Chapter 24. Iris's day goes downhill

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Arabella's POV:

"Oh, Iris," I said softly embracing her. "I do wish they all would be in prison. You do not deserve this pain. Especially what you had as an infant and a young lady!"

Iris appeared to be quite pale. I felt rather unwell within myself, due to the events of this morning.

"How were them classes?" I asked to divert her attention.

"The theatre teacher finds favour in me," said Iris. "Music, does not hold the same appeal."

"Oh, sweetie," I cradled her gently, trying not to yelp in pain.

I was still having pain in my stomach and chest. My throat hurt. But it was not good to tell her. "What reason?"

"I'm not sure," replied Iris. "I did have a breakdown during singing. Daisy had to come and take me out for a bit."

"Oh, darling," I said. "I aorry. You may blame Georgina if you wish."

I shall, dear," said Iris. "How's your stomach and chest? Has the pain improved?"

"In all honesty ... it still hurts," I said. "But I am able to breathe again. That's the all of the matter."

Iris was biting her lip. Her upper lip trembling a if she were about to burst into tears. I can hear her, Bella. My aunt. Talking with Pipa. I have no desire to perish."

I gazed upon her terrified face. I knew that look. It was exactly the way I appeared whenever my own aunt would be with my uncle, Leo. My own pain seemed forgotten in that moment. Iris needed my help. Her two worst enemies were present today!

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Iris asked as I stood.

"Just getting my mobile," I said. "That's all."

I found my mobile and stumbled a bit towards Iris. Then I sent a text to Noah. I noticed that Gracie had messaged me on the messenger platform.

G: Is everything alright? Iris sent me a message mentioning that you got injured today. Xx.

I replied with a text back.

B: I shall ring you shortly. A thing has gone on our end. Xx.

Then I messaged Noah.

B: Hello, Noah. Natalie's here talking with Pipa. Iris's quite scared. What course of action do I take?

I send the message and hugged my girlfriend. She was trembling quite much. Poor lass.

"What ought I do?" Iris's voice was so terrified. "We shall attend to dinner. We ... we must exit this room. Anastasia ordered me to remain here. Now I know the reason."

"Calm yourself, honey," I hugged her, dismissing my own pain. "Rest assured, we shall devise a plan."

There was a rap at the door. I sensed Iris become very tense. I didn't give a hoot as pain got me. Her equal pain held much more meaning. No one would hurt my girl.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Daisy," came her voice. "May I enter?"

"Indeed," I said.

The door swung open and Daisy dashed inside, forcefully shutting the door behind her. She was breathless.

"Er ... Dais?" I gazed at her. "What's the matter?"

"Allow me to state that Natalie is present," said Daisy, telling our fears.

"What does she desire?" Iris's lips were both trembling.

Daisy sat next to Iris on her other side. "Bella," she said. "Make sure Iris doesn't leave. Keep her in here. She's carrying weapons."

"Having what?" I felt unwell.

"Two guns and  a whip." Daisy gazed at me. The colour vanished from her face. "She shot my father when I was a young child. My elder sister had to evacuate the two of us from the residence."

"Elder sister?" I gazed at her.

"My sister and I were separated due to Natalie," stated Daisy. "I do yearn for Elvira."

She erupted in tears. Iris embraced her. "Elvira is our of harm's way, Dais. She resides close to me. Her caretakers are making her indoors at the moment."

"Elvira?" I asked. "I am friends with her. She never mentioned you to me, Daisy."

"That's jolly good." Daisy sobbed. "I assumed she liked me as a sister."

"I'm confident that if she were aware of your friendship with the both of us," I said. "She shall know you."

"A gun?" Iris murmured. "She possesses a fucking gun? Two fucking guns?"

"Iris," I murmured tenderly. "We'll be just fine."

"But you are not allowed to have a firearm unless she has a valid license to have one." All colour instantly vanished from Iris's face.

"My aunt had a firearm," I confessed. "But she never used it against me."

"We must ensure the protection of one another," sniffled Daisy.

"But I'm destined for a grim fate." Iris whimpered. "I'm dead."

"Not if we can be of help," said Daisy embracing her. "Bella and I stand by you. We shall ensure your safety."

"Of course we shall," I declared. "Should it entail one of us savoring the bullet instead of yourself, we shall remain by your flank, my dear."

Iris blushed. Daisy chuckled. "You are a darling couple."

I grinned. "I'd do anything for her. I wouldn't even mind perishing, if it's to safe guard her."

"I'm certain nobody shall perish." Daisy embraced Iris, who was mumbling to herself.

"Would you do that?" Iris sounded concerned. "Would you actually sacrifice yourself, on my behalf?"

"You are sounding like the Queen from the first frozen movie." I said with a chuckle. "Certainly, Irie. I shall comply. I highly doubt that such a thing will happen though. Your father and I have formed a plan."



Hello, everyone.

Here is chapter 24. Now, simply as a prewarning, something does occur. However it is not fatal. This person shall survive. Yet for the present I shall depart, allowing you to think what shall happen next.

It will be told by Daisy next chapter too.

Also, what do you think of Daisy's character so far?

Iris Eve Bailey - At Auroran River Book 1 - (ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now