Chapter 23. Midday meal.

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Iris's POV:

I was concerned. I heard a great deal of screaming and swearing outside the room. Dahlia and Daisy were also on edge.

"Bella," I murmured. "Please not."

Iris," said Daisy softly. "She shall be alright."

Then we heard a dull sound. Then Calloway's voice scolding Georgina.

"Bella?" My heart was racing. "Daisy?"

"Would you like me to check and see?" Asked Daisy.

I gave a nod. Daisy walked towards the door.

"Is she alright?" Asked Dahlia upon her return.

"Nope." Daisy sounded terrified. "She is bleeding."

"Oh no," I gasped.

"She appeared bruised too." Daisy sounded distressed. "Georgina must have harmed her bad because Miss Calloway is holding her."

"Oh dear dear dear," I panicked, tears coming from my eyes.

Both girls gave me an gentle hug. "Oh Iris."

I sniffled. My little darling. In pain.. I couldn't manage. I desired to come near her and hug her as she did for me on our second evening. I longed to be in her company. Oh why did I express that she couldn't depend upon me? Why did I become cross with her?

It was lunchtime. I had managed to consume one half of a peanut butter sandwich, giving the other half upon Daisy. She guided me back to our tutor room where Miss Calloway was present. She embraced me with her arm. "Bella will be alright, shortly."

I took a seat. Miss Calloway was awfully strict. But she showed kindness to Bella and me. I was pleased.


I turned my head towards Bella. She had finally awoken. She reached her hand towards mine. I clasped it. It felt quite chilly.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked. "You were in quite a bit of pain earlier. Dais informed me."

"Still hurting," sighed my girlfriend. "I really made an effort to remain calmed, but Georgina reminded me of the times when we were together in Melody Pond. She hurt me there, as well!"

"How awful?" I sat on the brink of the bed.

"As bad as she had today," said Bella.

I went to hug her when she flinched. I could tell it as her body tensed up. Poor girl!

"Aw, Bella," I said. "Please recover soon."

"They shall be taking me back to port in the afternoon for Miss Calloway has got students," said Bella. "Oh, how I long to be in classes with you, dear!"

I blushed. "Oh you shall be next week."

"What are we having in the afternoon, then?" Asked Bella. "What will I miss?"

"Music and Theatre," I said. "Our individual lessons for acting, singing, and our other instruments aren't until our actual second week. However our clubs do start next week."

"I lost track of my clubs," said Bella.

"Horseback riding, dance, and Art? I believe." I said.

"Oh, yes," said Bella. "You're partaking in them as well!"

"Yeah," I replied.

The bell chimed for the next period of the day. Bella embraced me. "Best of luck this afternoon, darling."

"I would like you to take rest this afternoon," I said. "Simply recover for me."

Bella held my hand. "Until we talk again after school hours."

I nodded and exited the room to attend my Maths class.

Daisy and Dahlia clasped my hands.

"Is she alright, now?" Asked Dahlia.

"She is spending the afternoon in the house," I sighed. "I do not hold her at fault. Poor Bella."

Dahlia hugged me. "You adore her, don't you."

"Yes," I said. "It pained me to discover she was harmed. I ought to of got it, not her. It was my own fault."

"Now, Iris," said Daisy. "Don't ponder upon that. It isn't your fault she was injured. It was all Georgina's doing."

"I've heard she's been kicked out the school," said Dahlia. "If that's a romor or not, I haven't a clue."

I crossed me fingers.

Later, I returned to the house with Daisy. She was also in Port. Anastasia noticed me and walked over. "Just to inform you, my dear. Pipa is on. Please do confine yourself to your room. Bella is having a rest in there."

"She is currently walking round your room She has only recently risen from slumber, do mind. She appears very feeble. Not like you can see though. It is worse for us because we see the pain she endured."

I nodded. I didn't consider it offensive. I was known to that.

Once I entered the chamber and discarded both mine and Bella's bags on the floor by our beds, Bella approached. "Lovely. This is so lovely."

"What's the matter, love?" Bella had her arms round me.

"You get injured. And now Pipa's on duty." I felt frightened. "Next it'll be my aunt. Today's becoming more and more dreadful."

Bella embraced me, taking care of her aching stomach and throat. "It's not your fault I got injured," she stated knowing my thoughts. "Georgina intended to harm me anyway. You cannot see the awful in the look she had. She wished your absence."

I sighed. "Foolish. It should of been me, once more."

"Once more?" Bella was concerned. "She harmed you as well?"

"Yes," I said. "It wasn't just Auntie who mistreated me. Nicola's parents, Georgina, Ariana, and teachers at previous school as well."

I could sense Bella was becoming displeased on my behalf.



Hopefully, it'll calm Or perhaps not!

The following chapter will be up later.

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