Chapter 72. My saviour!

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Arabella's POV:

The sight that was unfolding was truly amazing. Iris appeared very confident. I lay there in my safe and secure spot as she confronted Auntie and Natalie. I did feel so very scared for Iris. Her lack of sight seemed to put her at a very large  disadvantage. Or I believed it did.

"Do you really think you're brave enough to defy us?" My auntie started to advance. "That k9 won't do us harm."

"Fancy a wager?" Iris was brave. "She's getting narked."

Natalie looked proper gobsmacked as she stared at Iris. "Cor, who'd have thought it. The blind freak ain't taking no shit."

"I'm sorry. What you just said, Natalie?" Iris snarled.

"Well the Blonde nutter ain't having it for you," said Natalie backing away. "She's too feeble to sort you out."

"I see her there," said Auntie staring at me. "You still missing poor mummy and daddy?"

"Let Arabella be," Iris was prepared to let Basil go.

"Or else what?" Auntie advanced to me.

Iris's other hand gave her a sharp smack. "How dare you bring up the topic of her parents in Arabella's presence."

I felt unsteady in my secure spot. Why did my aunt have to bring up my parents?

"You're proper heavy handed, you bitch!" Auntie went to grab Iris. "Didn't know bitches could hit."

"That's enough," snarled Natalie as Iris struck Natalie once more.

The door swung open yet again. Noah and Anastasia stood there right by Elvira and Dahlia. Dahlia cried out as she saw Daysi on the floor. Anastasia glanced round the room and spotted me. Noah ignored Natalie, Auntie and Iris and came to me. "Come, Bella. Come with us. We'll keep you safe. Alright?"

"But Iris and Daysi. What bout them?" I felt like having a cry.

"The bobbies are on their ways," said Noah helping me to me feet. "Oh, darling. It's quite alright."

I attempted to blink away me tears. "What of Elvira?"

Elvira came over and aided Noah in removing me from the room. Anastasia carrying Daysi while Dahlia followed after.

"What and how?" Elvira said. ""Assumed they were jailed."

"Not a clue," said Noah softly  rubbing my back. "Calm now, Love. It'll be alright. We'll get Daysi to the hospital and let their Mum know what's going on at the moment. True, Elvira?"

Elvira nodded. "I informed  her via text now."

"Iris s in there still," I sighed. "What is she's harmed, Noah?"

"You saw how she confronted them, yes?" Elvira also hugged me! "Iris has much more than we have credited her for."

"I am very happy of her," I confessed. "My own saviour!"

"She's surly made up of strong gear," said Stasia. "That is the reason why you're greatly suited, Bella!"

I could only concur. "I only trust she'll be alright."

"She got the dog for her," said Elvira. "No need to fret."

Snarling and barking was heard from the room. Almost as if Iris had finally released the k9.

"Remove dog from me, Elena!" Said Natalie's scared tone.

"I cannot Natalie!" Auntie's equally frightened voice replied.

"Quiet down, both you bitches," come my bird's voice. "Giver her another bite, Basil!"

"Well I'll be," said Elvira. "Iris truly has a knack for staying calm under pressure."

"Or she been keeping it inside until now," Noah gave a sly wink.

I was at a loss for words. My thoughts were elsewhere.



The chapter was a bit shorter this time. But I really need to add Iris's POV to all this events. So next chapter will be that Iris's POV. Does she get hurt? Maybe. Just kidding.

Kitten out!

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin