search for your dad," I said honestly. "I've got a thing I must speak to him about."

"Oh, very well," said Iris.

I opened the door and in walked Basil. "Oh, it's Basil!"

Basil walked to Iris and lay down before her. She was cute this day!

"Goodbye, Bella," said Daisy holding Iris. "I'll ensure Iris is well. You go chat with Noah."

I nodded then went down them stairs.



I present chapter 66.

Chapter 67 shall be Noah's POV. Bye now!

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now